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Плагин Accordion Pro WP - Responsive WordPress Accordion


Гуру форума
29 Дек 2007

Accordion Pro WP is a jQuery powered responsive accordion
plugin for WordPress.

Responsive — compatible with smartphones and tablets.
Touch Support — use a swipe gesture to move between slides.
CSS3 Animations — hardware accelerated on mobile devices.
Horizontal and Vertical Accordions — choose between horizontal and vertical layouts.
5 Unique Themes — five attractive themes for your accordions (basic, dark, light, stitch and transparent).
Click or Mouseover Activation — activate the tabs of your accordions on click or on mouseover.
AutoPlay — accordions can be set to automatically cycle through all of the slides.
Easing & Speed Options — transition speed, cycle speed and easing function options.
Style Options — customise the appearance of your accordions with a multitude of style options.
Captions — enter captions for your slides; toggle the captions on and off in the content editor.
RTL Support — create accordions that operate from right to left.
Linkable Slides — link to individual slides using an anchor tag.
Visual & HTML Content Editors — enter slide content using the WordPress visual editor, or use the HTML editor if you’re more comfortable with markup.
Thickbox Upload — seamless integration with WordPress allows you to use the native Thickbox functionality for uploading and embedding your images and videos.
Shortcode Activation — insert accordions into your posts, pages and widgets with a shortcode, or use the PHP tags provided to insert accordions into your themes.
Translation Ready — translate the plugin into your language.
Please note: Accordion Pro requires WordPress 3.3+ to function. Accordion Pro does not currently support Multisite installations.
