ExpressionEngine 2.0 will be released when its done! However, the release will not be a surprise. Currently we plan to release 2.0 in three phases. First, there will be a Developer Preview for EE Add-on Developers. The primary purpose of this release is to give EE add-on developers the time they need to update their add-ons for 2.0. Second, there will be a invitation beta. The purpose of the beta will be to stress test 2.0 in a wide variety of situations. And third will be the official public release.
The Developer Preview and Beta are not available yet. We’ll announce their availability on the
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся along with instructions on how to apply for the Preview and Beta programs. The actual release date of 2.0 will depend on the length of the Preview and Beta programs.