Плагин QAN - Quick Admin Notes Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016

1738178248747.pngPrivate and shared administrator notes in the Joomla! back-end​

With Quick Admin Notes Pro, all administrators can easily add shared and private notes on every page in the administration area. All back-end users can access and modify the shared note. The private note is not shared between other users and is only visible to the user who enters the note.

All notes are stored encrypted using the Crypto class into the database. It's also possible to save the notes in clear text, but this is not recommended and should only be used in cases where encryption is impossible.

The plugin transfers the entered data using Ajax requests. The user does not have to leave the currently opened page to update the notes and can continue working afterwards.


  • Administrator notes in the back-end of Joomla!
  • Private notes - not shared between other back-end users
  • Shared notes - can be accessed and modified by all administrators
  • Encryption - notes are stored encrypted using the Crypto class
  • User group restriction - restricts access to specific user groups
  • Ajax-powered form submission - no interruption of work for quick notes
  • Appearance - Show full, icon or link text button output
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QAN - Quick Admin Notes Pro v3.0.1.0 (J!3x)
QAN - Quick Admin Notes Pro v4.2.0.0 (J!4x)