Компонент iCagenda

iCagenda PRO 3.5.0
Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Версия релиза: 3.5.0 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Заметки о выпуске:
! [EXPORT CSV][Registrations] : integration of CSV exportation for a list of registrations. Use the filter dropdowns to select state, event and/or date, and export the list of registered users by clicking on the 'Export' button in the toolbar.
! [Registrations] : the max number of tickets is now applied to each individual date of an event, if registration per date is selected.
! [MODULES] Added : event url goes directly to the date selected in the event details view.
! [FORMS] Improvement in Form Validation. By default, the form validation is process first client-side, using now the joomla core form-validate, and in second validation is server-side, processed by iCagenda. You have option both for the 'Registration' and 'Submit an Event' forms, to select default (2 controls) or only server-side form validation (the most advanced and secured one. The client-side validation adds a more user-friendly way which is faster for user (page not reloaded) to know when a field or more are invalid).
+ Added : Admin filter by registered date in registrations list.
+ Added : Admin filter by category in registrations list.
+ [RSS] Added : get current menu options to filter the RSS feeds (Filter by date, ordering...).
+ [MODULE iC calendar] Added : option to close automatically the tooltip on Mouseout.
+ [PLUGIN Search] Added : Search in shortdesc and metadesc text.
~ [MODULE iC calendar] Changed : improvement of the tool tip design, and addition of auto vertical scrolling inside tooltip.
~ [MODULE iC calendar] Changed : All mktime php function changed to be standardized with component refactory.
~ Many code improvements and minor bugs fixed.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : Possible blank page in frontend, or very slow loading of iCagenda. The issue was not identified (seems to be related to php 5.4.37), but the new release 3.5.0 fixes this problem.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : Slow loading in frontend, when using distant images, the parent image to generate thumbnails was always controlled, and should not if thumb already existed.
# [LOW] Fixed : W3C validation.
# [LOW] Fixed : issue in checking menu item if published (could return a 404 error page if menu item not published).
# [LOW] Fixed : missing displaytime checking in list of dates rendering (could not display an event over a period, with week days selected, if time not set).
# [LOW] Fixed : when only single dates filled in 'Submit an Event' form, the event was unpublished.
# [LOW] Fixed : "Notice: Undefined index:" if some fields are not filled when captcha solution was incorrect in registration form.
# [LOW] Fixed : issue if captcha plugin option is not set correctly, and set to be shown in form options.
# [LOW] Fixed : do not display event not approved in RSS feeds.
# [LOW] Fixed : no display of toolbar in list of events (admin) if no category created (display issue hiding page header).
# [LOW] Fixed : infotips in registration form not working on Joomla 2.5 (bug introduced in 3.4.1).
# [LOW][PRO MODULE iC Event List] Fixed : wrong date if period has a start date before today, and end date after today (was displaying tomorrow).
# [LOW][PRO MODULE iC Event List] Fixed : missing ic- prefix for columns classes in default layout, and rtl files.

Последнее редактирование:
iCagenda PRO 3.5.1
Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Версия релиза: 3.5.1 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Заметки о выпуске:

~ [MODULE iC calendar] Cleaned : not needed data attributs in arrows navigation.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : no display of events if access registered, and user logged-in is not a Super User.
# [LOW] Fixed : possible issue with Joomla 3.4.0 (not saving event due a script conflict), if admin module 'Multilanguage status' published (change of the modal for this module, using now Bootstrap).
# [LOW] Fixed : minor error issue in script used in edit form (admin) for link option on register button.
# [LOW] Fixed : 'No tickets are available for this date' displayed if no registration done for an event.
# [LOW] Fixed : incorrect count of available and booked tickets when Registration Type is set to 'all dates of the period'.
# [LOW] Fixed : link to view event after registration, not linking to registered date event view.

Последнее редактирование:
iCagenda PRO 3.5.2
Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Версия: релиза: 3.5.2 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Дата выхода: 13.03.2015
Заметки о выпуске:
~ Changed : name/username allows now numeric characters (server-side iCagenda validator), and addition of joomla client-side username validation.
~ Changed : minor re-ordering of period options in admin edition of an event, with info text for weekdays.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : function to generate small icons in Features was broken.
# [LOW] Fixed : Custom fields data broken in csv export of registrations.
# [LOW] Fixed : Number of registered users, for events over a period with no weekdays selected.
# [LOW] Fixed : List of participants was broken if 'Avatar' and/or 'Username' list display option was selected (option 'Full' was working as expected).
# [LOW] Fixed : Url to event details view could return a wrong number of registered user if a period with no weekdays selected (component list of events).
# [LOW] Fixed : notice error when php function dateInterval does not exist on your server.
# [LOW] Fixed : improvement of the function to get the current layout.
# [LOW] Fixed : a few date format buggy depending of your settings, and the current language used.
# [LOW] Fixed : notice error $translator not defined in control panel (language issue) only on free version.
# [LOW] Fixed : filters display issue in registration admin list on Joomla 2.5 when event title length too high.
# [MODULE iC Event List][LOW] Fixed : blur x-small thumbs when created in admin.

iCagenda PRO 3.5.3

Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Версия релиза: 3.5.3 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Дата выхода: 25.03.2015
Заметки о выпуске:


+ Added : Confirm Email field in frontend Registration form, for not logged-in user.
+ Added : BOM utf-8 to csv export file (special characters).
~ Changed : improvement of the model for admin event edition.
~ Changed : postal code is now displayed (if available) in frontend address field.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : saving of custom fields and features when new event (with not yet an ID) was broken (no data saved).
# [THEME PACKS][LOW] Fixed : display of empty participants list when registration not enabled.
# [LOW] Fixed : display of information details in event details view, was not always displayed depending of options and data filled.
# [LOW] Fixed : register button when only a single date, and the list display type is not set to display all dates.
# [LOW] Fixed : added back the alert message on Joomla 2.5 about the impossibility of trashing frontend submitted events if not edited (the issue with trash and empty asset_id is fixed in latest version of Joomla 3)

Последнее редактирование:
Народ, подскажите:
Возможно ли добавлять в event-ы пользователям с фронта? или только из админки можно добавить мероприятие?
Заранее благодарю
Народ, подскажите:
Возможно ли добавлять в event-ы пользователям с фронта? или только из админки можно добавить мероприятие?
Заранее благодарю

Я добавляю с админки, с фронта вроде нельзя
Народ, подскажите:
Возможно ли добавлять в event-ы пользователям с фронта? или только из админки можно добавить мероприятие?
Заранее благодарю

НАСТРОЙКИ => ДОБАВИТЬ МЕРОПРИЯТИЕ => ПРАВА ДОСТУПА К ФОРМЕ (ВО ФРОНТЭНДЕ) . И тут уж настраивай на свое усмотрение;)
iCagenda PRO 3.5.5

Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Версия релиза: 3.5.5 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Дата выхода: 27.04.2015
Заметки о выпуске:
~ Changed : removal of v1 and v2 release notes (link to online change log for these versions).
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : issue with admin event edition on IE (script error only on Internet Explorer).
# [LOW] Fixed : wrong file jquery.tipTip.js was included in 3.5.4 (released on 2015-04-24). This version includes the correct new one with tooltip position fix (as announced in previous release).

Последнее редактирование:
iCagenda PRO 3.5.6

Официальный сайт: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Демо: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Версия релиза: 3.5.6 (Stable)
Совместимость с версиями Joomla: 2.5, 3.2 и 3.3
Дата выхода: 29.06.2015
Заметки о выпуске:
+ Added : Compatible with Jalali/Persian calendar in frontend.
~ Changed : Update of Info page (addition of credits: languages and external libraries).
~ Changed : Improvement of add to cal function for a better export to external calendars.
~ Changed : Improvement of valid dates control in frontend submit an event form.
~ Changed : migration of globalize date format function to the iC Library, and improvement.
# [MEDIUM] Fixed : delete custom fields data of an event if this one is deleted.
# [LOW] Fixed : add to cal issue when hide time selected.
# [LOW] Fixed : date/dates display in event details depending of number of dates for a period.
# [LOW] Fixed : registration button was not active when event with a past period, but upcoming single dates.
# [LOW] Fixed : line return in Notes field, when exporting list of registrations to csv.
# [LOW] Fixed : confirmed email field (registration form) was not removed from the session.
# [LOW] Fixed : no display of a few dates in today's events filtering (when period with weekdays, and event running).

Последнее редактирование: