- Регистрация
- 22 Ноя 2008
- Сообщения
- 13
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- 2
- Автор темы
- #1
Есть ли такой?
Может ли кто с перла переписать?
взято Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся там и мануал.
Может ли кто с перла переписать?
# (c) 2009 by Konstantin Boyandin <>
# More info can be found at
# Command-line tool using ImageMagick to construct motivator images in 750x600 (600x750) geometry
# The work is subject to GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007
# One can find the exact text of the license at:
# $Id: 7 2009-04-15 04:03:22Z zaurum $
use strict;
sub collect_args();
sub crop_image();
sub debug_print($);
sub dumpall();
sub make_motivator();
sub print_help();
my %vars = (
'io' => 'landscape',
'h' => '',
't' => '',
'fd' => '/usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts',
'wd' => '/tmp',
'hf' => 'times.ttf',
'tf' => 'arial.ttf',
'hfs' => 48,
'tfs' => 18,
'v' => 0
# Get command-line parameters; print help message if none
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
} else {
# Function
sub collect_args() {
my ($k, $v) = ('', 0);
# Gather args
foreach my $i (@ARGV) {
if ($v) {
$v = 0;
$vars{$k} = $i;
} elsif ($i =~ /^-(\?|H|v|hfs|tfs|hf|tf|fd|wd|h|t|io|i|o)$/) {
$v = 1; $k = $1; $vars{$k} = '';
} else {
die("Unknown parameter: $i\n");
# Sanity check
if (defined($vars{'?'}) || defined($vars{'H'})) {
# Input file check
if (defined($vars{'i'})) {
if ((-f $vars{'i'}) && (-r $vars{'i'})) {
my $cmdline = "identify -format \"%w %h\" ${vars{'i'}}";
my $imgdim = `$cmdline`; chomp($imgdim);
if ($imgdim =~ /^(\d+) (\d+)$/) {
$vars{'iw'} = int($1); $vars{'ih'} = int($2);
} else {
die("File ${vars{'i'}} isn't an image file\n");
} else {
die("File ${vars{'i'}} doesn't exist or can't be read\n");
} else {
die("No input image name specified\n");
# Orientation check
if ($vars{'io'} =~ /^(landscape|portrait)$/) {
$vars{'io'} = ($1 eq 'landscape') ? 1 : 0;
} else {
die("Parameter '-io' may be set to either 'landscape' or 'portrair'\n");
# Generating output file name, if none present
if (!defined($vars{'o'})) {
if ($vars{'i'} =~ /^(.*\/)?(.*)$/) {
$vars{'o'} = "${1}motivator-$2";
} else {
die("Wrong filename, should not occur\n");
# Font directory exists and both fonts are specified
if ((-d $vars{'fd'}) && (-r $vars{'fd'})) {
$vars{'tf'} = "${vars{'fd'}}/${vars{'tf'}}";
$vars{'hf'} = "${vars{'fd'}}/${vars{'hf'}}";
if (!(-f $vars{'hf'}) || !(-r $vars{'hf'})) {
die("Header font file ${vars{'hf'}} doesn't exist or can't be read\n");
if (!(-f $vars{'tf'}) || !(-r $vars{'tf'})) {
die("Term font file ${vars{'tf'}} doesn't exist or can't be read\n");
} else {
die("Font directory ${vars{'fd'}} doesn't exist or can't be read\n");
# Working directory sanitizing
if (!(-d $vars{'wd'}) || !(-r $vars{'wd'}) || !(-r $vars{'wd'})) {
die("Working directory ${vars{'wd'}} doesn't exist or can't be both read from and written to\n");
# Font sizes sanitizing
$vars{'hfs'} = int($vars{'hfs'});
if ($vars{'hfs'} < 8) {
$vars{'hfs'} = 8;
$vars{'tfs'} = int($vars{'tfs'});
if ($vars{'tfs'} < 8) {
$vars{'tfs'} = 8;
# Temporary name creation
$vars{'tmpnam'} = sprintf("%s/motivator-%d-%d.png", $vars{'wd'}, time(), rand(1000000));
# Set working parms depending on orientation
if ($vars{'io'}) { # landscape
$vars{'wr'} = 4; $vars{'hr'} = 3; $vars{'scale'} = '600x450'; $vars{'igh'} = '600'; $vars{'igw'} = '750';
} else { # portrait
$vars{'hr'} = 4; $vars{'wr'} = 3; $vars{'scale'} = '450x600'; $vars{'igw'} = '600'; $vars{'igh'} = '750';
# Set effective input name
$vars{'ei'} = $vars{'i'};
# Set selfname
$vars{'selfname'} = $0;
if ($0 =~ /^(.*\/)?(.*)$/) {
$vars{'selfname'} = $2;
} # collect_args
sub print_help() {
print <<EOM;
Developed by Konstantin Boyandin <konstantin\> to generate motivational posters.
Part of SiteVerse distribution ('motivator' app main script).
perl 5.8+
ImageMagick 6.3+
Please refer to for more info.
$0 parameters
Parameters description:
-? or -H
Prints this help text.
-i inputfilename
Mandatory. Specify image file. Unless file proportions aren't 4:3 (or 3:4, depending on orientation), it will be cropped to meet this ratio.
-o outputfilename
Optional. Output file name. If omitted, 'motivator-' will be appended to input file name to produce output file name.
-io imageorientation
Optional. Desired image orientation, 'landscape' (750x600) or 'portrait' (600x750). Default: 'landscape'.
-h text
Optional. Header text. Default: none.
-t text
Optional. Term text. Default: none.
-fd fontdir
Optional. Directory the font files are located in. Default: '${vars{'fd'}}'.
-wd workdir
Optional. Directory used to store temporary files. Default: '${vars{'wd'}}'.
-hf fontfilename
Optional. Font file name used to write header. Default: ${vars{'hf'}}.
-tf fontfilename
Optional. Font file name used to write term. Default: ${vars{'tf'}}.
-hfs fontsize
Optional. Font size the header is written with. Default: ${vars{'hfs'}}.
-tfs fontsize
Optional. Font size the term is written with. Default: ${vars{'tfs'}}.
-v verboselevel
Optional. If 0, only fatal errors are displayed. If 1, the script is more talkative about what it's doing. Default: ${vars{'v'}}.
} # print_help
sub dumpall() {
foreach my $k (keys(%vars)) {
print "$k: " . $vars{$k} . "\n";
# crop_image determines whether the input image fits desired ratio and if it does not, crops
# part of it into another input file ('tmpnam').
sub crop_image() {
# Calculate remnants
my $hrem = $vars{'ih'} % $vars{'hr'};
my $wrem = $vars{'iw'} % $vars{'wr'};
# Calculate effective length
my $ehs = int(($vars{'ih'} - $hrem) / $vars{'hr'});
my $ews = int(($vars{'iw'} - $wrem) / $vars{'wr'});
debug_print("Remnants: H $hrem, W $wrem; effective sizes: H $ehs, W $ews");
# If remnants are both zero and effective lengths are equal, leave
if (($hrem == 0) && ($wrem == 0) && ($ehs == $ews)) {
return; # nothing to do
# Take the minimal effective length and calculate crop dimension
my $emins = ($ehs <= $ews) ? $ehs : $ews;
my $eh = $emins * $vars{'hr'};
my $ew = $emins * $vars{'wr'};
# Compose crop command line and make the cropped file
my $xofs = ($vars{'iw'} - $ew) >> 1;
my $yofs = ($vars{'ih'} - $eh) >> 1;
debug_print("Cropping $ew x $eh out of ${vars{'iw'}} x ${vars{'ih'}}, starting at $xofs : $yofs");
my $cmdline = "convert -crop \"${ew}x${eh}+${xofs}+${yofs}\" \"${vars{'i'}}\" \"${vars{'tmpnam'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Cropping failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
$vars{'ei'} = $vars{'tmpnam'}
sub make_motivator() {
# Make the scaled image
my $cmdline = "convert -scale \"${vars{'scale'}}\" \"${vars{'ei'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Scaling failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# Add border
$cmdline = "mogrify -bordercolor black -border 2 -bordercolor white -border 2 -bordercolor black -border 71x0 \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Adding border failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# Write header, if any
if ($vars{'h'} ne '') {
$cmdline = "montage -geometry +0+0 -background black -fill white -font \"${vars{'hf'}}\" -pointsize \"${vars{'hfs'}}\" -label \"${vars{'h'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Adding header failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# Write terms, if any
if ($vars{'t'} ne '') {
$cmdline = "montage -geometry +0+0 -background black -fill white -font \"${vars{'tf'}}\" -pointsize \"${vars{'tfs'}}\" -label \"${vars{'t'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Adding term failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# Determine height and add the missing border
$cmdline = "identify -format \"%h\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
my $ch = `$cmdline`; chomp($ch);
if ($ch !~ /^\d+$/) {
die("Error determining image height\n");
$ch = int($ch);
if ($ch < $vars{'igh'}) {
# Add missing border and crop resulting image
my $ah = $vars{'igh'} - $ch;
my $docrop = $ah % 2;
if ($docrop) {
$ah = ($ah + 1) >> 1;
} else {
$ah = $ah >> 1;
# Add border
$cmdline = "mogrify -bordercolor black -border 0x$ah \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Adding border failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# If necessary, crop image
if ($docrop) {
$cmdline = "mogrify -crop \"${vars{'igw'}}x${vars{'igh'}}+0+0\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Cropping final image failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
} else {
# Add small border and scale resulting image
$cmdline = "mogrify -bordercolor black -border 0x20 \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Adding border failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
$cmdline = "mogrify -resize \"!${vars{'igw'}}x${vars{'igh'}}\" \"${vars{'o'}}\"";
$vars{'rc'} = `$cmdline`;
if ($vars{'rc'} ne '') {
die("Resizing final image failed: ${vars{'rc'}}\n");
# Remove temporary file, if any
if (-f $vars{'tmpnam'}) {
sub debug_print($) {
my ($t) = @_;
if ($vars{'v'} > 0) {
print("${vars{'selfname'}}: $t\n");