- Автор темы
- #1
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þ Script name : Solspace ExpressionEngine Tag Module v2.6.3
þ Supplied by : PRiVATE
þ Nullified by : PRiVATE
þ Tested by : PRiVATE
þ Distribution : Anywhere
þ Protection : None (Just hotlinks removed)
þ Homepage : http://www.solspace.com/software/detail/tag/
þ Release date : 04-02-2009
þ Release type : PHP/MySQL
þ Price : $39.95 USD (If you like this module, BUY IT!)
What is the Solspace ExpressionEngine Tag Module?
The Tag Module allows you and your users to add Tags to weblog and/or
photo gallery entries. It’s a very powerful module that allows you to
create several different features in your templates using robust
functions. You can show Tags that belong to an entry, view all entries
that are Tagged with a specified Tag, show related entries based on
shared Tags, and build a Tag 'Cloud' to show and weigh all Tags in
system. Additionally, your members can also subscribe to Tags, and view
entries based on Tags they’ve subscribed to.
Greetz to DGT, GYSN and everyone else!