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This is the Publisher v7.7.0 update that you can download it from the next post. Please test on our development site and report if there are any issues.
The Publisher 7.7 changelog:
- Added: Infinite Ajax Post Loading replaced with the new method (Works 2.5x Faster Now)
- Added: Cache plugin support added to Infinite Ajax Post Loading feature.
- Added: Option to override Ads of the non-static homepage.
- Added: Better Post Views: Option to change views meta key in the panel to other plugins meta key.
- Added: Better Playlist: Apparat Playlists support added.
- Added: Better Playlist: RTL Style supported added.
- Added: Auto screenshot Generator for Aparat videos
- Added: BetterAMP: Support for an image with data: URI
- Added: BetterAMP: Filter for Custom Permalink Structure.
- Added: BetterAMP: Support for Gallery Block.
- Improved: The overall code of content injection feature improved.
- Improved: Minor improvement in Icon modal design.
- Improved: PHP 7.4 compatibility
- Improved: Better Post View codes improved.
- Improved: Smart Lists Pack: Codes improved and unite tests passed.
- Improved: Blockquote Pack: Interlinks Manager Plugin Compatibility
- Improved: Much minor code improvement
- Improved: The Letter Spacing in the Typography field improved to work better.
- Improved: Gutenberg Blocks and Sidebar style.
- Improved: Fix for WP paginate_links function to remove extra page/1/ from pagination to remove extra 301 redirects.
- Improved: Better updates check even while the style.css header was removed.
- Improved: BetterAMP: Playbuzz partial support.
- Improved: BetterAMP: Height & width attribute sanitization for amp-video, audio tags.
- Improved: BetterAMP: Auto change invalid tags to span tag in AMP.
- Improved: BetterAMP: Sanitize the whole site HTML not just body.
- Improved: BetterAMP: Validate video tag with no height&width attribute.
- Improved: Menu page builder mega menu field changed to ajax select field, the last 5-page limitation issue fixed.
- Improved: Footer
@username looks wired in RTL style.
- Improved: Email button on About Us widget opens email application now.
- Fixed: Publisher and OneSignal conflict (Brooks Rank Math Admin)
- Fixed: WooCommerce outdated files issue.
- Fixed: 'woocommerce' text domain removed in theme and texts moved to Publisher translation panel.
- Fixed: BetterAMP: AMP Carousel (Slider) Issue on RTL styles fixed.
- Fixed: BetterAMP: Fix: Wrong page URL when page_on_front is on
- Fixed: BetterAMP: Undefined index: image issue
- Fixed: BetterAMP: unpack(

Type C: not enough input
- Fixed: BetterAMP: DOMElement::setAttribute(

string is not in UTF-8.
- Fixed: The Breadcrumb validation issue.
- Fixed: The Publisher advanced Term Select (Category filter) not works in Gutenberg.
- Fixed: JSON-LD
@type values should be capitalized.
- Fixed: JSON-LD Date of posts should not be translated.
- Fixed: JSON-LD Search Action for Pages fixed.
- Fixed: JSON-LD Review posts error.
- Fixed: No duplicate posts issue in the pagination of category pages.
- Fixed: Better Social Counter: Youtube Followers count not showing properly.
- Fixed: Better Social Counter: Posts count not showing properly.
- Fixed: Better Social Counter: Multiple HTTP Connection to GoogleApis Server!
- Fixed: Better Social Counter: Weird Call to a member function error.
- Fixed: Smart Lists Pack: Find out the src when use images with caption.
- Fixed: Better Playlist: Google API Changes issue fixed (error on fetch).
- Fixed: Some W3C Validator Errors Fixes (more will be fixed in future).
- Fixed: Display draft posts in inline related posts on ajax requests.
- Fixed: The wrong query when using Taxonomies as a tab.
- Fixed: Theme Translation panel popup is not working when clicking on the close button.
- Fixed: Weird Call to a member function error.
- Fixed: Cats count is 1 less in the single post page.
- Fixed: Extra cart title in WooCommerce cart page
- Fixed: Gutenberg file does not found the issue.
- Fixed: Crypto Coiner's demo does not install the images
- Fixed: Invalid posts count in bf_get_term_posts_count function - no duplicate bug!
- Fixed: Header cart icon wraps to 2 lines.
- Fixed: Mobile header style issue on some demos
- Fixed: Clead video slider style issue.
- Fixed: Sahel Font woff2 is not foundok mik issue.
- Fixed: Error on views integration with Better post views
- Fixed: Comment ajaxified page refresh after reply.
- Fixed: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool error.
- Fixed: Instagram Widget not shows description of Images.
Updated Plugins:
- Better Ads Manager
- Better AMP
- Better Playlist
- Better Social Counter
- Blockquote Pack
- Smartlists Pack
- Better ost Views
- Slider Revolution
- ACF Pro
Tanks for checking and reporting issues.