Релиз Компоненты: IP.Blog, IP.Downloads, IP.Gallery IP.Shoutbox для IPB 3

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Я слышил, что они выпустили IP.Trecker ничего про него не слышно?
Зачем оно тебе IP.Trecker это багтрекер, т.е. система отслеживания ошибок.
Чтобы пост написать и его не удалили ;)
А может хочет к своему SVN прикрутить :-]

Я бы к примеру поглядел, что за трэкер, может быть и нашлось ему применение. Всё зависит от того, что он может. Какого уровня в общем. Если так, поиграться, то можно в качестве ToDo на форуме использовать :D
А поиск юзать все сразу разучились? :read: На нуледе об нем писали уже:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Если комуто сильно нужен трекер под трешку:

IP.Tracker v1.3.0 RC2
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
IP.Tracker Feature Set

General Features

* Adds an issue tracker to your existing IP.Board
* Unlimited projects, sub-projects, statuses, priorities, and moderators
* Ability to add custom fields to allow your Tracker installation to be anything you want it to be, for example you could add a custom field for a computer part number, in your 'Building my computer' project! Anything is possible!
* RSS feeds for all issues in projects, and statuses
* Advanced search system to filter out reports dependant on certain criteria
* Seamless integration with IP.Board
* A stats feature and a ‘Who’s viewing this ...’ table appear on all areas of IP.Tracker
* Users can subscribe to projects and individual issues to keep up-to-date via email


* Control access to projects on a permission mask basis
* Projects can be toggled to have version control, users can inform what version an issue had occurred in, and project moderators can also assign a fixed in version, which integrates into our generated list feature
* Issues have the common folders for new posts, locked issues, and issues you have replied in
* Can filter issues in a project by status, severity, and version. You can also filter it to only display open issues, or issues you have replied in, to name a few.
* Moderators can generate a BBCode-ready list of issues fixed in a specific version, this is very useful if you regularly post a topic with issues that are fixed in a specific version. Administrators can also allow normal users and guests access to this list


* Each issue has a brief overview table at the top of the page, this table contains the issue title, version submitted in, version fixed in, severity, status, and much more.
* Each issue is in a recognisable IP.Board format with the option to switch between three display modes: Linear, Linear+, and Outline
* IP.Tracker moderators have complete control over each individual post within an issue. Moderators can edit, and delete posts with ease
* At the bottom of every issue, there is a multi-moderation control box, in this box, moderators can lock and delete issues, or move the issue to another project, update its status, version, version fixed in, and severity, all whilst writing a post at the same time!
* For the convenience of the moderator, IP.Tracker automatically works out what fields you changed from this CP, and adds a line into the post such as Updating status to: Fixed
* Issues also come with a IP.Board attachment plugin, this means that uploaded files via IP.Tracker fit in with your IP.Board upload criteria!

Admin CP

* IP.Tracker comes with a huge array of features, the majority of which can be toggled on or off at any time via the Admin CP sections page, the IP.Tracker can be turned offline with a reason why, administrators can also change the number of issues on each project, and the number of posts required to make an issue ‘hot’.
* Settings also include the option to default the view mode for members if they have not set their own.
* Admins can add new projects, statuses, severities, and moderators at any time via the Admin CP.
* The IP.Tracker Admin CP is right inside the IP.Board Admin CP, feel right at home with huge integration!
* Easy group control means you can limit whether a certain group can access the Tracker, or you can limit the amount of space they are allowed to use in uploads
* IP.Tracker comes with a great set of Admin Tools, you can rebuild all projects, statuses, caches etc. right from your admin cp, no coding knowledge needed! You can even reimport the settings, and templates for this component if you happen to lose them in an upgrade!
* Administrators can also view moderator logs to see what moderators did what action when sorting out issues, logs can be searched through, and deleted at any time.
Ну мне он не до такой степени нужен, чтобы искать его ещё. Не до него сейчас, а вот новенькую версию скачалбы для порядку :)
Первый пост обновляется там я буду выкладывать все что есть...
  • Заблокирован
  • #27
Не пойму как ты так выкладываешь, но твое вложение и без 25 постов можно скачать - зацени это багтрекер.

Выкладываю ссылку так как ты спи...ный мной перевод без моего пароля выложил. (не красиво, так делать)

А IP ковердж вообще без ион куба есть в природе? Вроде же только беты в ионкубе делают, нахрена кубнутый RC1 то сделали.
Мне надо именно сорцы.
Чё-то вглючило у Android`а. Огромные ссылки непонятно на что получаются, наверно поэтому хайд и не срабатывает.

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Вот это всё:
- одна ссылка на трэкер :nezn:
Android, что за Links System?
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