Помощь в добавлении к базе

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2 Июн 2009
Добрый день есть скрипт который отвечает за добавление данных в базу, но суть в том что они почему то недобавляются вот сам скрипт
include 'header.php';
include 'antisql.php';

$error = ($user_class->energypercent < 25) ? "You need to have at least 25% of your energy if you want to attack someone." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->jail > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in jail." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->hospital > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['attack'] == "") ? "You didn't choose someone to attack." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['attack'] == $user_class->id) ? "You can't attack yourself." : $error;
$attack_person = new User($_GET['attack']);
$error = ($attack_person->city != $user_class->city) ? "You must be in the same city as the person you are attacking. Duh." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->username == "") ? "That person doesn't exist." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->hospital > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->jail > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in jail." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->level > 5 && $attack_person->level < 6) ? "You can't attack someone that is level 5 or below because you are higher than level 5." : $error;

if (isset($error)){
	echo Message($error);
	include 'footer.php';

$yourhp = $user_class->hp;
$theirhp = $attack_person->hp;
<tr><td class="contenthead">Fight House</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">You are in a fight with <? echo $attack_person->formattedname ?>.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
$wait = ($user_class->speed > $attack_person->speed) ? 1 : 0;

while($yourhp > 0 && $theirhp > 0){
	$damage = $attack_person->moddedstrength - $user_class->moddeddefense;
	$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;

	if($wait == 0){
		$yourhp = $yourhp - $damage;
		echo $attack_person->formattedname . " hit you for " . $damage . " damage using their ".$attack_person->weaponname.". <br>";
	} else {
		$wait = 0;

	if($yourhp > 0) {
		$damage = $user_class->moddedstrength - $attack_person->moddeddefense;
		$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
		$theirhp = $theirhp - $damage;
		echo "You hit " . $attack_person->formattedname . " for " . $damage . " damage using your ".$user_class->weaponname.". <br>";

	if($theirhp <= 0){ // attacker won
		 $winner = $user_class->id;
		 $theirhp = 0;
		 $moneywon = floor($attack_person->money /10);
		 $battlewon =$user_class->battlewon + 1 ;
		 $battlemoney =$user_class->battlemoney + $moneywon ;
		 $expwon = 150 - (25 * ($user_class-> level - $attack_person->level));
		 $expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
		 $newexp =$user_class->exp + $expwon;
		 $newmoney =$moneywon+ $user_class->money ;
		 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."', `battlewon` = '".$battlewon."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['

		 $newmoney = $attack_person->money - $moneywon;
		 $battlelost = $user_class->battlelost + 1;
		 $battlemoney = $user_class->battlemoney - $moneywon;
		 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = '".$newmoney."', `hwho` = '".$user_class->username."', `hhow` = 'wasattacked', `hwhen` = '".date(g.":".i.":".sa,time())."', `hospital` = '1200', `battlelost` = '".$battlelost."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");
		 Send_Event($attack_person->id, "You were hospitalized by ".$user_class->username." for 20 minutes.");
		 echo Message("You hospitalized " . $attack_person->formattedname . ". You gain $expwon exp and stole $".$moneywon." from " . $attack_person->formattedname . ".");

		 //give gang exp
		 if ($user_class->gang != 0) {
			 $gang = New Gang($user_class->gang);
			 $newgangexp = $gang->exp + $expwon;
			 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `exp` = '".$newgangexp."' WHERE `id`='".$gang->id."'");

	if($yourhp <= 0){ // defender won
		 $winner = $attack_person->id;
		 $yourhp = 0;
		 $battlewon =$attack_person->battlewon + 1;
 		 $moneywon = floor($user_class->money /10);
		 $battlemoney =$attack_person->battlemoney + $moneywon;
		 $expwon = 100 - (25 * ($attack_person-> level - $user_class->level));
		 $expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
		 $newexp =$attack_person->exp + $expwon;
		 $newmoney = $attack_person->money + $moneywon;
		 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."', `battlewon` = '".$battlewon."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");

		 $newmoney = $user_class->money - $moneywon;
		 $battlelost = $user_class->battlelost + 1;
		 $battlemoney = $user_class->battlemoney - $moneywon;
		 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = '".$newmoney."', `hwho` = '".$attack_person->username."', `hhow` = 'attacked', `hwhen` = '".date(g.":".i.":".sa,time())."', `hospital` = '1200', `battlelost` = '".$battlelost."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$user_class->id."'");
		 Send_Event($user_class->id, "You were hospitalized by ".$attack_person->username." for 20 minutes.");
		 echo Message($attack_person->formattedname . " Hospitalized you and stole $".$moneywon." from you.");

		 //give gang exp
		 if ($attack_user->gang != 0) {
			 $gang = New Gang($attack_user->gang);
			 $newgangexp = $gang->exp + $expwon;
			 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `exp` = '".$newgangexp."' WHERE `id`='".$gang->id."'");
//put defense log into gang
if ($attack_person->gang != 0) {
	$time = time();
	$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `ganglog` (`timestamp`, gangid, attacker, defender, winner)"."VALUES ('".$time."', '".$attack_person->gang."', '".$user_class->id."', '".$attack_person->id."', '".$winner."')");
//update users
$newenergy = $user_class->energy - floor($user_class->energy * .10);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `hp` = '".$theirhp."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `hp` = '".$yourhp."', `energy` = '".$newenergy."' WHERE `id`='".$user_class->id."'");
echo "</td></tr>";
include 'footer.php';
дело в том что переменная battlelost добавляется и все переменные для проигравшего работают, но для того кто выиграл не одна из переменных нерабаотает. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться почему
код не из легких. но все же нужно определиться, какой именно запрос добавляет данные в базу о том, кто выиграл. Что мне покаж-то не удалось определить.
Смутил данный запрос:
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."', `battlewon` = '".$battlewon."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['']."'");

что это за пустая сессия?
возможно нужно так:
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '$newexp', `money` = '$newmoney', `battlewon` = '$battlewon', `battlemoney` = '$battlemoney' WHERE `id`='$winner'");
Точно спасибо помогло. На самом деле ошибка была в пустой сессии.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.