- Регистрация
- 2 Июн 2009
- Сообщения
- 80
- Реакции
- 15
- Автор темы
- #1
Добрый день есть скрипт который отвечает за добавление данных в базу, но суть в том что они почему то недобавляются вот сам скрипт
дело в том что переменная battlelost добавляется и все переменные для проигравшего работают, но для того кто выиграл не одна из переменных нерабаотает. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться почему
include 'header.php';
include 'antisql.php';
$error = ($user_class->energypercent < 25) ? "You need to have at least 25% of your energy if you want to attack someone." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->jail > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in jail." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->hospital > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['attack'] == "") ? "You didn't choose someone to attack." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['attack'] == $user_class->id) ? "You can't attack yourself." : $error;
$attack_person = new User($_GET['attack']);
$error = ($attack_person->city != $user_class->city) ? "You must be in the same city as the person you are attacking. Duh." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->username == "") ? "That person doesn't exist." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->hospital > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person->jail > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in jail." : $error;
$error = ($user_class->level > 5 && $attack_person->level < 6) ? "You can't attack someone that is level 5 or below because you are higher than level 5." : $error;
if (isset($error)){
echo Message($error);
include 'footer.php';
$yourhp = $user_class->hp;
$theirhp = $attack_person->hp;
<tr><td class="contenthead">Fight House</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">You are in a fight with <? echo $attack_person->formattedname ?>.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
$wait = ($user_class->speed > $attack_person->speed) ? 1 : 0;
while($yourhp > 0 && $theirhp > 0){
$damage = $attack_person->moddedstrength - $user_class->moddeddefense;
$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
if($wait == 0){
$yourhp = $yourhp - $damage;
echo $attack_person->formattedname . " hit you for " . $damage . " damage using their ".$attack_person->weaponname.". <br>";
} else {
$wait = 0;
if($yourhp > 0) {
$damage = $user_class->moddedstrength - $attack_person->moddeddefense;
$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
$theirhp = $theirhp - $damage;
echo "You hit " . $attack_person->formattedname . " for " . $damage . " damage using your ".$user_class->weaponname.". <br>";
if($theirhp <= 0){ // attacker won
$winner = $user_class->id;
$theirhp = 0;
$moneywon = floor($attack_person->money /10);
$battlewon =$user_class->battlewon + 1 ;
$battlemoney =$user_class->battlemoney + $moneywon ;
$expwon = 150 - (25 * ($user_class-> level - $attack_person->level));
$expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
$newexp =$user_class->exp + $expwon;
$newmoney =$moneywon+ $user_class->money ;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."', `battlewon` = '".$battlewon."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['
$newmoney = $attack_person->money - $moneywon;
$battlelost = $user_class->battlelost + 1;
$battlemoney = $user_class->battlemoney - $moneywon;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = '".$newmoney."', `hwho` = '".$user_class->username."', `hhow` = 'wasattacked', `hwhen` = '".date(g.":".i.":".sa,time())."', `hospital` = '1200', `battlelost` = '".$battlelost."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");
Send_Event($attack_person->id, "You were hospitalized by ".$user_class->username." for 20 minutes.");
echo Message("You hospitalized " . $attack_person->formattedname . ". You gain $expwon exp and stole $".$moneywon." from " . $attack_person->formattedname . ".");
//give gang exp
if ($user_class->gang != 0) {
$gang = New Gang($user_class->gang);
$newgangexp = $gang->exp + $expwon;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `exp` = '".$newgangexp."' WHERE `id`='".$gang->id."'");
if($yourhp <= 0){ // defender won
$winner = $attack_person->id;
$yourhp = 0;
$battlewon =$attack_person->battlewon + 1;
$moneywon = floor($user_class->money /10);
$battlemoney =$attack_person->battlemoney + $moneywon;
$expwon = 100 - (25 * ($attack_person-> level - $user_class->level));
$expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
$newexp =$attack_person->exp + $expwon;
$newmoney = $attack_person->money + $moneywon;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `exp` = '".$newexp."', money = '".$newmoney."', `battlewon` = '".$battlewon."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");
$newmoney = $user_class->money - $moneywon;
$battlelost = $user_class->battlelost + 1;
$battlemoney = $user_class->battlemoney - $moneywon;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `money` = '".$newmoney."', `hwho` = '".$attack_person->username."', `hhow` = 'attacked', `hwhen` = '".date(g.":".i.":".sa,time())."', `hospital` = '1200', `battlelost` = '".$battlelost."', `battlemoney` = '".$battlemoney."' WHERE `id`='".$user_class->id."'");
Send_Event($user_class->id, "You were hospitalized by ".$attack_person->username." for 20 minutes.");
echo Message($attack_person->formattedname . " Hospitalized you and stole $".$moneywon." from you.");
//give gang exp
if ($attack_user->gang != 0) {
$gang = New Gang($attack_user->gang);
$newgangexp = $gang->exp + $expwon;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `exp` = '".$newgangexp."' WHERE `id`='".$gang->id."'");
//put defense log into gang
if ($attack_person->gang != 0) {
$time = time();
$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `ganglog` (`timestamp`, gangid, attacker, defender, winner)"."VALUES ('".$time."', '".$attack_person->gang."', '".$user_class->id."', '".$attack_person->id."', '".$winner."')");
//update users
$newenergy = $user_class->energy - floor($user_class->energy * .10);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `hp` = '".$theirhp."' WHERE `id`='".$attack_person->id."'");
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `hp` = '".$yourhp."', `energy` = '".$newenergy."' WHERE `id`='".$user_class->id."'");
echo "</td></tr>";
include 'footer.php';