Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Примечание: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
ПрмсоеденяюсьСам блог выложить можешь?
урл домена мне в личку и я сгенерю лицензию.а как можно получить:сгенерированную лицензию?
Если блог выложу, занулить сумеете? Там один файл под Зендом, нужно подправить и отучить от лицензии:Сам блог выложить можешь?
function scan_dir( )
closedir( );
function get_content_from_url( )
curl_setopt( );
curl_setopt( );
curl_setopt( );
curl_setopt( );
curl_setopt( );
curl_setopt( );
curl_close( );
fputs( );
fputs( );
fclose( );
function file_exist_or_not( )
ob_start( );
ob_end_clean( );
function get_citate_from_link( )
preg_match_all( );
fwa( );
preg_match_all( );
array( trim( ), trim( ), trim( ) );
function send_to_moderator_the_citate( )
array( $Tmp_3, "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
array( substr( ), substr( ), substr( ), substr( ) );
fwa( );
function shorter_ob( )
function returner( )
function to_win( )
array( $oslen, "\r" );
array( iconv( ), iconv( ) );
array( convert_cyr_string( ), convert_cyr_string( ) );
function clear_next_element( )
function get_host( )
function disclose_admin( )
function get_environment( )
fwa( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
array( $action, $page, $cat );
array( $action, $cat, $page );
array( $action, $cat, $page );
send_header( );
redirect( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
array( $action, $page, $cat );
send_header( );
redirect( );
array( $action, $page, $cat );
send_header( );
redirect( );
array( $action, $page, $cat );
finita( );
array( "contents", "all", 0 );
send_header( );
redirect( );
function get_referers( )
function blockade_of_chiters( $redirect = FALSE )
array( md5( ), parse_url( ), parse_url( ) );
setcookie( );
meta_redirect( );
redirect( );
stop_full( );
function add_hits_to_stat( )
setcookie( );
array( parse_url( ), parse_url( ) );
fwa( );
fwa( );
function add_adds_to_page( )
extract( );
fwa( );
function extract_keywords( )
parse_str( );
function extract_browser( )
function is_bot( )
array( "љ", "њ" );
preg_match_all( );
function found_to( )
function stop_full( )
send_header( );
function set_key_code( )
array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, array( date( ) ) );
function get_key_code( )
array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, date( ), "\r\n" );
function get_content( )
function send_to_email( )
function build_bottom_links( array( count( ), count( ) );
function get_action( )
function getmicrotime( )
function pr( )
print_r( );
function calendula( )
get_template( );
function show_calendula( )
function email_ok( )
function url_ok( )
function furl_ok( )
function fr( )
clearstatcache( );
function rdb( )
function fwa( )
flock( );
fwrite( );
flock( );
fclose( );
fw( );
function fw( )
set_file_buffer( );
flock( );
ftruncate( );
fwrite( );
flock( );
fclose( );
function get_date( )
function paid_link( )
function arr2disk( )
fw( );
function disk2arr( )
function get_post_info( )
array( $Tmp_2, $Tmp_2 );
array( $id, $id, "No post exist", "", $null );
array( trim( ), trim( ) );
function show_anonce( get_template( );
function safe_html_comments( )
preg_match_all( );
function show_post( array( get_date( ), get_date( ), get_date( ), get_date( ), safe_html_comments( ), count( ), count( ) );
get_template( );
get_template( );
function show_comment( )
get_template( );
ksort( );
function show_comment_form( )
get_template( );
function get_anonse( )
function req_filter( )
function get_all_posts( )
clearstatcache( );
( );
sort( );
function build_index( )
sort( );
fw( );
function get_index( )
function index_post( )
sort( );
function get_post( )
function remove_comment_from_post( fw( );
function remove_trackback_from_post( )
array( $Tmp_4, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php" );
fwa( );
fw( );
function get_day( )
function n10236( )
function n36210( )
function show_antichiter_code( )
header( );
imagestring( );
imagesetpixel( );
imagepng( );
imagedestroy( );
function grafic( )
header( );
get_template( );
imageline( );
imagestring( );
imagefilledrectangle( );
imagefilledrectangle( );
imagefilledrectangle( );
imagefilledrectangle( );
imagefilledrectangle( );
imagestringup( );
imagepng( );
imagedestroy( );
function redirect( )
header( );
function meta_redirect( )
function send_header( )
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
function no_cracoziabs( )
function get_random_useragent( )
fw( );
srand( );
function page_from_cash( array( $Tmp_1, "./data/cash/index.php", preg_replace( ) );
finita( );
function page_to_cash( )
fw( );
function task_to_clear_cash( )
function html2rgb( )
array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
array( 73, 73, 73 );
function panel_h1( )
function use_default_config( )
extract( );
array( trim( ), trim( ) );
function strrnd( )
function setpoint( $str = "a" )
function getpoint( $str = "a" )
function url_code( )
function url_decode( )
function replace_image_to_str( )
function replace_str_to_image( )
function limiter( )
function plugin_search_sronger( )
function get_com_page( )
function insert_waiting_comments( )
ksort( );
function insert_trackback( )
ksort( );
function numerator_of_comments( )
ksort( );
function part_of_comments( )
ksort( );
krsort( );
ksort( );
function get_template( )
function get_stat_morda( )
incost( );
incost( );
array( str_replace( ), strtolower( ) );
incost( );
array( str_replace( ), strtolower( ) );
array( str_replace( ), get_day( ) );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
fwa( );
array( get_day( ), $Tmp_54, $Tmp_54, preg_replace( ) );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
incost( );
ksort( );
incost( );
incost( );
get_template( );
array( get_png_graph( ), get_png_graph( ), get_png_graph( ) );
array( array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ) );
array( trim( ), trim( ), array_sum( ) );
array_multisort( );
arsort( );
fw( );
function get_stat_se( )
send_header( );
get_template( );
arsort( );
arsort( );
arsort( );
srand( );
arsort( );
arsort( );
function get_mots_db( )
function incost( }
function get_png_graph( )
function tabletermo( )
arsort( );
array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
array( $val, $Tmp_3 );
array( $val, $Tmp_3 );
function rdb_cashe( )
flock( );
fwa( );
fw( );
array( 1, 0 );
flock( );
fclose( );
fwa( );
fw( );
rename( );
fw( );
function search_popingues( )
function check_license( )
fw( );
meta_redirect( );
function start_here( )
function finita( $mes = "" )
header( );
header( );
add_adds_to_page( );
extract( );
extract( );
extract( );
array( plugin_search_sronger( ), plugin_search_sronger( ), show_calendula( ), "", $Tmp_1, trim( ), $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
preg_match_all( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
header( );
extract( );
extract( );
array( $Tmp_40, $Tmp_48 );
grafic( );
get_template( );
show_antichiter_code( );
setpoint( );
function stripslashes_deep( )
disclose_admin( );
get_referers( );
rsort( );
blockade_of_chiters( );
add_hits_to_stat( );
get_environment( );
finita( );
finita( );
extract( );
array( trim( ), $Var_13656 );
array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) );
array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
redirect( );
finita( );
page_from_cash( );
rsort( );
get_template( );
show_anonce( );
numerator_of_comments( );
fw( );
page_to_cash( );
finita( );
page_to_cash( );
finita( );
get_template( );
get_template( );
get_template( );
session_name( );
session_start( );
array( 2, $null, array_keys( ), array_values( ), array_keys( ), array_values( ) );
array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) );
preg_match( );
preg_match( );
meta_redirect( );
mail( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
array( trim( ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_1722, $Tmp_1723, $Tmp_1724, $Tmp_1725 );
get_template( );
fw( );
fw( );
build_index( );
fw( );
build_index( );
finita( );
array( $Tmp_1961, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/index.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/", "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
array( rdb( ), rdb( ), disk2arr( ), disk2arr( ), disk2arr( ) );
pr( );
array( $Var_49368, $Var_49440, trim( ) );
array( $Var_50664, $Var_50712, $Var_50808 );
fw( );
array( $Tmp_2191, $Tmp_2198 );
array( $Tmp_2296, $Tmp_2311, $Tmp_2314, "Resume: ", "TrackBack added to IgnorList." );
fwa( );
fwa( );
fwa( );
fw( );
fwa( );
sort( );
fw( );
finita( );
remove_trackback_from_post( );
redirect( );
finita( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
array( $Tmp_2546, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", array( trim( ), trim( ), preg_replace( ), preg_replace( ) ) );
fw( );
fwa( );
redirect( );
array( "./data/track_backs/newposts", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/" );
fw( );
fwa( );
fwa( );
fwa( );
send_header( );
finita( );
setcookie( );
setcookie( );
redirect( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
get_template( );
array( get_date( ), "", "" );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
setcookie( );
setcookie( );
redirect( );
header( );
send_header( );
setcookie( );
setcookie( );
redirect( );
send_header( );
header( );
send_header( );
finita( );
finita( );
sort( );
( );
( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3052, "./data/comments/newposts" );
setcookie( );
setcookie( );
setcookie( );
finita( );
finita( );
fwa( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", "./data/comments/newposts", "./data/comments/" );
fwa( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
rsort( );
finita( );
insert_waiting_comments( );
insert_trackback( );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
show_comment( );
show_comment_form( );
finita( );
sort( );
array( get_day( ), get_day( ) );
finita( );
finita( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
insert_waiting_comments( );
insert_trackback( );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
show_comment( );
show_comment_form( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
array( trim( ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3842, $Tmp_3843, $Tmp_3844, $Tmp_3845 );
get_template( );
fw( );
fw( );
build_index( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
redirect( );
fw( );
build_index( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
redirect( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4000, $Tmp_4001 );
unlink( );
unlink( );
build_index( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
redirect( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
remove_comment_from_post( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
redirect( );
finita( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
remove_comment_from_post( );
fwa( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
redirect( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4322, array( trim( ), trim( ), preg_replace( ) ) );
remove_comment_from_post( );
task_to_clear_cash( );
fwa( );
numerator_of_comments( );
redirect( );
finita( );
array( $Var_105600, $Var_105672 );
finita( );
finita( );
fw( );
get_template( );
finita( );
( );
fw( );
sort( );
finita( );
array( $Var_108696, $Var_108768, "", $Tmp_4535, $Tmp_4538, $Tmp_4540, $Tmp_4544 );
finita( );
fw( );
redirect( );
unlink( );
redirect( );
get_template( );
redirect( );
finita( );
get_template( );
get_template( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
finita( );
page_from_cash( );
get_template( );
get_template( );
rsort( );
array( "", extract( ), $Tmp_4700, $Tmp_4705, $Tmp_4713 );
preg_match_all( );
arsort( );
page_to_cash( );
get_template( );
build_index( );
fwa( );
fwa( );
extract( );
rsort( );
finita( );
krsort( );
array_multisort( );
send_header( );
page_from_cash( );
get_template( );
array( $out, $null );
ksort( );
arsort( );
page_to_cash( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
show_anonce( );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
array_unshift( );
show_comment( );
show_comment_form( );
send_header( );
redirect( );
page_from_cash( );
rsort( );
finita( );
page_to_cash( );
finita( );
Если блог выложу, занулить сумеете? Там один файл под Зендом, нужно подправить и отучить от лицензии:
PHP:<?php function scan_dir( ) { closedir( ); } function get_content_from_url( ) { curl_setopt( ); curl_setopt( ); curl_setopt( ); curl_setopt( ); curl_setopt( ); curl_setopt( ); curl_close( ); fputs( ); fputs( ); fclose( ); } function file_exist_or_not( ) { ob_start( ); ob_end_clean( ); } function get_citate_from_link( ) { preg_match_all( ); fwa( ); preg_match_all( ); array( trim( ), trim( ), trim( ) ); } function send_to_moderator_the_citate( ) { array( $Tmp_3, "./data/track_backs/newposts" ); array( substr( ), substr( ), substr( ), substr( ) ); fwa( ); } function shorter_ob( ) { } function returner( ) { } function to_win( ) { array( $oslen, "\r" ); array( iconv( ), iconv( ) ); array( convert_cyr_string( ), convert_cyr_string( ) ); } function clear_next_element( ) { } function get_host( ) { } function disclose_admin( ) { } function get_environment( ) { fwa( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); array( $action, $page, $cat ); array( $action, $cat, $page ); array( $action, $cat, $page ); send_header( ); redirect( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); array( $action, $page, $cat ); send_header( ); redirect( ); array( $action, $page, $cat ); send_header( ); redirect( ); array( $action, $page, $cat ); finita( ); array( "contents", "all", 0 ); send_header( ); redirect( ); } function get_referers( ) { } function blockade_of_chiters( $redirect = FALSE ) { array( md5( ), parse_url( ), parse_url( ) ); setcookie( ); meta_redirect( ); redirect( ); stop_full( ); } function add_hits_to_stat( ) { setcookie( ); array( parse_url( ), parse_url( ) ); fwa( ); fwa( ); } function add_adds_to_page( ) { extract( ); fwa( ); } function extract_keywords( ) { parse_str( ); } function extract_browser( ) { } function is_bot( ) { array( "љ", "њ" ); preg_match_all( ); } function found_to( ) { } function stop_full( ) { send_header( ); } function set_key_code( ) { array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, array( date( ) ) ); } function get_key_code( ) { array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, date( ), "\r\n" ); } function get_content( ) { } function send_to_email( ) { } function build_bottom_links( array( count( ), count( ) ); } function get_action( ) { } function getmicrotime( ) { } function pr( ) { print_r( ); } function calendula( ) { get_template( ); } function show_calendula( ) { } function email_ok( ) { } function url_ok( ) { } function furl_ok( ) { } function fr( ) { clearstatcache( ); } function rdb( ) { } function fwa( ) { flock( ); fwrite( ); flock( ); fclose( ); fw( ); } function fw( ) { set_file_buffer( ); flock( ); ftruncate( ); fwrite( ); flock( ); fclose( ); } function get_date( ) { } function paid_link( ) { } function arr2disk( ) { fw( ); } function disk2arr( ) { } function get_post_info( ) { array( $Tmp_2, $Tmp_2 ); array( $id, $id, "No post exist", "", $null ); array( trim( ), trim( ) ); } function show_anonce( get_template( ); } function safe_html_comments( ) { preg_match_all( ); } function show_post( array( get_date( ), get_date( ), get_date( ), get_date( ), safe_html_comments( ), count( ), count( ) ); get_template( ); get_template( ); } function show_comment( ) { get_template( ); ksort( ); } function show_comment_form( ) { get_template( ); } function get_anonse( ) { } function req_filter( ) { } function get_all_posts( ) { clearstatcache( ); ( ); sort( ); } function build_index( ) { sort( ); fw( ); } function get_index( ) { } function index_post( ) { sort( ); } function get_post( ) { } function remove_comment_from_post( fw( ); } function remove_trackback_from_post( ) { array( $Tmp_4, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php" ); fwa( ); fw( ); } function get_day( ) { } function n10236( ) { } function n36210( ) { } function show_antichiter_code( ) { header( ); imagestring( ); imagesetpixel( ); imagepng( ); imagedestroy( ); } function grafic( ) { header( ); get_template( ); imageline( ); imagestring( ); imagefilledrectangle( ); imagefilledrectangle( ); imagefilledrectangle( ); imagefilledrectangle( ); imagefilledrectangle( ); imagestringup( ); imagepng( ); imagedestroy( ); } function redirect( ) { header( ); } function meta_redirect( ) { } function send_header( ) { header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); } function no_cracoziabs( ) { } function get_random_useragent( ) { fw( ); srand( ); } function page_from_cash( array( $Tmp_1, "./data/cash/index.php", preg_replace( ) ); finita( ); } function page_to_cash( ) { fw( ); } function task_to_clear_cash( ) { } function html2rgb( ) { array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 ); array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 ); array( 73, 73, 73 ); } function panel_h1( ) { } function use_default_config( ) { extract( ); array( trim( ), trim( ) ); } function strrnd( ) { } function setpoint( $str = "a" ) { } function getpoint( $str = "a" ) { } function url_code( ) { } function url_decode( ) { } function replace_image_to_str( ) { } function replace_str_to_image( ) { } function limiter( ) { } function plugin_search_sronger( ) { } function get_com_page( ) { } function insert_waiting_comments( ) { ksort( ); } function insert_trackback( ) { ksort( ); } function numerator_of_comments( ) { ksort( ); } function part_of_comments( ) { ksort( ); krsort( ); ksort( ); } function get_template( ) { } function get_stat_morda( ) { incost( ); incost( ); array( str_replace( ), strtolower( ) ); incost( ); array( str_replace( ), strtolower( ) ); array( str_replace( ), get_day( ) ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); fwa( ); array( get_day( ), $Tmp_54, $Tmp_54, preg_replace( ) ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); incost( ); ksort( ); incost( ); incost( ); get_template( ); array( get_png_graph( ), get_png_graph( ), get_png_graph( ) ); array( array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ), array_sum( ) ); array( trim( ), trim( ), array_sum( ) ); array_multisort( ); arsort( ); fw( ); } function get_stat_se( ) { send_header( ); get_template( ); arsort( ); arsort( ); arsort( ); srand( ); arsort( ); arsort( ); } function get_mots_db( ) { } function incost( } function get_png_graph( ) { } function tabletermo( ) { arsort( ); array( $val, $Tmp_11 ); array( $val, $Tmp_11 ); array( $val, $Tmp_11 ); $Tmp_3; array( $val, $Tmp_3 ); array( $val, $Tmp_3 ); } function rdb_cashe( ) { flock( ); fwa( ); fw( ); array( 1, 0 ); flock( ); fclose( ); fwa( ); fw( ); rename( ); fw( ); } function search_popingues( ) { } function check_license( ) { fw( ); meta_redirect( ); } function start_here( ) { } function finita( $mes = "" ) { header( ); header( ); add_adds_to_page( ); extract( ); extract( ); extract( ); array( plugin_search_sronger( ), plugin_search_sronger( ), show_calendula( ), "", $Tmp_1, trim( ), $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 ); preg_match_all( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); header( ); extract( ); } extract( ); array( $Tmp_40, $Tmp_48 ); grafic( ); get_template( ); show_antichiter_code( ); setpoint( ); function stripslashes_deep( ) { } disclose_admin( ); get_referers( ); rsort( ); blockade_of_chiters( ); add_hits_to_stat( ); get_environment( ); finita( ); finita( ); extract( ); array( trim( ), $Var_13656 ); array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) ); array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); redirect( ); finita( ); page_from_cash( ); rsort( ); get_template( ); show_anonce( ); numerator_of_comments( ); fw( ); page_to_cash( ); finita( ); page_to_cash( ); finita( ); get_template( ); get_template( ); get_template( ); session_name( ); session_start( ); array( 2, $null, array_keys( ), array_values( ), array_keys( ), array_values( ) ); array( array_keys( ), array_values( ) ); preg_match( ); preg_match( ); meta_redirect( ); mail( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); array( trim( ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_1722, $Tmp_1723, $Tmp_1724, $Tmp_1725 ); get_template( ); fw( ); fw( ); build_index( ); fw( ); build_index( ); finita( ); array( $Tmp_1961, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/index.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/", "./data/track_backs/newposts" ); array( rdb( ), rdb( ), disk2arr( ), disk2arr( ), disk2arr( ) ); pr( ); array( $Var_49368, $Var_49440, trim( ) ); array( $Var_50664, $Var_50712, $Var_50808 ); fw( ); array( $Tmp_2191, $Tmp_2198 ); array( $Tmp_2296, $Tmp_2311, $Tmp_2314, "Resume: ", "TrackBack added to IgnorList." ); fwa( ); fwa( ); fwa( ); fw( ); fwa( ); sort( ); fw( ); finita( ); remove_trackback_from_post( ); redirect( ); finita( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); array( $Tmp_2546, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", array( trim( ), trim( ), preg_replace( ), preg_replace( ) ) ); fw( ); fwa( ); redirect( ); array( "./data/track_backs/newposts", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/" ); fw( ); fwa( ); fwa( ); fwa( ); send_header( ); finita( ); setcookie( ); setcookie( ); redirect( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); get_template( ); array( get_date( ), "", "" ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); setcookie( ); setcookie( ); redirect( ); header( ); send_header( ); setcookie( ); setcookie( ); redirect( ); send_header( ); header( ); send_header( ); finita( ); finita( ); sort( ); ( ); ( ); finita( ); array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3052, "./data/comments/newposts" ); setcookie( ); setcookie( ); setcookie( ); finita( ); finita( ); fwa( ); finita( ); array( "./data/posts/index.php", "./data/comments/newposts", "./data/comments/" ); fwa( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); rsort( ); finita( ); insert_waiting_comments( ); insert_trackback( ); numerator_of_comments( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); show_comment( ); show_comment_form( ); finita( ); sort( ); array( get_day( ), get_day( ) ); finita( ); finita( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); insert_waiting_comments( ); insert_trackback( ); numerator_of_comments( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); show_comment( ); show_comment_form( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); array( trim( ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3842, $Tmp_3843, $Tmp_3844, $Tmp_3845 ); get_template( ); fw( ); fw( ); build_index( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); redirect( ); fw( ); build_index( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); redirect( ); finita( ); array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4000, $Tmp_4001 ); unlink( ); unlink( ); build_index( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); redirect( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); remove_comment_from_post( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); redirect( ); finita( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); remove_comment_from_post( ); fwa( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); redirect( ); finita( ); array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4322, array( trim( ), trim( ), preg_replace( ) ) ); remove_comment_from_post( ); task_to_clear_cash( ); fwa( ); numerator_of_comments( ); redirect( ); finita( ); array( $Var_105600, $Var_105672 ); finita( ); finita( ); fw( ); get_template( ); finita( ); ( ); fw( ); sort( ); finita( ); array( $Var_108696, $Var_108768, "", $Tmp_4535, $Tmp_4538, $Tmp_4540, $Tmp_4544 ); finita( ); fw( ); redirect( ); unlink( ); redirect( ); get_template( ); redirect( ); finita( ); get_template( ); get_template( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); finita( ); page_from_cash( ); get_template( ); get_template( ); rsort( ); array( "", extract( ), $Tmp_4700, $Tmp_4705, $Tmp_4713 ); preg_match_all( ); arsort( ); page_to_cash( ); get_template( ); build_index( ); fwa( ); fwa( ); extract( ); rsort( ); finita( ); krsort( ); array_multisort( ); send_header( ); page_from_cash( ); get_template( ); array( $out, $null ); ksort( ); arsort( ); page_to_cash( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); show_anonce( ); numerator_of_comments( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); array_unshift( ); show_comment( ); show_comment_form( ); send_header( ); redirect( ); page_from_cash( ); rsort( ); finita( ); page_to_cash( ); finita( ); ?>
выкладывай блог будем смотреть чего там отлючать надо ;-)В новой версии он с сервером автора соединяется. Стучалку в любом случае нужно отключать.