Если для тебя это русский, то никто тебе ничего не должен.
'forums_hidden' => 'Hidden',
'forums_sub_horizontal' => 'Horizontal Count:',
'forums_sub_horizontal_comment' => 'Count of subforums display horizontally each row.',
'forums_threadcache' => 'Thread Caches:',
'forums_threadcache_comment' => 'This feature will cache "hot threads" to avoid performace problems. The value must be between 0 - 100. The recommend value is 40, the larger the better. Leave 0 for no cache.<br>PS:If cached, the hide code will have no effect.',
'forums_edit_simple' => 'Only display subforum:',
'forums_edit_simple_comment' => 'Choose yes for not displaying threads list, post icon and so on, just as one sort',
'forums_edit_keyword' => 'Keywords:',
'forums_edit_keyword_comment' => '此關鍵詞用於搜索引擎優化,放在 meta 的 keyword 標籤中,多個關鍵字間請用半角逗號 "," 隔開',
'forums_copy_parent_property' => 'Copy Parent Settings',
'forums_edit_tips' => '<ul><li>These settings is not inheritable, they have no effect on subforums.</ul>',
'forums_edit' => 'Edit Forum',
'forums_detail' => 'Forum Deatils',
'forums_edit_redirect' => 'Redirect URL:',
'forums_edit_redirect_comment' => 'If set, users will be redirected to that URL. Leave blank to disable this feature.',
'forums_edit_up' => 'Parent Forum/Category:',
'forums_edit_up_comment' => '',
'forums_edit_style' => 'Default Style:',
'forums_edit_style_comment' => '',
'forums_edit_display' => 'Display Forum:',
'forums_edit_display_comment' => 'Chossing "No" will hide the forum, and it is still usable from "urls with fid"',
'forums_basic_settings' => 'Basic setting',
'forums_basic_settings_forumname' => 'Basic setting - $forum[name]',
'forums_scheme' => 'Forum setting scheme:',
'forums_scheme_comment' => 'If you choose scheme, all set will based on scheme except basic settings',
'forums_extend_conf' => 'Extend configuration',
'forums_basic_settings' => 'Basic setting',
Очень мило. Бесхитростно. А я вот такой хренью не страдаю.
Караван идет.....