Гуру форума
- Регистрация
- 17 Май 2009
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- 68
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
хе,теперь неработает вывод в общий фрейм)а приват работает)
может как то можно сделать что бы и то и то работало?
![Улыбка :) :)](/styles/default/nulled/smilies/ab.gif)
Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Примечание: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
if($enable_gzip) ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] > 0 or $current_user->custom_class != 0) { ?>
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function run_cmd(cmdType) {
var victim = document.forms[0].whisper.value;
var msg = document.forms[0].mesg.value;
var IsCorrect = false;
if(cmdType == "do_damn" || cmdType == "do_undamn" || cmdType == "do_reward") {
if(victim.length == 0 || msg.length == 0) { alert('<?php echo $w_roz_need_cause; ?>'); return;}
IsCorrect = true;
if(cmdType == "do_announce") {
if(msg.length == 0) { alert('<?php echo $w_roz_add_announce; ?>'); return;}
IsCorrect = true;
if(cmdType == "do_alert") {
if(victim.length == 0 || msg.length == 0) { alert('<?php echo $w_roz_add_alert; ?>'); return;}
IsCorrect = true;
if(cmdType == "do_clear" <?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_VIEW_PRIVATE) { ?>
|| cmdType == "do_redirect" ||
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cmdType == "do_shutdown" ||
cmdType == "do_mouseoff" ||
cmdType == "do_keyboardoff"
<?php } ?>) {
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if(victim.length == 0 || msg.length == 0) { alert('<?php echo $w_roz_add_silence; ?>'); return;}
IsCorrect = true;
if(cmdType == "do_ban" ||
cmdType == "do_ring" ||
cmdType == "do_ip_ban" ||
cmdType == "do_hash_ban" ||
cmdType == "do_jail" ||
cmdType == "do_subnet_ban"
) {
if(victim.length == 0 || msg.length == 0) { alert('<?php echo $w_roz_add_ban; ?>'); return;}
IsCorrect = true;
if(IsCorrect) {
document.forms[0].banType.value = cmdType;
if(parent.nNav == 1) parent.ret_sub();
var myColors = Array(<?php
$t_col = count($registered_colors);
for ($i = 0; $i<$t_col;$i++) {
echo "'".$registered_colors[$i][1]."'";
if ($i+1 <$t_col) echo ",";
var rememNick = "";
function WhisperTo(NickName)
document.forms[0].whisper.value = NickName;
function SendTo(NickName)
function addPic(picName)
document.forms[0].mesg.value = document.forms[0].mesg.value + " " + picName + " ";
function underConst() {
alert('Эта штука еще в разработке! Руками не трогать! :-)');
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if ($browser == "msie" && $user_chat_type!="reload" && $user_chat_type!="js_tail")
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if ($browser == "msie" && $user_chat_type=="js_tail")
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if (parent.voc_mess_frameset.voc_shower.voc_js_main.pause == 1) {document.forms[0].pause.value=">";document.forms[0].pause.title="<?php echo $w_cont_scrolling;?>";}
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<?php } ?>
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// rollower images
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chat_filter_off.src ="img/only_fo_me.jpg";;
pause_on = new Image(28,28);
pause_on.src ="img/hover_pause.jpg";
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<?php } ?>
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// Get the position for the help popup
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function msgdecode()
var strTable1="qwertyuiop[]asdfghjklzxcvbnm,.QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:ZXCVBNM<>йцукенгшщзхъфывапролдячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЯЧСМИТЬБЮ'\";эЭж";
var strTable2="йцукенгшщзхъфывапролдячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЯЧСМИТЬБЮqwertyuiop[]asdfghjklzxcvbnm,.QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:ZXCVBNM<>эЭж'\";";
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function whoIs()
var u_name = document.forms[0].whisper.value;
if(u_name != '') window.open('profiler.php?session=<?php echo $session; ?>&user_to_search='+u_name, 'Info', 'resizable=yes,width=600,height=450,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,status=no');
else alert('<?php echo $w_info_tip_err; ?>');
function click_filter()
var fvVal = document.forms[0].ChatFilter.value;
if (fvVal != '1') {
alert('<?php echo $w_filter_tip_on; ?>');
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document.all('chat_filter_').src = chat_filter_on.src;
document.all('chat_filter_').alt = '<?php echo $w_filter_tip_on; ?>';
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document.forms[0].act.value = 'filter_on';
} else {
alert('<?php echo $w_filter_tip; ?>');
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document.all('chat_filter_').alt = '<?php echo $w_filter_tip; ?>';
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document.forms[0].act.value = 'filter_off';
function click_pause()
var fvVal = parent.voc_shower.pause;
if (fvVal != 1) {
<?php if(!$cu_array[USER_REDUCETRAFFIC]) { ?>
document.all('pause_img').src = pause_on.src;
document.all('pause_img').alt = '<?php echo $w_roz_pause_tip_on; ?>';
<?php } ?>
parent.voc_shower.pause = 1;
parent.voc_shower_priv.pause = 1;
} else {
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document.all('pause_img').src = pause_off.src;
document.all('pause_img').alt = '<?php echo $w_roz_pause_tip; ?>';
<?php } ?>
parent.voc_shower.pause = 0;
parent.voc_shower_priv.pause = 0;
function msg_submit() {
if(parent.nNav == 1) parent.ret_sub();
// -->
<link rel=stylesheet href="_inc/index.css" type=text/css>
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<img src="<?=current_design?>spacer.gif" width="5" height="2">
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var newWindow;
function OpenWin() {
window.status = 'мое окно';
strfeatures = "top=100,left=100,width=500,height=800,toolbar=no";
window.open("<?php echo $current_design;?>smileys.php?session=<?php echo $session;?>","bigger",strfeatures);
function CloseWin() {
if(newWindow) {
newWindow = null;
window.status = "";
<a onClick="return OpenWin()"><img src="http://amore-chat.net/powmod/xstatus/img/14.gif" /></a>
<td align=left nowrap>
<input value="X" title="Стереть содержимое строки ввода ников" class=input_button style="{width:16;}" onclick="whisper.value='';" type="button"> <input name="whisper" type="text" size=8 style="width:100px;" class=flat <?php if($opcode == "popup") echo "readonly"; ?>> <input type="button" class=input_button value="<?=$w_roz_profile?>" onClick="whoIs();"> <input type=checkbox name="clr_to" <?php if($current_user->use_old_paste == 0 and $allow_multiply) { ?> checked <?php } ?>> <small><?php echo $w_clear_nick_after; ?> </small> <input name="style_i" type="checkbox" value=1><b><font color="#ffffff"><I>I</I></font></b>
<input name="style_u" type="checkbox" value=1><b><font color="#ffffff"><u>U</u></font></b>
if(function_exists("translit_".strtolower(trim($cu_array[USER_LANG]))) > 0) {
<input name="translit" type="checkbox" value=1><small><?php echo $w_roz_translit; ?></small>
<?php if($allow_multiply) {
if($current_user->use_old_paste == 0 ) { ?>
<td valign=middle>
<input type="button" value="[X]" class=input_button onClick="whisper.value='';">
<?php }} else { ?>
<select name="user_color" style="{width:70px;height: 25px;}">
<?php for($i=0;$i<count($registered_colors);$i++)
echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
if ($i == $user_color) echo " selected";
echo " style=\"background:".$registered_colors[$i][1]."; color:".$registered_colors[$i][1]."\">".$registered_colors[$i][0]."</option>\n";
<? include ("../../powmod/xstatus/insender.php");?><input name="custom_style" type="checkbox" value=1><small><?php echo $w_roz_style; ?></small>
<? if(strlen(trim($current_user->style_start)) > 0 and strlen(trim($current_user->style_end)) > 0) {
<?php } ?>
<table width=100%>
<?php if($current_user->custom_class != 0) { ?>
<tr><td valign=middle>
<input type="hidden" name="banType" value="">
<?php if($current_user->custom_class & CST_PRIEST) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_damn_cmd;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_damn')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_undamn_cmd; ?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_undamn')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_reward_cmd; ?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_reward')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_admin_alert;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_alert')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_silence;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_silence')>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] > 0) { ?>
<tr><td colspan=5 align=left>
<input type="hidden" name="banType" value="">
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_announce ;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_announce')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_admin_alert;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_alert')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_clear_pub;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_clear')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_jail;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_jail')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_roz_silence;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_silence')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_adm_chaos ;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_chaos')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_adm_level[ADM_BAN];?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_ban')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_IP_BAN) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_adm_level[ADM_IP_BAN];?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_ip_ban')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN_BY_SUBNET) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_adm_level[ADM_BAN_BY_SUBNET];?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_subnet_ban')>
<?php } ?>
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<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo $w_adm_level[ADM_BAN_BY_BROWSERHASH];?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_hash_ban')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_BAN_BY_BROWSERHASH) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="<?php echo Quake;?>" onClick=run_cmd('do_ring')>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($cu_array[USER_CLASS] & ADM_VIEW_PRIVATE) { ?>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="redirect" onClick=run_cmd('do_redirect')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="comatoze" onClick=run_cmd('do_multiplywindows')>
<input type="button" class=input_button value="reboot" onClick=run_cmd('do_shutdown')>
<?php }} ?>
<?php include($file_path."designes/".$design."/common_body_end.php");?>
И когда запускаю engine.php(тобишь викторину) то вот что мне выдаёт шелл:
./engine.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
./engine.php: line 2: /aquota.group: Permission denied
./engine.php: line 3: config.php: command not found
./engine.php: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
./engine.php: line 4: ` * @author ChatMaster <chat@dream.lv>'
эх кто бы мне с викториной помог![]()