Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Примечание: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
Алгоритм хороший, но блин по String.fromCharCode можно понять как получить исходный код. Есть ли ещё какие варианты?
Помнится находил такой шифратор, ему даёшь исходный код, а он тебе крякозябры, причем не переименовывал и не убирал пробелы и пр. как офускатрор. А именно набор непонятных символов.
Просто копипастишь полученный текст в html страничку и всё раюотает, прям магия![]()
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function winListener(eventName, fn, fnName) {
if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("on" + eventName, fn);
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function iPop_close(pop_name) {
if(!pop_name) pop_name = "iCoder_POP1231968202";
function iPop1231968202_close() {
function iPop1231968202_init0() {
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scrollY += window.pageYOffset;
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x = scrollX + shift_position;
case "br" : y = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)) + scrollY - shift_position;
x = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)) + scrollX - shift_position;
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var y = DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(iCoder_POP1231968202_Obj);
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iCoder_POP1231968202_vibrostart = setInterval("iCoder_POP1231968202_vibro()", 40);
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var y = DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(iCoder_POP1231968202_Obj);
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function DHTMLAPI_hide(obj) {
var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj);
if (theObj) theObj.visibility = "hidden";
function DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj) {
var theObj;
if (typeof obj == "string") {
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else theObj = obj;
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function DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(obj, x, y) {
var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj);
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if (isCSS) {
var units = (typeof theObj.left == "string") ? "px" : 0;
theObj.left = x + units; = y + units;
else if (isNN4) theObj.moveTo(x, y);
function DHTMLAPI_getScrollWindow() {
var scrollX = 0, scrollY = 0;
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scrollY += document.body.scrollTop;
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scrollX += window.pageXOffset;
scrollY += window.pageYOffset;
return [scrollX, scrollY];
function DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj) {
var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);
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else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.height) result = elem.clip.height;
else if ( && result =;
return parseInt(result);
function DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(obj) {
var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);
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var style = document.defaultView;
var cssDecl = style.getComputedStyle(elem, "");
result = cssDecl.getPropertyValue("top");
else if (elem.currentStyle) result =;
else if ( result =;
else if (isNN4) result =;
return parseInt(result);
function DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj) {
var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);
if (theObj && isCSS) theObj =;
return theObj;
function DHTMLAPI_seekLayer(doc, name) {
var theObj;
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theObj = doc.layers[i];
if (doc.layers[i].document.layers.length > 0) theObj = DHTMLAPI_seekLayer(document.layers[i].document, name);
return theObj;
function DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) {
if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth;
else if (isIE6CSS) return document.body.parentElement.clientWidth;
else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) return document.body.clientWidth;
return 0;
function DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) {
if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight;
else if (isIE6CSS) return document.body.parentElement.clientHeight;
else if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) return document.body.clientHeight;
return 0;
function DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj) {
var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);
var result = 0;
if (elem.offsetWidth) result = elem.offsetWidth;
else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.width) result = elem.clip.width;
else if ( && result =;
return parseInt(result);
function DHTMLAPI_init( ) {
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isW3C = (isCSS && document.getElementById) ? true : false;
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isNN4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;
isIE6CSS = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) ? true : false;
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