Компонент JCE with plugins


Куратор темы
6 Фев 2009
JCE (Joomla Content Editor) - это самый популярный редактор содержимого (статей) для CMS Joomla. Тысячи администраторов по всему миру выбрали именно его, взамен любых других (например, TinyMCE).
Этот редактор намного мощнее и имеет расширенные возможности, по сравнению со стандартным TinyMCE, поддерживает различные расширения, дополнения и плагины, в основном плагины платные. Но даже стандартный набор функций просто потрясает воображение. Попробуйте этот редактор и Вы ни за что от него не откажитесь. Простота, легкость и надежность, многовариативное использование, гибкая настройка, поддержка функций:
• Автосохранение страницы через заданное количество секунд;
• Возможность задавать профили для каждого пользователя или для группы пользователей;
• Медиа обозреватель;
• Файловый обозреватель;
• Расширенные возможности по вставке всплывающих окон, изображений и медиа-файлов;
• Уютный, приятный интерфейс, как стандартный, так и задаваемый пользователем вручную.

UPD 29.08.2011 в 15:17
Вопрос: Столкнулся с проблемой. В нем нет JCE Utilities.
Я его использовал для картинок в качестве превьюшек и по клику открывалась полная картинка. Так это реализовать теперь?

Ответ: Вобщем разобрался. В нем не хватало платного плагина оказывается Image Manager Extended.
Кому нужен данный функционал забирайте стразу весь пакет с русским и плагинами.

При открытии компонента в панели управления Страница не доступна Ошибка 500.
Подскажите пожалуйста кто сталкивался с такой бедой?
Была такая беда один раз когда поверх старого бесплатного JCE накатил новый платный. Решилась удалением расширения, очисткой файлов расширения (при удалении удалились только файлы нового JCE), после очистки кэша установка прошла и заработало.
Была такая беда один раз когда поверх старого бесплатного JCE накатил новый платный. Решилась удалением расширения, очисткой файлов расширения (при удалении удалились только файлы нового JCE), после очистки кэша установка прошла и заработало.

Расширения > Управление > Поиском обнаружились задвоения компонента и плагинов. Удаление всех не помогло, пришлось искать в структуре сайта все файлы и вычищать вручную. Благодарю за помощь

Попробовал 2.8.0 и удивился. Исчезла кнопка "Подробнее" - которая отделяет вступительный текст от всего остального. Пришлось откатиться.
Стал разбираться с этим вопросом
Чтобы назначить кнопку панели инструментов редактора:
  • На панели управления JCE нажмите кнопку «Профили редактора».
  • Нажмите на профиль «По умолчанию» (или любой другой профиль, которому вы хотите назначить кнопку)
  • Нажмите на вкладку Особенности .
  • Перетащите кнопку из области « Доступные кнопки» в текущий макет редактора.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.3

  • Added: The Media Field - available in Images & Links and elsewhere, now includes an option to directly upload a file, either by clicking the upload button and selecting a file, or by dragging and dropping it into the field.
  • Added: Direct support for the Yootheme, Gantry (RocketTheme) and Wright (JoomlaShack) CSS frameworks has been added in an attempt to import more relevant template stylesheets.
  • Fixed: Filenames in the File Browser using UTF-8 characters would be truncated on systems.
  • Fixed: Added some improvements and fixed various issues with the new Select / Datalist fields.
  • Fixed: Class values set as defaults for various plugins - Tables, Image Manager etc. - are not applied on Insert.
  • Fixed: Searching in the File Browser with FTP mode enabled would produce an error.
  • Fixed: Remove display of index.html files in the File Browser file listing.
  • Fixed: Update markdown syntax for headings to use CommonMark / GFM standard.
  • Fixed: Additional text could not be pasted or typed into the Paste as Plain Text dialog.
  • Fixed: Checkboxes in the Search & Replace dialog would not activate when clicked in Chrome / Brave.
  • Fixed: The new URL Conversion option would not store an updated value if set to None.
  • Fixed: The editor content area does not display when the Toolbar Position is set to Bottom.
  • Fixed: Added back the missing Camel Case option - renamed now to Title Case - in the Text Case dropdown list.
  • Fixed: Selecting an option from a dialog window created by the Joomla dropdown menu would insert or apply it to the wrong editor when multiple editors are loaded.
  • Fixed: The dialog window opened from the Joomla dropdown menu would not close when selecting an option for some editor-xtd plugins.
  • Fixed: The Font Background Colour icon has been updated to be more distinct from the Font Text Colour icon.
  • Fixed: PRO Searching in the Source Code tab by pressing Enter after adding a search value would cause the editor toggle button to be activated.
  • Fixed: PRO Add back missing Markdown option in Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout.
  • Fixed: PRO Enable markdown to HTML conversion on paste text by default.
  • Fixed: PRO Updated margin values in the Caption dialog would not be applied.
  • Fixed: PRO Addding a Youtube, Vimeo etc. URL in the Media Manager would not set the correct option in the Media Type list.
  • Fixed: PRO Disabling the Quick Media option in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Media Manager would not have an effect on pasted links.
  • Fixed: PRO Stack Width values on Columns would be removed on saving when using the Boostrap 4 CSS Framework.
  • Fixed: PRO When uploading an image with multiple resize values, only the first set of values would be applied correctly.
Вышел JCE Editor Pro 2.8.4
Поделитесь, плиз!
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.5

  • Fixed: Clicking on an item in some dropdown menus - Tables, Emoticons, Columns - would do nothing and produce a javascript error.
  • Added: Support for the Helix template framework.
  • Added: Media Field options added to the File Browser parameters allow the conversion of a Joomla Media Field to be disabled or the Direct Upload button to be disabled on a per profile basis.
  • Fixed: The layout of the Media Field would break when hovering over the input element.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the Select buton in a Media Field would sometimes trigger the new Upload button.
  • Fixed: In some intances the Media Field conversion and inclusion of the new Upload button would cause a javscript error on loading, or when clicking the Select or Upload button.
  • Fixed: When multiple editors are loaded, selecting an item in a window opened by clicking on a menu item from the Joomla button dropdown would sometimes insert into the wrong editor.
  • Fixed: Selecting an item in a window opened by clicking on a menu item from the Joomla button dropdown would sometimes not close the window as expected and produce a javascript error.
  • Fixed: Some class values would be updated using comma seperated values instead of a space seperator.
  • Fixed: Uploading any file using the File Browser would show an error message in JCE Core.
  • Fixed: An editor.css file will now be loaded for all template frameworks if one exists using the standard path templates/$template/css/editor.css
  • Fixed: Update Gantry framework support to allow for loading of an editor.css or other custom.css files, using standard Gantry paths.
  • Fixed: Update Font Family Select configuration to allow for re-ordering of entries.
  • Fixed: Duplicate options would sometimes be added to any select list in a dialog, eg: Target, Media Type etc.
  • Fixed: Some Custom Styles would not be applied to a selected element if the Custom Style included a Tag value but not an Element Selector value.
  • Fixed: Some HTML content would be converted to special characters and a <pre> tag added when changing between the Code and Editor tab, or when toggling the editor.
  • Fixed: Pasting some content from an external source such as Word would remove all HTML formatting.
  • Fixed: Saving the Editor Global Configuration with an existing Custom Configuration Variables entry would result in that entry being removed.
  • Added: PRO The Media Manager parameters now include options to set some default values for Audio and Video, eg: Loop, Controls, Autoplay, Mute.
  • Fixed: PRO Remove display of the Edit Image and Create Thumbnail buttons when selecting an svg or webp image in the Image Manager Extended.
  • Fixed: PRO Selecting an image while in the Popups tab in the Image Manager Extended would not always fill the URL field as expected.
  • Fixed: PRO Fix selection of, adding a Style to, or changing the Format of the parent element of a Media Preview block.
  • Fixed: PRO It was not possible to place the caret / cursor next to a Media Preview block created after pasting a video url into the editor.
  • Fixed: PRO Add missing option to enable or disable the Create button in the Template Manager dialog.
  • Fixed: PRO Optimize and fix various parts of the upload resize, watermark and thumbnail processes, including re-orientation of images if the EXIF data is removed.
  • Fixed: PRO Restore the resizing handle in the Source Code editor and fix an issue where the fullscreen layout would sometimes cut of the display of some content.


  • Added: Support for the Helix template framework.
Наше фсе ;>
устанавливал JCE Editor Pro 2.8.3, но вернулся к 2.8.2. Обнаружил некорректное отображение вставленного контента. В частности таблицы. Особо не тестировал. Не было времени. На новые версии пока не перехожу.
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.6

  • Added: Use adaptaive colouring for selection control elements (image resize handles, table selection and resize handles)
  • Added: Guidelines in the editor (Visual Blocks, Table Guidelines, Columns Guidelines) now use an adaptive shade of grey that changes to optimize visibility depending on the content background as defined in the template stylesheet
  • Added: An Auto option has been add to the Editor Styles Reset list. When set, a high contrast (black text on a white background) style wil be used for the editor content if the contrast of the body text and body background does not meet a minimum level of usablity (WCAG Contrast level 3:1)
  • Added: Soft hyphen can now be inserted with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + - on Mac and Windows
  • Added: PRO A Process External Content option has been added for the Markdown tool to disable markdown processing of pasted or passed in (from the code editor) external content
  • Added: PRO The Template Manager now supports drag & drop inline uploading into the editor window for html, html, txt and md files. File content is processed and inserted into the editor after uploading.
  • Added: PRO The Image Manager Extended will now used the Image Description value from an image's EXIF data, if set, for the Image Description (alt) when selecting an image or inserting into the edtiow window using drag & drop.
  • Added: PRO The Template Manager now supports uploading and inserting of md files, with markdown to html processing.
  • Changed: Improved the layout and appearance of the upload placeholder and inline upload marker.
  • Fixed: Changes to content would be removed when switching to the Source tab in SP PageBuilder.
  • Fixed: The Help dialog was showing a 403 or 500 error when opened in the front-end.
  • Fixed: Error on upload in PHP 5.6 due to additional parameter in basename function
  • Fixed: Images uploaded using a placeholder will now have the placeholder dimensions proportionally applied.
  • Fixed: Fix media input field display when the screen size is less than 1400px
  • Fixed: The Joomla Buttons menu was not populated in extensions that do not use the Joomla API to initiaize the editor, eg: SP Page Builder
  • Fixed: The middot character used to display the position of a Non-breaking space or Soft-hyphen was missing.
  • Fixed: A javascript error caused by a change in the Media Field processing script would cause an issue in some extensions - JoomDonation, FlexiContent.
  • Fixed: The Insert button was missing in the JCE File Browser opened by the Media Field in Joomla 4.
  • Fixed: Menu items in some dropdown dialogs would set an unnecessary selected state when an item was clicked.
  • Fixed: PRO Drag & drop uploading into the editor of File Manager files would produce an error.
  • Fixed: PRO Thumbnail images were not being created when using the Thumbnail Editor
  • Fixed: PRO Default values were not be applied to some fields in the Captions dialog and others
  • Fixed: PRO Class list in the File Manager would not allow multiple values
  • Fixed: PRO Class values added in the File Manager Advanced tab were not be applied to a new or updated link.
  • Fixed: PRO An empty Thumbnail Width or Height parameter value would be filled with a default value in the Upload dialog.
  • Fixed: PRO Uploading an image with the Remove EXIF option enabled would produce an error and a failed upload when using PHP GD2 (PHP Imagick is not available)
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.7

  • Added: Support templates that use the Warp framework but are not from Yootheme
  • Added: The File Browser now supports a passed in folder value to set a new temporary root folder on the current File Directory Path.
  • Changed: The Unlink button is now always active, and can remove links on a content selection, not just an individual link.
  • Changed: The Path list will now show columns » column when the cursor is inside a column, and the name of the media type when an iframe media element is selected, eg: Path: p » Youtube
  • Fixed: The editor would produce an error / hang when toggling or saving if it only contained text without any block elements.
  • Fixed: Added a missing WF_DLG_UPLOAD_DROP_DETAILS language key for the Upload dialog size and file type message.
  • Fixed: Incorrect items in the Styles list would be shown as selected when using some Custom Style configurations.
  • Fixed: Clicking in the Folders column when it is empty would add an "undefined" value to the directory path.
  • Fixed: The editor would always show a vertical scrollbar regardless of the amount of content in it.
  • Fixed: PRO Template Manager was not showing all available html files in the dropdown menu
  • Fixed: PRO Inserting content with the Template Manager would produce unexpected results when the content contains elements with class attributes.
  • Fixed: PRO Editor would not complete loading - showing loading spinner - when Template Manager Startup Content is set.
  • Fixed: PRO Attempting to select and insert items in the Template Manager would result in no content being inserted into the editor.
  • Fixed: PRO EXIF data of an uploaded image will be temporarily stored so that the ImageDescription value can be used, even if the EXIF data is to be removed from the image.
JCE Editor Pro 2.8.8

  • Fixed: PRO Compression settings were not applied to PNG files when processed using PHP Imagick
  • Fixed: PRO Switching to the Code tab would produce an error if the editor does not contain any elements.
  • Fixed: Updating via the Attributes dialog would produce an error.
  • Fixed: Selecting a code item (PHP, Style, Script) in the editor will update the Path list accordingly.
  • Fixed: Remove processing of a passed in "folder" value by the File Browser due to an incompatability with some MediaField implementations