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Плагин Search & Filter Pro

= 2.5.1 = (19 May 2020)
* NOTICE - if you are using Search & Filter with Easy Digital Downloads please read the new integration notes first
* Fix - a PolyLang issue when permalinks were disabled and the default language is not in the URL params
* Fix - an issue with range min / max being detected, when using certain post stati
* Fix - an issue with a loop not using `wp_reset_postdata` after
* Fix - change another loop so that it improves compatibility with plugins + themes
* Fix - respect `infinite-scroll-end` when it is found on the first page of results
* Fix - some compatibility issues with php7.4 using the `implode` function
* Fix - our tables were not being created on some server setups - modified dbdelta sql
* Fix - admin - an issue where pagination selector was showing when it shouldn't be
* Fix - an issue with setting wpdb prefix at too early, causing an issue in some multisites
* Fix - an issue with custom post stati not being picked up properly on cache rebuild
* Fix - an issue with Polylang working with our page builder extensions
* New - action - `search_filter_filter_next_query` - runs when the shortcode is run
* Improvement - integration with EDD - simply add `search_filter_id` to you downloads shortcode to get up and running
* Security - fix a potential security issue + add some hardening measures


  • search-filter-pro251.zip
    657,6 KB · Просмотры: 15
  • Fix - a warning about stripslashes expecting a string
  • Fix - an issue where getting labels for ACF fields was failing on private posts
  • Fix - an issue with infinite scroll not working when the pagination selector was not set
  • Fix - a JS warning where we using attribute to set checked state in certain admin screens
  • Fix - an issue where infinite scroll was causing issues on taxonomy archives
  • Fix - an issue where scrolling to results was fired before the content had loaded, causing an unwanted offset
  • Fix - an issue with EDD Purchase buttons not using ajax to add to cart after a search
  • Fix - an issue when WooCommerce is enabled with S&F, and interference being caused to non related search forms
  • Fix - some compatibility issues with WPML and WooCommerce product variations
  • Fix - an issue with language code not being passed to the search form for date picker translation
  • New - better integration with WC products shortcode, simply add a `search_filter_id` argument to integrate


  • search-filter-pro-2.5.2.zip
    592,9 KB · Просмотры: 17