Компонент JCE with plugins


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6 Фев 2009
JCE (Joomla Content Editor) - это самый популярный редактор содержимого (статей) для CMS Joomla. Тысячи администраторов по всему миру выбрали именно его, взамен любых других (например, TinyMCE).
Этот редактор намного мощнее и имеет расширенные возможности, по сравнению со стандартным TinyMCE, поддерживает различные расширения, дополнения и плагины, в основном плагины платные. Но даже стандартный набор функций просто потрясает воображение. Попробуйте этот редактор и Вы ни за что от него не откажитесь. Простота, легкость и надежность, многовариативное использование, гибкая настройка, поддержка функций:
• Автосохранение страницы через заданное количество секунд;
• Возможность задавать профили для каждого пользователя или для группы пользователей;
• Медиа обозреватель;
• Файловый обозреватель;
• Расширенные возможности по вставке всплывающих окон, изображений и медиа-файлов;
• Уютный, приятный интерфейс, как стандартный, так и задаваемый пользователем вручную.

UPD 29.08.2011 в 15:17
Вопрос: Столкнулся с проблемой. В нем нет JCE Utilities.
Я его использовал для картинок в качестве превьюшек и по клику открывалась полная картинка. Так это реализовать теперь?

Ответ: Вобщем разобрался. В нем не хватало платного плагина оказывается Image Manager Extended.
Кому нужен данный функционал забирайте стразу весь пакет с русским и плагинами.

JCE Editor Pro 2.9.20



  • PRO Editing an existing Caption would not show any padding values added to the caption container.
  • PRO Thumbnail images in the same folder as the associated image were not being detected.
  • If the File Browser is not enabled for any profile, the JCE Media Field and any converted Media Fields will fallback to use the Joomla Media Manager.
  • Updated PHP compatability message on install, warning of PHP 7.4 requirement for future updates.
  • Custom Formats with an invalid Styles value would cause the Style to be pre-selected and applied incorrectly.
  • Pasting content containing inline styles in the style attribute of a tag would remove the style attribute.
  • Some Custom Formats could not be applied from the Styles list on a text selection when the Container Element & Enter Key option was set to Linebreak:None
  • An extra space was being added after an anchor element on each save or toggle when the anchor was in the same parent container as a rollover image
  • Updated the Custom Styles widget in the Style Select parameters to fix some layout issues.
  • A syntax error in a PHP function would cause an error in PHP 7.2



  • PRO Added an option to enable / disable enlarging of images in upload resizing.
  • Some media element (video, audio) attributes can now be edited using the Insert Attributes dialog.
  • Custom attributes can now be added to and edited on links in the Advanced tab of the link dialog, by setting a Name and Value pair for the attribute name and value.


  • Updated jQuery and jQuery UI


  • PRO The URL field was missing the Popup tab in the Image Manager Extended.
  • PRO Opening the Image Manager Extended or File Manager dialog would show an Mediabox related error in Joomla 4 on some systems.
  • PRO Inserting a Template Manager template using default creation date or modified date classes would not work as expected.
  • PRO A PHP error would be produced on uploading when resizing an image in some instances.
  • Joomla4 A PHP error would be generated in Joomla 4 when toggling the Preview tab.
  • Joomla4 Minor layout bug in Joomla 4 when the editor is toggled off.
  • Setting a custom Help URL and Help URL Method would have no effect.
  • Deleting Style Formats in the Style Select tab in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters, would leave one Style Format intact.
  • Some custom Character Map values added in a previous version of the editor would not be displayed in the Character Map.
  • The Media Preview and placeholder for the <audio> tag were not displaying correctly.
  • Updating a link where the link text started with a space would add another non-breaking space character before this.
  • External plugins would not load and a PHP Error would be generated when Compress Javascript was enabled.
  • Unexpected behaviour when applying a custom style without a defined element value to a text selection.
  • Attempting to upload and insert multiple items in one drag & drop action would fail with an error.
  • Pressing the Remove Format button would generate an error and in some instances have no effect.
  • Updating a link which contains an additional inline element, eg: font icon, would duplicate the link text.
  • Some labels were not being translated in the standalone File Browser and Image Editor.
  • The Media field in a repeatable sub-form was not being converted into a JCE File Browser field.
  • Attempting to apply a Custom Class to a selection using the Styles list would do nothing.
  • Editor language files would not be loaded if the Compress Javascript option is enabled in the Editor Global Configuration.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.21



  • PRO Classes can now be applied to Columns in the columns dialog using the multiple select Classes list.
  • Figure elements can now be added directly to media preview items.
  • Figure elements can now be styled using the Captions tools.
  • An mce-visualaid class is toggled on the editor body element when the Visual Aid button is clicked.
  • Media embed code pasted into the Code view will now use some default attributes - width, height etc. - when switching to the Editor tab if none are specified.


  • JCE now requires PHP 7.4 or later.


  • PRO Pressing ESC while in the Create Thumbnail dialog or Delete Thumbnail prompt would close the dialog as intended but also execute the action.
  • PRO Some system markup would not be processed and removed when switching to the Code tab if Verify HTML is disabled.
  • PRO Inserting a video with the Media Manager would do nothing if the Media Support option is disabled in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout.
  • PRO The Remove Exif process would fail on some systems running PHP GD2
  • Editing a link with a class attribute value would display the attribute name and value as an additional custom attribute in the Advanced tab.
  • Adding a new class to a link in the Classes field would not update the link class attribute.
  • Tables created with the Table Grid tool or without a Width value in the Table dialog will now be disaplayed in the editor with a 100% width.
  • Removing some values in Style Select Custom Styles would have no effect when the profile was saved.
  • Unexpected reformatting of HTML when removing a class from an element if the parent element contains the same class.
  • Link attribute parameters weren't being applied to pasted links or links created with the "quick link" dropdown.
  • Pressing ALT + UP in a nested block element would create an extra paragraph above it as well as before the parent container.
  • Updating a link on an inline element, eg: <strong> would result in duplicate link text.
  • Joomla 4 Update onContentSave and onBeforeContentSave event triggers to include additional $data variable
  • Joomla 4 Updated core template stylesheet path detection due to changes in the template asset path in Joomla 4.1
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.22



  • PRO Switching to the Code tab would remove <script> tags and some others regardless of validation or script options.
  • Language files would not load correctly in the front-end on some sites.
  • The Media Field File Browser would display a 404 when opened from the fornt-end on some sites.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.23



  • PRO A dialog prompt will now be presented to provide Values for variables in Template Manager content not already defined in the Template Manager parameters. This allows a user to input values for content as required, eg: a video id etc.
  • Styles can now be applied to a selection of block elements, eg: multiple selected paragraphs


  • PRO Resize Presets and Crop Presets parameters now use a repeatable list for editing and setting new presets.
  • PRO Removed use of the <div class="mceTmpl"></div> container for Template Manager templates.
  • PRO Replaced the Replacement Values textarea in Template Manager parameters with a repeatable key/value field.


  • PRO Selecting an existing caption element instead of the image, and updating via the Caption dialog, would apply the styles incorrectly.
  • PRO Applying a new caption to a center aligned image would remove the alignment.
  • PRO Creating new columns would add a non-breaking space to the empty paragraph.
  • PRO Youtube or Vimeo iframes would be removed after pasting the URL into the editor when Container Element & Enter Key was set to None : Linebreak.
  • PRO Saving a Template Manager file in the Text Editor would produce an error.
  • PRO Drag & Drop upload of videos would produce an error in PHP 8+
  • PRO Some Boostrap classes applied to columns would be removed on saving or toggling the editor.
  • PRO The Template Manager template list would not load files from a custom File Directory Path set in the Template Manager parameters.
  • PRO Some custom classes applied to columns would be removed on saving or toggling the editor.
  • PRO Removing a set of pre-defined Resize values in the Upload dialog would still resize the image using those values.
  • PRO Uploading using an inline method - drag & drop, media field - would not thumbnail or watermark images if the options were set.
  • Improved processing of RegularLabs Sourcerer shortcode.
  • Pressing Cancel or Insert in a Media Field File Browser window would not close the dialog in Helix Ultimate templates.
  • URLs pasted into the editor would be double encoded when converting them to links.
  • Importing a profile that contained HTML tags in the params tag value would skip import of the params value.
  • Copying a profile would not copy the profiles parameters.
  • Fixed link insert using the Quick Link dropdown.
  • Added a check to prevent the editor from being loaded multiple times on the same page by an extension.
  • The Styles list would not allow selection of multiple items, instead closing after each selection.
  • Setting italic text and then saving in SP Page Builder would not save the change.
  • Uploading using the upload button or drag & drop in a media field would not work in some instances.
  • Setting block element formats (H1, H2, P etc.) using the Styles list would not remove the tag of the previous element in the Styles list dropdown.
  • The Editor Class set in the Editor Global Configuration would be incorrectly displayed in the Styles list if it was included in the template stylesheet.
  • Converted image fields (Intro Image, Full Image etc.) would not open correctly in some templates.
  • Improved some editor behaviour when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None : Linebreak.
  • Pressing enter or typing at the end of link text would continue the link. It was also not possible to move the cursor outside of a link if the link is the last element on a line. Clicking at the end of the link or pressing the Right Arrow key at the end of the link will now move the cursor outside of the link.
  • The update routine on installing JCE would sometimes not update the database to correct checked_out and checked_out_time errors.
  • It was not possible to select parent elements in a nested table structure using the Path
  • Applying or removing multiple styles one after the other using the Styles list would not work as expected.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.24



  • PRO Template Manager lists are now loaded when the Template Managet list menu is first opened.


  • When applying a style from the Styles list to an inline element (link, strong etc.) that is at the beginning of a paragraph, the style would be applied to the parent element, eg: paragraph
  • Pressing Enter at the end of a link at the end of a line would create a new paragraph without a cursor.
  • Attempting a new install of JCE Pro in Joomla 4.1 would result in an error and failed install.
  • Editor tabs would not display in the front-end if the template is not using Bootstrap.
  • PRO A "Loading..." message will now be shown in the list dropdown while Template Manager list items are loaded.
  • PRO Pressing backspace or delete in an empty column (that contains a single paragraph) would delete the column.
  • PRO The Template Manager was not processing File Directory Path values that contained variables correctly, resulting in an error when attempting to load the editor.
  • PRO Removing all paragraphs in a column using Backspace or Delete and then pressing Enter would clone the column div.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.27



  • Saved content would not show changes if the editor did not have active tabs, ie: Editor, Code, Preview



  • Editor langauges were not loaded in the front-end.
  • Editor would not load if the Compress Javascript or Compress CSS options were enabled.
  • PRO Code Editor would display an error and not load when switching to the Code tab.



  • The Word Count will now show a count of any selected words in an article, or all words if no selection is made.


  • The Editor Toggle options are now available in JCE Pro only.
  • The Editor Toggle option is now disabled by default.
  • Update cleanup and validation of content in the Code Tab in JCE Core on save or when switching tabs.
  • Update Codemirror library in the Code Editor.


  • PRO Setting a video property, eg: Loop, Autoplay, Controls etc. to a new or updated video would not be applied correctly and would show the default value when editing the video.
  • PRO Remove non-breaking space from empty content in the Code Editor and reset cursor
  • PRO Attempting to embed a Spotify link by pasting in the URL would produce an error and invalid embed.
  • Applying a style to a text selection when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak would apply the style to all content.
  • Applying a list to a selection when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak would apply the list to all the editor content.
  • Remove non-breaking space from empty content in editor when Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak and reset cursor.
  • The Font Family Select parameter would show all font items unchecked by default. Adding a new custom font and saving would therefore remove all default fonts.
  • An empty editor would produce a single non-breaking space when saving if Container Element & Enter Key is set to None:Linebreak
  • The Folder list was not being updated when creating, deleting or renaming folders in the File Browser.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.28



  • Some parameter text fields were saving and showing encoded UTF-8 characters.
  • Fixed placeholder values for some parameters.
  • Javascript error in SP PageBuilder Pro when clicking the Apply button due to submit action after form has been removed
  • PRO Editing content in the Code tab in SP PageBuilder would cause content change / update loop
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.29



  • PRO Pressing backspace or delete in a block element (paragraph, list) inside a Column would not delete as expected
  • PRO Editing an existing <audio> element with the Media Manager would fail to correctly detect the media type.
  • Media items (Youtube, Vimeo etc.) would include the attribute dimension values (width, height) and the dimensions as a style value. The style values are now removed correctly.
  • The editor would stall or take a long time to load and be unresponsive if the template stylesheet contained hundreds of css class rules, eg: Cassiopeia template.css
  • Joomla 4 The popover tooltip was not displaying correctly in the JCE Admin in Joomla 4.
  • Joomla 4 Removed the JCE logo display in Joomla 4 Components dashboard.
  • Joomla 4 Fixed a Joomla 4 compatability issue producing an error when Convert to SEF is enabled in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Link
Нужен компетентный совет! Пользуюсь JCE Pro последней на данный момент версии 2.9.29, Joomla 4.2.2, FireFox Developers Edition. Хочется сохранять измененные html-модули с помощью хоткея Ctrl-S. Для этого установил плагин Keyboard Shortcuts 2.0.0 от RegularLabs. Он прекрасно работает с материалами и любыми сторонними модулями, по Ctrl-S сохраняет все изменения. Более того, плагин работает и с html-модулями, сверстанными в JCE - но только на вкладках "Редактор" и "Предпросмотр". Но я пользуюсь для редактирования таких модулей, как правило, только вкладкой "Код" - и именно на этой вкладке хоткей не срабатывает, вызывается стандартное окно браузера для сохранения текущей страницы в файл. Может кто-нибудь посоветовать рабочий рецепт хоткея сохранения HTML-модуля для вкладки "Код" в JCE Editor? Возможно, у кого-нибудь есть подписка на RegularLabs, чтобы обратиться напрямую к ним за решением этой проблемы. Сам я не могу этого сделать, поскольку их форум поддержки требует подписки. Надеюсь, что я не одинок в своем скромном желании. Заранее признателен за помощь.