Релиз Invision power board

Eight bits

28 Окт 2011
Invision Power Board 3.3.0
Описание :

IP.Board is the most powerful forum software available today. As part of the IPS Community Suite, it inherits all of the great features on offer, as well as having it's own list that sets it apart from the alternatives.

Forum Handling
Unlimited forums/subforums
Forums with unread content appear highlighted
Password-protected forums
Redirect forums that link to external URLs
Fine-grained forum permissions, including viewing, posting, replying, uploading and downloading
Drag and drop forum ordering in AdminCP
One-click 'mark forum as read'
Topic Handling
Pinned topics
Poll topics, with private or public voting
Inline topic preview, showing first and latest post snippets
Various topic sorting options, including Recently Updated, alphabetical etc. at a forum level, and as a user preference
Topic ratings
Posts & Posting
Rich post formatting with our fully-featured text editor
Automatic embedding of videos from various video services
MultiQuote for one-click quoting of posts, even from different forums
Shared Media pane, allowing easy reuse of previously-posted content, like photos
Our iconic emoticons, with the ability to easily import other emoticon packs
Advanced attachment uploader allows multiple files to be attached at once, with progress indicator
Tag topics, with option for open (user-defined tags) or closed (admin-defined tags) system
Tag cloud can be configured to show on the Board index
Topic prefixes (shows a specified tag as part of the topic title, e.g. "For sale")
Bad Word filter to help prevent obscenities, with per-group on/off
HTML posting support, with per-group on/off
URL filtering for posted links, on a whitelist or blacklist basis
Draft posts saved automatically in the editor
New posts made while replying appear automatically on the page
Moderation Tools
Support for super moderators (with site-wide powers), individual forum moderators and group-based moderators
New topics/posts can be queued, pending moderator approval (per-group and per-user basis)
Ability to prune topics from forums that match certain criteria, such as age
Multi-Moderation, allowing multiple moderation actions to be chained for one click access
Deleted content can be reviewed and restored in the ModeratorCP
Search by IP address to find all posts/members that match
Report Center, allowing users to report topics/posts, and moderators to review them
Members' display name history logged
Moderating Team page shows super moderators and individual forum moderators
Flag As Spammer tool, enabling instant ban of a member and deletion of all their content
Topics can be managed: merged, renamed, moved, edited, deleted, split, unapproved and pinned
Posts can be managed: edited, moved, merged, deleted and unapproved
Content Consumption & Sharing
Full content search, with quick search available on every screen
View New Content area, showing visitors topics & posts they haven't seen before
'Follow' forums and topics, and get notified when they're updated
Import RSS feeds as new topics in specified forums
Syndicate topics via RSS feeds, with customization options
Share content to social networks like Facebook & Twitter in one click
Extensive notification events & methods, including inline popup, email & mobile push.
Recent topics shown on Board index
Anonymous sign in (hides the member's name and online status on the Active User list)
Custom profile fields (variety of types; can be required at registration; with access permissions)
Single sign-on support built in for Twitter, Facebook, OpenID, Live & OpenID. Other providers can be supported via a custom plugin
Status updates can be shown on the Board index
Profile customization via background images
Integrated photo cropper for perfect profile photos
User ratings
Reputation points shown on profile, with admin-defined badges at certain thresholds
Automatic member group promotion after defined post increments
Auto-profile photo syncing with Gravatar, Twitter and Facebook support
COPPA support, requiring parental permission for under-13s
Customization & Languages
Support for a different skin per forum
Visual Skin Editor for point-and-click color customization
Advanced skin editor for manual customization of templates & CSS
WebDAV skinning allows local editing of templates & CSS
Support for multiple skins, each with individual access permissions
Fully translatable interface & AdminCP
Language packs can be easily imported and exported
Extensive hook system allowing functionality to be extended
Promote, Optimize & Monetize
Simple ad placement system, with user group permissions
Friendly URL structure for humans and search engines
Semantic HTML markup
Support for microformats, including hCalendar, hCard, hAtom and Breadcrumbs
Auto-generated meta tags, including description, canonical and noindex
Search engine spiders are recognized and displayed in the Active Users list
Bulk mailer tool for communicating with membership via email
nofollow added to posted links
Search engine spider activity is logged and compiled for viewing

Support for IPv6
Sphinx searching supported when available
Caching support: Eaccelerator, Memcache, Xcache, Wincache & APC
CDN support for static resources
Minify built in
Option to serve Javascript libraries from Google

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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Скачать Nulled :

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Язык : English
А чей нулл?
Быстро сработали - сегодня вышел релиз, сразу же и нулл подогнали, молодцы.
Подожду IBR, и уже 3.3.0 сделаю, обещаю.
а никто не пробовал русскую локализацию от 3.2 впихнуть в 3.3? Работает?