* Plugin Update Checker Library 1.0
* http://w-shadow.com/
* Copyright 2011 Janis Elsts
* Licensed under the GNU GPL license.
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
if ( !class_exists('PluginUpdateChecker') ):
* A custom plugin update checker.
* @author Janis Elsts
* @copyright 2010
* @version 1.0
* @access public
class PluginUpdateChecker {
public $metadataUrl = ''; //The URL of the plugin's metadata file.
public $pluginFile = ''; //Plugin filename relative to the plugins directory.
public $slug = ''; //Plugin slug.
public $checkPeriod = 12; //How often to check for updates (in hours).
public $optionName = ''; //Where to store the update info.
* Class constructor.
* @param string $metadataUrl The URL of the plugin's metadata file.
* @param string $pluginFile Fully qualified path to the main plugin file.
* @param string $slug The plugin's 'slug'. If not specified, the filename part of $pluginFile sans '.php' will be used as the slug.
* @param integer $checkPeriod How often to check for updates (in hours). Defaults to checking every 12 hours. Set to 0 to disable automatic update checks.
* @param string $optionName Where to store book-keeping info about update checks. Defaults to 'external_updates-$slug'.
* @return void
function __construct($metadataUrl, $pluginFile, $slug = '', $checkPeriod = 12, $optionName = ''){
$this->metadataUrl = $metadataUrl;
$this->pluginFile = plugin_basename($pluginFile);
$this->checkPeriod = $checkPeriod;
$this->slug = $slug;
$this->optionName = $optionName;
//If no slug is specified, use the name of the main plugin file as the slug.
//For example, 'my-cool-plugin/cool-plugin.php' becomes 'cool-plugin'.
if ( empty($this->slug) ){
$this->slug = basename($this->pluginFile, '.php');
if ( empty($this->optionName) ){
$this->optionName = 'external_updates-' . $this->slug;
* Install the hooks required to run periodic update checks and inject update info
* into WP data structures.
* @return void
function installHooks(){
//Override requests for plugin information
add_filter('plugins_api', array(&$this, 'injectInfo'), 10, 3);
//Insert our update info into the update array maintained by WP
add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', array(&$this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 3.0+
add_filter('transient_update_plugins', array(&$this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 2.8+
//Set up the periodic update checks
$cronHook = 'check_plugin_updates-' . $this->slug;
if ( $this->checkPeriod > 0 ){
//Trigger the check via Cron
add_filter('cron_schedules', array(&$this, '_addCustomSchedule'));
if ( !wp_next_scheduled($cronHook) && !defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) {
$scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours';
wp_schedule_event(time(), $scheduleName, $cronHook);
add_action($cronHook, array(&$this, 'checkForUpdates'));
//In case Cron is disabled or unreliable, we also manually trigger
//the periodic checks while the user is browsing the Dashboard.
add_action( 'admin_init', array(&$this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates') );
} else {
//Periodic checks are disabled.
* Add our custom schedule to the array of Cron schedules used by WP.
* @param array $schedules
* @return array
function _addCustomSchedule($schedules){
if ( $this->checkPeriod && ($this->checkPeriod > 0) ){
$scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours';
$schedules[$scheduleName] = array(
'interval' => $this->checkPeriod * 3600,
'display' => sprintf('Every %d hours', $this->checkPeriod),
return $schedules;
* Retrieve plugin info from the configured API endpoint.
* @uses wp_remote_get()
* @param array $queryArgs Additional query arguments to append to the request. Optional.
* @return PluginInfo
function requestInfo($queryArgs = array()){
//Query args to append to the URL. Plugins can add their own by using a filter callback (see addQueryArgFilter()).
$queryArgs['installed_version'] = $this->getInstalledVersion();
$queryArgs = apply_filters('puc_request_info_query_args-'.$this->slug, $queryArgs);
//Various options for the wp_remote_get() call. Plugins can filter these, too.
$options = array(
'timeout' => 10, //seconds
'headers' => array(
'Accept' => 'application/json'
$options = apply_filters('puc_request_info_options-'.$this->slug, array());
//The plugin info should be at 'http://your-api.com/url/here/$slug/info.json'
$url = $this->metadataUrl;
if ( !empty($queryArgs) ){
$url = add_query_arg($queryArgs, $url);
$result = wp_remote_get(
//Try to parse the response
$pluginInfo = null;
if ( !is_wp_error($result) && isset($result['response']['code']) && ($result['response']['code'] == 200) && !empty($result['body']) ){
$pluginInfo = PluginInfo::fromJson($result['body']);
$pluginInfo = apply_filters('puc_request_info_result-'.$this->slug, $pluginInfo, $result);
return $pluginInfo;
* Retrieve the latest update (if any) from the configured API endpoint.
* @uses PluginUpdateChecker::requestInfo()
* @return PluginUpdate An instance of PluginUpdate, or NULL when no updates are available.
function requestUpdate(){
//For the sake of simplicity, this function just calls requestInfo()
//and transforms the result accordingly.
$pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo(array('checking_for_updates' => '1'));
if ( $pluginInfo == null ){
return null;
return PluginUpdate::fromPluginInfo($pluginInfo);
* Get the currently installed version of the plugin.
* @return string Version number.
function getInstalledVersion(){
if ( !function_exists('get_plugins') ){
require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
$allPlugins = get_plugins();
if ( array_key_exists($this->pluginFile, $allPlugins) && array_key_exists('Version', $allPlugins[$this->pluginFile]) ){
return $allPlugins[$this->pluginFile]['Version'];
} else {
return ''; //This should never happen.
* Check for plugin updates.
* The results are stored in the DB option specified in $optionName.
* @return void
function checkForUpdates(){
$state = get_option($this->optionName);
if ( empty($state) ){
$state = new StdClass;
$state->lastCheck = 0;
$state->checkedVersion = '';
$state->update = null;
$state->lastCheck = time();
$state->checkedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion();
update_option($this->optionName, $state); //Save before checking in case something goes wrong
$state->update = $this->requestUpdate();
update_option($this->optionName, $state);
* Check for updates only if the configured check interval has already elapsed.
* @return void
function maybeCheckForUpdates(){
if ( empty($this->checkPeriod) ){
$state = get_option($this->optionName);
$shouldCheck =
empty($state) ||
!isset($state->lastCheck) ||
( (time() - $state->lastCheck) >= $this->checkPeriod*3600 );
if ( $shouldCheck ){
* Intercept plugins_api() calls that request information about our plugin and
* use the configured API endpoint to satisfy them.
* @see plugins_api()
* @param mixed $result
* @param string $action
* @param array|object $args
* @return mixed
function injectInfo($result, $action = null, $args = null){
$relevant = ($action == 'plugin_information') && isset($args->slug) && ($args->slug == $this->slug);
if ( !$relevant ){
return $result;
$pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo();
if ($pluginInfo){
return $pluginInfo->toWpFormat();
return $result;
* Insert the latest update (if any) into the update list maintained by WP.
* @param array $updates Update list.
* @return array Modified update list.
function injectUpdate($updates){
$state = get_option($this->optionName);
//Is there an update to insert?
if ( !empty($state) && isset($state->update) && !empty($state->update) ){
//Only insert updates that are actually newer than the currently installed version.
if ( version_compare($state->update->version, $this->getInstalledVersion(), '>') ){
$updates->response[$this->pluginFile] = $state->update->toWpFormat();
return $updates;
* Register a callback for filtering query arguments.
* The callback function should take one argument - an associative array of query arguments.
* It should return a modified array of query arguments.
* @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter().
* @param callback $callback
* @return void
function addQueryArgFilter($callback){
add_filter('puc_request_info_query_args-'.$this->slug, $callback);
* Register a callback for filtering arguments passed to wp_remote_get().
* The callback function should take one argument - an associative array of arguments -
* and return a modified array or arguments. See the WP documentation on wp_remote_get()
* for details on what arguments are available and how they work.
* @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter().
* @param callback $callback
* @return void
function addHttpRequestArgFilter($callback){
add_filter('puc_request_info_options-'.$this->slug, $callback);
* Register a callback for filtering the plugin info retrieved from the external API.
* The callback function should take two arguments. If the plugin info was retrieved
* successfully, the first argument passed will be an instance of PluginInfo. Otherwise,
* it will be NULL. The second argument will be the corresponding return value of
* wp_remote_get (see WP docs for details).
* The callback function should return a new or modified instance of PluginInfo or NULL.
* @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter().
* @param callback $callback
* @return void
function addResultFilter($callback){
add_filter('puc_request_info_result-'.$this->slug, $callback, 10, 2);
if ( !class_exists('PluginInfo') ):
* A container class for holding and transforming various plugin metadata.
* @author Janis Elsts
* @copyright 2010
* @version 1.0
* @access public
class PluginInfo {
//Most fields map directly to the contents of the plugin's info.json file.
//See the relevant docs for a description of their meaning.
public $name;
public $slug;
public $version;
public $homepage;
public $sections;
public $download_url;
public $author;
public $author_homepage;
public $requires;
public $tested;
public $upgrade_notice;
public $rating;
public $num_ratings;
public $downloaded;
public $last_updated;
public $id = 0; //The native WP.org API returns numeric plugin IDs, but they're not used for anything.
* Create a new instance of PluginInfo from JSON-encoded plugin info
* returned by an external update API.
* @param string $json Valid JSON string representing plugin info.
* @return PluginInfo New instance of PluginInfo, or NULL on error.
public static function fromJson($json){
$apiResponse = json_decode($json);
if ( empty($apiResponse) || !is_object($apiResponse) ){
return null;
//Very, very basic validation.
$valid = isset($apiResponse->name) && !empty($apiResponse->name) && isset($apiResponse->version) && !empty($apiResponse->version);
if ( !$valid ){
return null;
$info = new PluginInfo();
foreach(get_object_vars($apiResponse) as $key => $value){
$info->$key = $value;
return $info;
* Transform plugin info into the format used by the native WordPress.org API
* @return object
public function toWpFormat(){
$info = new StdClass;
//The custom update API is built so that many fields have the same name and format
//as those returned by the native WordPress.org API. These can be assigned directly.
$sameFormat = array(
'name', 'slug', 'version', 'requires', 'tested', 'rating', 'upgrade_notice',
'num_ratings', 'downloaded', 'homepage', 'last_updated',
foreach($sameFormat as $field){
if ( isset($this->$field) ) {
$info->$field = $this->$field;
//Other fields need to be renamed and/or transformed.
$info->download_link = $this->download_url;
if ( !empty($this->author_homepage) ){
$info->author = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $this->author_homepage, $this->author);
} else {
$info->author = $this->author;
if ( is_object($this->sections) ){
$info->sections = get_object_vars($this->sections);
} elseif ( is_array($this->sections) ) {
$info->sections = $this->sections;
} else {
$info->sections = array('description' => '');
return $info;
if ( !class_exists('PluginUpdate') ):
* A simple container class for holding information about an available update.
* @author Janis Elsts
* @copyright 2010
* @version 1.0
* @access public
class PluginUpdate {
public $id = 0;
public $slug;
public $version;
public $homepage;
public $download_url;
public $upgrade_notice;
* Create a new instance of PluginUpdate from its JSON-encoded representation.
* @param string $json
* @return PluginUpdate
public static function fromJson($json){
//Since update-related information is simply a subset of the full plugin info,
//we can parse the update JSON as if it was a plugin info string, then copy over
//the parts that we care about.
$pluginInfo = PluginInfo::fromJson($json);
if ( $pluginInfo != null ) {
return PluginUpdate::fromPluginInfo($pluginInfo);
} else {
return null;
* Create a new instance of PluginUpdate based on an instance of PluginInfo.
* Basically, this just copies a subset of fields from one object to another.
* @param PluginInfo $info
* @return PluginUpdate
public static function fromPluginInfo($info){
$update = new PluginUpdate();
$copyFields = array('id', 'slug', 'version', 'homepage', 'download_url', 'upgrade_notice');
foreach($copyFields as $field){
$update->$field = $info->$field;
return $update;
* Transform the update into the format used by WordPress native plugin API.
* @return object
public function toWpFormat(){
$update = new StdClass;
$update->id = $this->id;
$update->slug = $this->slug;
$update->new_version = $this->version;
$update->url = $this->homepage;
$update->package = $this->download_url;
if ( !empty($this->upgrade_notice) ){
$update->upgrade_notice = $this->upgrade_notice;
return $update;