Компонент JCE with plugins


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6 Фев 2009
JCE (Joomla Content Editor) - это самый популярный редактор содержимого (статей) для CMS Joomla. Тысячи администраторов по всему миру выбрали именно его, взамен любых других (например, TinyMCE).
Этот редактор намного мощнее и имеет расширенные возможности, по сравнению со стандартным TinyMCE, поддерживает различные расширения, дополнения и плагины, в основном плагины платные. Но даже стандартный набор функций просто потрясает воображение. Попробуйте этот редактор и Вы ни за что от него не откажитесь. Простота, легкость и надежность, многовариативное использование, гибкая настройка, поддержка функций:
• Автосохранение страницы через заданное количество секунд;
• Возможность задавать профили для каждого пользователя или для группы пользователей;
• Медиа обозреватель;
• Файловый обозреватель;
• Расширенные возможности по вставке всплывающих окон, изображений и медиа-файлов;
• Уютный, приятный интерфейс, как стандартный, так и задаваемый пользователем вручную.

UPD 29.08.2011 в 15:17
Вопрос: Столкнулся с проблемой. В нем нет JCE Utilities.
Я его использовал для картинок в качестве превьюшек и по клику открывалась полная картинка. Так это реализовать теперь?

Ответ: Вобщем разобрался. В нем не хватало платного плагина оказывается Image Manager Extended.
Кому нужен данный функционал забирайте стразу весь пакет с русским и плагинами.

JCE Editor Pro 2.8.16


  • Styles applied to some <div> tags would apply them to the document body instead.
  • Adding a new style to a selection using the Styles list would show additional tags of previously edited styles.
  • The Permitted File Extensions parameter would show a Notice error in PHP 7.5
  • Assigned templates would not be used for editor styles in some situations.
  • Some tree items in the Link dialog would not load due to characters associated link url.
  • Pasting content into the editor would wrap the content in <p> tags regardless of configuration settings, if the Markdown feature is enabled.
  • Attempting to upload using the upload button or drag & drop in a media field (Images & Links) would produce an error.
  • Sorting of list items in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Lists would not work.
  • Some attributes, including src and event attributes, are removed from <script> and <style> tags regardless of configuration settings.
  • Updating JCE on Joomla 4 removes the download id.
  • Footnote links in content pasted from Word will now display using the superscript <sup> tag.
  • Pasting in content that contains a link would set the link url to undefined.
  • Rollover event attributes are missing the "this.src=" assignment.
  • PRO Removed the margin on paragraph elements in column blocks, which would override existing template styles in the editor preview.
  • PRO Resized the Microdata dialog
  • PRO Selecting a template item from items in the Template List generated from local files would not insert any content.
  • PRO Update the Microdata plugin to use https for urls, and use the new json-ld resource url.
  • PRO Add an option in the Microdata parameters to specify an alternate schema resource url.
  • PRO Text content containing HTML tags would be converted into HTML when pasting into the editor.
  • The $name variable is now available for the File Directory Path. This will be replaced with the user's name.
  • Clicking on the Ordered List button will open a dialog to set the start and reversed attributes on existing ordered lists.
  • Shortcode inserted into the editor, eg: is now protected from processing by the editor, ie: it will no longer be wrapped in a block tag such as a paragraph or div. An option is available to disable this in Editor Profiles -> Editor Parameters -> Advanced.
  • PRO You can now set a Gap Size in columns ie: the spacing between columns
  • PRO Added support for RDFa attributes when the Microdata plugin is enabled.
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.17


  • The Protect Shortcode feature is now disabled by default. It can be enabled if required in Editor Profiles -> Editor Parameters -> Advanced.
Внутри архива вроде бы JCE Pro v2.8.17
пишет JCE Pro Это шутка такая?
да, название архива от старой версии осталось, забыл поменять, внутри новые версии -2.8.17 сам компонент и плагины. Перезаливать не буду, так то по сути всё рабочее кроме названия общей папки
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.18

  • Improve detection and processing of anchor elements and highlight anchors in the editor when they are clicked on for easier selection.
  • Creating a link on a tag (strong, em etc.) would sometimes remove the tag.
  • Custom Styles with a style parameter that contained a comma (in a font-famliy list for example) were not correctly applied.
  • The File Browser opened from a Media field would give a 404 error in the front-end on some sites.
  • Some Word document content would be truncated on pasting if the Remove All Spans parameter is enabled.
  • When Container Element & Entry Key is set to None:Linebreak, applying a Style to a text selection not inside a block element would fail.
  • Improved Protect Shortcode processing.
  • Remove default target on Quick Link links when no default Target parameter is set.
  • Editor dialogs were not displaying correctly when Compress CSS was enabled due to previous changes to @import rule processing.
  • Some @import rules in template css files would fail to load when Compress CSS is enabled if they contained semicolon characters.
  • ALT + Down can now also be used to move the caret out of a nested block element.
  • Remove data types from the onCustomFieldsPrepareDom method in the PlgFieldsMediaJce plugin for Joomla 4 compatability.
  • PRO Added missing Center option to the Align parameters in the Media Manager.
  • PRO Class names for Bootstrap gap size values were incorrect.
  • PRO Updated the Markdown / Textpattern feature to support inline shortcode protect.
Joomla 3.9.22, установлен jce pro 2.8.17. Копирую из word текст красного цвета, вставляю в jce, все равно вставляется чёрным и не так отформатированным. В tinymce такая же беда. Фильтры текста стоит нет фильтрации. На Joomla 2.5.28 со старым jce такого не было. Если бы не перестал работать sigplus на 2.5.28 не обновлял бы.

Нашёл сам. Решение простое. В админпанели перейдти в Компоненты – JCE Editor – Profiles – Default – Plugin Parameters – Clipboard - Remove all styles - No
Последнее редактирование:
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.1

  • Pressing backspace in the editor when editing content containing lists would cause the browser to hang.
  • Parameter labels were displaying incorrectly in the JCE Admin in Joomla 3.
  • The Image Editor and Text Editor options were displaying in the File Browser parameters in JCE Core.
  • PRO The Filesystem parameters for Image Editing and Text Editing were missing.
  • IFrame urls can now be restricted to allow all content, local content only (urls originating on the site), or local content and supported media urls, eg: Youtube, Vimeo etc.
  • Text, HTML and Word content can now be inserted into the editor using drag & drop, with the same processing as pasted content.
  • Added a dnt (Do Not Track) parameter option for Vimeo videos.
  • Added input validation to the Rename and New Folder prompt windows, showing invalid characters entered.
  • PRO A Text Editor has been added for all dialogs - including the standalone File Browser - for editing of text like files, including txt,html,xml,md and json.
  • PRO Creating new template snippet files in the Template Manager can now use the new Text Editor.
  • PRO A loading option has been added to the Iframe dialog to enable Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся.
  • Replace script, style and PHP icon placeholders with editable Code Blocks.
  • Remove the tilde ~ character as a valid character for file and folder names.
  • All help and description tooltips in the JCE Admin have been converted to inline help blocks.
  • The Always Include Dimensions option is now enabled by default for the Image Manager and Image Manager Extended, meaning all images will have a width and height attribute when inserted.
  • Improve Admin and Editor layout in Joomla 4.
  • Applying a link to a selection of elements with existing links would only apply it to the first element.
  • User Groups other than Super User were unable to access a profile for editing.
  • Table width and height attribute values set in the Code view were not being converted to styles when switching to the Editor.
  • Unicode characters were not converted to simplified ASCII versions when the Websafe File Names option was set to ASCII.
  • Updated Shortcode Protection to allow for shortcode within shortcode
  • Some template media field overrides were not showing the upload button.
  • Update url detection in pasting to fix an edge case where content was similar to markdown link or image syntax.
  • The File Browser opened from the Media Field shows a 404 error in some templates.
  • An error would be shown when sorting by extension in the File Browser, Image Manager etc.
  • PRO Applying a Gap Width value of None to Columns would have no effect.
  • PRO The handles on the Crop and Resize boxes in the Image Editor were too small.