Q2APHP - q&a social network


18 Сен 2013
Welcome to Q2APHPSocial Q&A network like ask.fm
New update – version 4.1! Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
In this version was changed 90% of files! Replace all files from archive or try new installation. In this version database is compatible with 3.4 version or older version.

Attention! Was founded bug with online sticker – just rename it from Online.gif into online.gif (media/images/Online.gif). It will be fixed in next version Demo:
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или ЗарегистрируйсяFeatures:

Administration panel

– Site settings
– SEO settings
– User and question moderation
– User ranks moderation
– Gifts and stickers moderation

Users registration

– User registration and authentification by social networks
– Users search
– Top users, online users, last users lists
– Follow/ block users
– Users backgrounds like on ask.fm

Anonymous question / answers

– Privacy system (block anonymous or some user)
– Comments system (Anonymous posibility)
– Atache images on comments and answers
– Likes

User ratings

– Points system (Can be used for monitization)
– Page with top users

User gifts

– Draggable gifts like on ask.fm
– Anonymous/Public/Private gifts
– User stickers
– Bonus: 102 gifts in package included

Stream with latest answers

Notification system

MultilingualAutomatic installationChangelog:
  • Version 4.1
    - Fixed online sticker
    - Fixed languages file
    - Fixes in style for all pages
    - Added image for disabled account
    - Added user id on profile page
    - Deleted link from likes count on profile page
    - Fixes with links and emoticons
    - Deleted disabled users from top list
    - Fixed profile reactivation
  • Version 4.0
    - New design
    - Code optimisation (90% of all files changed, deleted unuseful files)
    - Fixed error 39 bug with disabling page
    - Fixed bugs with images and GD library
    - Fixed bugs with anonym link on avatars
    - Fixed bug with followers dublicates
    - Fixed bug with deletd gifts on user gifts page
    - Fixed bug with time for online users
    - Added function for different timezones
    - Added online sticker
    - Added new form of time – with text. Eg: 3 hours ago, 7 days ago, etc.
    - Added online users statics in administrator panel
    - Added unfollow button in follows page
    - Added Romanian translation
    - Added stream on homepage
    - Changed “People” page
    - Optimised queries for deleting users and answers – now will be delleted all information with this user / question
    - Deleted responsive style
  • Version 3.4
    - Fixes with authentication and users images
    - Added smiles
    - Little code optimisation
  • Version 3.3
    - Added posibility to change number of points from admin panel (Users>Profile Tab)
    - Added for testing responsive design
    - Added user image in inbox questions page
    - Added clickable URL`s
    - Fixed russian translation
    - Fixed stream link for comments
    - Fixed wrong login/password authentification (Now will appear message)
  • Version 3.2
    - Installation fixes
    - Fixes with auto refreshing page
    - Updated like button
    - Added button “Load more” for questions on profile page
    - Added GD library
    - Added loading animation for stream page
    - Updated notifications menu, added notifications page
  • Version 3.1
    – Added search user by username, real name, surname in admin panel
    – Added badges for verified users, like on twitter
    – Fixes with sending mail
    • Version 3.0
      – New user interface
      – Added ranking system with points
      – Added gift and stickers system
      – Added notification system
      – Added possibility to atach images on answers and comments
      – Added stream page
      – Added likes system
      – Another fixes​
    • Version 2.0
      – Added user custom backgrounds
      – Added top, last user lists
      – Added social registration and authentification
      – Added russian translation
      – Fixes​
    • Version 1.0
      – Anonymous asking, answering and comments questions
      – User registration, user search
      – Patterns for user backgrounds
      – Follow system
      – Privacy system (block user or anonymous users)
      – User settings
      – Administrator panel
      – SEO settings
      – User and questions moderation
      – User ranks for site moderation with rules
      – Automatic installation
      – Multilangual​


Installation is automatic, please look Для просмотра ссылки Войди или ЗарегистрируйсяThank you for attention
