#Config file for the Voodoo chat
#generated automatically by the chat/admin/configure.php script
#Please, DON'T edit this file by hand.
$web_indicator = 0;
$colorize_nicks = 1;
$max_from_ip = 5;
$history_size = 10;
$history_size_shower = 0;
$max_photo_size = 2147483647;
$max_photo_width = 1024;
$max_photo_height = 1024;
$max_avatar_size = 0;
$max_avatar_width = 0;
$max_avatar_height = 0;
$current_to_canon = "normal";
$enabled_b_style = 1;
$enabled_i_style = 1;
$enabled_u_style = 1;
$priv_frame = 1;
$logging_messages = 1;
$logging_ban = 1;
$allow_pics = 0;
$allow_priv_pics = 0;
$pics_maxsize = 0;
$pics_maxw = 0;
$pics_maxh = 0;
$nick_min_length = 3;
$nick_max_length = 15;
$nick_available_chars = "_a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-я";
$club_mode = 1;
$impro_registration = 0;
$registration_mailconfirm = 0;
$keep_whisper = 1;
$max_images = 10;
$max_mailbox_size = 4096;
$disconnect_time = 60;
$admin_mail = "admin\@suite.ru";
$message_format = "<small><a style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.addPic(' див. [HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC] ');\">[HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC]</a></small><a style='text-decoration: underline' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[NICK_WO_TAGS]');\"><b>[NICK]</b></a>: [MESSAGE]";
$message_fromme = "<small><a style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.addPic(' див. [HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC] ');\">[HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC]</a></small><span class=\"hu\"><a style='text-decoration: underline' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[NICK_WO_TAGS]');\"><b>[NICK]</b></a>: [MESSAGE]</span>";
$private_message = "<small><a style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.addPic(' див. [HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC] ');\">[HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC]</a></small> <b>[<a style='text-decoration: none' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[NICK_WO_TAGS]');\">[NICK]</a>-><a style='text-decoration: none' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[TO]');\">[TO]</a>]</b>: [MESSAGE]";
$private_message_fromme = "<small><a style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.addPic(' див. [HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC] ');\">[HOURS]:[MIN]:[SEC]</a></small> <b>[<a style='text-decoration: none' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[NICK_WO_TAGS]');\">[NICK]</a>-><a style='text-decoration: none' style='{cursor: pointer}' onClick=\"javascript:parent.Whisper('[TO]');\">[TO]</a>]</b>: [MESSAGE]";
$private_hidden = "";
$nick_highlight_before = "<b>";
$nick_highlight_after = "</b>";
$str_w_n_before = "<span class=\"hs\">";
$str_w_n_after = "</span>";
$engine = "files";
$long_life_data_engine = "files";
$chat_url = "http://имя сайта/чат";
$images_url = "";
$vocplus_useguardian = "1";
$vocplus_guardian_dellogs = "1";
$open_chat = "0";
$enable_reiting = "1";
$allow_multiply = "1";
$enable_gzip = "0";
$md5_salt = "";
$daemon_host = "http://имя сайта";
$daemon_port = 9133;
$daemon_listen = "";
$daemon_type = 2;
$locale = "C";
$modvoc_socket = "/tmp/vochat";
$max_connect = 40;
$file_path = "/путь до /папки/chat";
$designes[0] = "имя диза";
$designes[1] = "имя диза";
$default_design = "имя диза";
$chat_types[0] = "tail";
#shared memory
$shm_mess_id = 0;
$shm_users_id = 0;
$mysql_server = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "user";
$mysql_password = "password";
$mysql_db = "db";
$mysql_table_prefix = "";
#flood protection settings
$flood_protection = 0;
$flood_time = 3;
$flood_in_last = 20;
$mess_stat = 1;
$time_offset = 10800;
$max_cap_letters = 5;
$max_per_mail = 10;
$charset = "windows-1251";
$allowed_langs[0] = "ru";
$allowed_langs[1] = "ru";
$language = "ru";