и еще подшаманить. 
file: /includes/functions/auth.php
line 447 $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ( strstr( $user_ip, ", " ) )
$ips = explode( ", ", $user_ip );
$user_ip = $ips[0];
if ( admincheckip( $user_ip ) )
exit( "<h1>Access Denied for ".$user_ip."</h1><br />You must enable this IP in your configuration file if you are the administrator of this site" );
line 456 }
У меня только так заработало.

file: /includes/functions/auth.php
line 447 $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ( strstr( $user_ip, ", " ) )
$ips = explode( ", ", $user_ip );
$user_ip = $ips[0];
if ( admincheckip( $user_ip ) )
exit( "<h1>Access Denied for ".$user_ip."</h1><br />You must enable this IP in your configuration file if you are the administrator of this site" );
line 456 }
У меня только так заработало.