Компонент JCE with plugins


Куратор темы
6 Фев 2009
JCE (Joomla Content Editor) - это самый популярный редактор содержимого (статей) для CMS Joomla. Тысячи администраторов по всему миру выбрали именно его, взамен любых других (например, TinyMCE).
Этот редактор намного мощнее и имеет расширенные возможности, по сравнению со стандартным TinyMCE, поддерживает различные расширения, дополнения и плагины, в основном плагины платные. Но даже стандартный набор функций просто потрясает воображение. Попробуйте этот редактор и Вы ни за что от него не откажитесь. Простота, легкость и надежность, многовариативное использование, гибкая настройка, поддержка функций:
• Автосохранение страницы через заданное количество секунд;
• Возможность задавать профили для каждого пользователя или для группы пользователей;
• Медиа обозреватель;
• Файловый обозреватель;
• Расширенные возможности по вставке всплывающих окон, изображений и медиа-файлов;
• Уютный, приятный интерфейс, как стандартный, так и задаваемый пользователем вручную.

UPD 29.08.2011 в 15:17
Вопрос: Столкнулся с проблемой. В нем нет JCE Utilities.
Я его использовал для картинок в качестве превьюшек и по клику открывалась полная картинка. Так это реализовать теперь?

Ответ: Вобщем разобрался. В нем не хватало платного плагина оказывается Image Manager Extended.
Кому нужен данный функционал забирайте стразу весь пакет с русским и плагинами.

JCE Editor Pro 2.8.11

  • PRO Inserting multiple items with associated thumbnails in the Image Manager Extended would not correctly assign the associated thumbnails.
  • PRO Update the File Manager to fix support for drag & drop upload and embed
  • PRO Drag sorting a multiple selection in the Image Manager Extended would deselect all selected items.
  • PRO Drag sorting a multiple selection would not change the order in which the images were inserted.
  • PRO Assigining an associated thumbnail would not use the thumbnails url, width and height
  • PRO A list of Template Manager items would not be generated from existing files in the plugin's File Directory Path.
  • PRO The Code Editor fullscreen button would still be displayed, and not work, if the editor fullscreen button was not in the editor toolbar.
  • Some select lists would show the value instead of the label when showing the default option.
  • Yootheme Warp templates will now load the correct css files in the editor if a Style is assigned.
  • Iframes contain invalid system classes when saved in preview mode.
  • Pasting image data into the editor will now generate an upload placeholder
  • The Upload dialog in the Image Manager, File Browser etc. will now filter the system file list when browsing for an image to select for upload.
  • When editing an existing image, the Folder list would not scroll correctly to the image's parent folder.
  • Parsing and display of some Font Family parameters would fail with a PHP error.
  • An error would be generated in the File Browser, Image Manager Extended if the File Directory Path value was set to a single /
  • Items in the Link dialog link tree were not being displayed if the item title contained a quote character.
  • Clicking the Preview icon in a link tree item would not open a Preview dialog.
  • Alignment could not be applied to a text selection that was not already inside a block element.
  • Clicking the Close button when editing a profile would not close the edit window on some sites.
  • Pressing backspace when the cursor is at the beginning of a line in a paragraph would add a style attribute to some elements in Chrome, Safari, Brave, Edge.
  • The Image Editor window in the File Browser shows a 404 error
  • The flash-based mediaplyer, and preview support for flv and f4v has been removed.
  • html and htm files are no longer set as default file types for the file browser.
  • The <img> element now supports the loading and decoding attributes.
  • New Paragraph:Linebreak and DIV:Linebreak options in the Container Element and Enter Key parameter
  • The File Browser has been added as a menu item in the JCE Editor admin menu
  • PRO Some additional default options are now available in the File Manager parameters.
  • PRO It is now possible to embed a file, eg: pdf, by dragging and dropping it into the editor, if the File Manager default Format option is set to "Iframe" and an Embed Width and Embed Height are set.
Последнее редактирование:
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.12

  • PRO Inserting images into columns would sometimes leave a space above the image
  • PRO An image inserted directly inside a column (not within an existing paragraph) was sized incorrectly
  • Drag & Drop of an image into the editor would insert the base64 encode version of no plugins were configured for inline upload.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + V would not paste plain text.
  • Pasting content from Word would show an image placeholder in Chrome / WebKit.
  • Adding Google pseudo tags to the Extended Elements list would result in a javascript error
  • An image inserted directly into the editor using drag & drop would not display after upload if the Filesystem Allow Root Access option is enabled.
  • An issue loading custom css files for the Style Select list could cause the editor to become unusable in custom fields.
  • Some select lists in the Styles dialog were displaying incorrectly
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.13


  • Show server error message if one is generated instead of "The server returned an invalid JSON response."
  • Show parent element as selected in the Format list if the selection contains a span tag.
  • Allow for horizontal scrolling of link tree
  • Normalize slashes in custom template paths
  • Improve the display of some icons in the "Touch" toolbar themes
  • Various admin UI updates to support Joomla 4
  • Some color parameters in the JCE Admin were not showing a colour picker.
  • Tabbing between elements in a dialog, eg: Image Manager, is blocked by disabled elements.
  • Pasting urls into the editor would sometimes produce duplicate links.
  • Editor tabs and toolbar would display incorrectly in the front-end of some sites.
  • Drag & drop upload of images to Amazon S3 would not insert the image after upload completed
  • Disabling Joomla Media field conversion would also disable JCE Media fields.
  • The first of multiple media fields of the same type would show multiple upload buttons.
  • Attempting to delete, rename, etc. files found using the Search field would produce an error on some systems.
  • PRO Pasting in Dailymotion links would not produce the correct embed code
  • PRO The View Mode button in the Template Manager does not change the view type (list / thumbs)
  • PRO Creating new columns using the Columns grid tool would produce columns without paragraphs.
  • PRO The layout of the Template Items paramter has been improved, and you can now set an optional thumbnail image for a Template Item.
  • PRO Simplified inserting of multiple images in the Image Manager Extended. Select an image to insert by clicking on its name, then select additional images by checking each box.
  • An alternative Basic Dialog - with just a URL field, and Description / Text field where applicable - has been added for the Link, Image Manager and Media Manager. These basic dialogs can be used to insert media where a very simple interface is desired, such as in a Forum extension.
  • Added support for the loading attribute for images and iframes.
  • Added support for simple body content when creating mailto links in the Link dialog.
  • You can now Enable / Disable the JCE MediaBox popup option for Link, Image Manager Extended etc.
  • The Refresh button in the File Browser now shows a loading indicator when clicked.
  • Clicking a link item or search result in the Link dialog will now fill the Text field with the link's title if no Text value has been set.

багнутая версия. Поломали вставку изображений. Если выделить статью на сайте с фотками - вставляется без фоток. Либо с побитым IMG тегом.
в 2.8.12 - всё ок.

UPD: в версии 2.8.14 аналогично поломана вставка копипасты статей с фотками. Сидим на 2.8.12
Последнее редактирование:
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.14


  • The selected image is removed when creating a link on it using the Link dialog.
Последнее редактирование:
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.15


  • Content set by some extensions into the editor when the Code view is visible would include some system attributes.
  • Editor would become unusable when sorted in a repeatable subform field. This fix is dependant on a Joomla Pull Request being accepted and merged - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
  • Creating a link with the Quick Link drop-down would produce an error.
  • Drag & Drop upload using the standard Image Manager would produce an error.
  • Default attributes for the Image Manager, Image Manager Extended, Media Manager and File Manager are now correctly applied to items inserted into the editor wit a drag & drop upload.
  • Attributes for the Image Manager and Media Manager Basic Dialog are now correctly applied or retained when inserting or updating an item.
  • PRO Updating a Youtube video with the Media Manager Basic Dialog would set the incorrect dimensions.
  • PRO Attempting to retrieve schema data from would produce an error in the Microdata dialog. This has been refactored to use the json-ld data source - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
  • PRO File links created with the File Manager either via the dialog or as a drag & drop upload, that only contain text, ie: no icon, date or size, will be inserted as standard links, without additional html.
  • PRO File links created with the File Manager either via the dialog or as a drag & drop upload, that only contain text, can now be edited as standard links by the Link dialog.
  • SECURITY Improve parsing and clean up of HTML comment data and cdata.
  • SECURITY Fix encoding of visual control characters to prevent code injection.
  • Basic support for the avif image format has been added.
  • PRO Support for custom embed providers for the Media Manager's Quick Media, Basic Dialog and paste insert, using a system event - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
  • SECURITY Event Attributes, eg: onclick, onload etc. are now treated as invalid attributes by default to prevent arbitrary javascript execution by a malicious user.
    They can be enabled by setting either the Allow Javascript or Allow Event Attributes options in Editor Profiles -> Editor Parameters -> Advanced to Yes.
  • SECURITY Event Attributes, eg: onclick, onload etc. are always removed from pasted content copied from an external source. This is to address a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability which would allow arbitrary execution of malicious javascript code in the source content.
    This can only be changed by setting the Allow Event Attributes option in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Clipboard to Yes.
  • The Events tab in the Attributes dialog is only shown if Event Attributes iare enabled.
  • PRO Columns now uses the css gap property to create spacing between columns.
Выдает ошибку The server returned an invalid JSON response. В логах ошибка в Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /components/com_jce/editor/tiny_mce/plugins/imgmanager_ext/imgmanager_ext.php on line 279PHP message: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /components/com_jce/editor/tiny_mce/plugins/imgmanager_ext/imgmanager_ext.php on line 279
В 279 строке if ($dim[0] <= $this->getParam('thumbnail_size', 120) && $dim[1] <= $this->getParam('thumbnail_size', 90))
Подскажите как исправить?
может быть что-то с фоткой не так?
Кто-нибудь знает способ, чтобы JCE отображался в комментариях Komento?