Партнёрка по играм и т.п. (типа нашей AdmitAd)

У многих буржуйских СPA партнерках есть оферы под game траф.
Neverblue например - 86 campaigns лиды от пары центов за всякий филипинский/индйиский траф и до 10 баксов за US canada и т.л.

Neverblue.com как выплачивают, чек??
Neverblue.com как выплачивают, чек??
из фака
Do you offer PayPal or wire transfers/direct transfers?
Yes, we offer PayPal and Wire transfers. ACH payments are also available for affiliates with US bank accounts. Paypal, Wire and ACH payments are available when:
- Is available to affiliates who have generated traffic with Neverblue for at least one month
- Affiliate must receive one mail cheque before being eligible for a wire transfer or can receive first payment net 30
- Affiliate must generate $1000 within the given frequency that they are requesting or they will be charged a fee
- Affiliate will be charged $30 fee if they do not hit $1000 threshold (domestic or international)
- Affiliate traffic that drops dramatically may be asked to switch off wire if they cannot keep traffic up
- Affiliate must submit the request via email including their exact campaign promotion method
- All wires must be approved by manager
- ACH payments are available for all American affiliates.
- Is available to affiliates who have generated traffic with neverblue for at least one month
- Affiliate must receive one mail cheque before being eligible for paypal
- Affiliate must not have problems with traffic quality and must not be flagged or have Compliance approval
- All paypal requests are sent through quality assurance first to have all traffic checked for fraud
- Affiliate must submit the request via email including their exact campaign promotion method
- Affiliate must submit request with PP address
Делали еще опрос о выплатах на payoneer, но что-то видимо не срослось.