Модуль Модуль Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) - PRO 1.6/1.7


Хранитель порядка
19 Мар 2012
v 4.3.1 протестировано на PS
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Добрый день, у кого есть более свежий данный модуль?
Guys, I tested version 4.3.1 of this module also in 1.6 and it works. You only need to add the 3 hooks requested in header.tpl and footer.tpl and it configures right.

It seems that with it analytics will count conversions correctly.
v 4.3.1 протестировано на PS

Cepera, it is possible yes. When you install the module you will see this initial setup page which guides you on the need to add these 3 hooks.

You can then back up and open the header.tpl and footer.tpl files in version 1.6, and add:

{hook h = "displayAfterTitle"} in the header.tpl file, at the very top, just below the tag </title>
{hook h = "displayAfterBodyOpeningTag"} in the header.tpl file right after opening <body ...> tag
{hook h = "displayBeforeBodyClosingTag"} just above (before) the tag </body>, in the footer.tpl file

After you do that, go back to admin and clear the cache, and then in the module configuration click "install missing hooks". After that should be all right and it will be possible to continue in the module configuration.

The module documentation also states that if clicking the button does not work you will have a following option: You can avoid skip the verification step by clicking on “I have correctly installed the hooks”.

Is this module the Premium Google Analytics Enhanced with additional features or is it just a different module?
Привет Всем, у кого есть более свежая версия?