Плагин PCE - Page Cache Extended Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1728412224836.pngPage Cache Extended generates copies of the rendered pages and loads the entire output on further requests from the previously generated cache files. By loading the content from static files, no database queries have to be processed. This improves the loading speed greatly!

This plugin is based on the core plugin "Page Cache" but was extended with useful features. You can specify which pages should be cached with the help of an exclusion list for components and URLs. It is also possible to use the list like a white list to include the selected components or URLs.

The HTML code in the cached files can be minified to improve the loading speed even further. HTML comments (e.g. copyright references) can be kept in the optimized code. In addition, you can set a specific cache time independent of the global cache time which can be set in the Global Configuration.

PCE saves the complete HTML output additionally already compressed in the gzip format as a separated file. If the browser of the visitor supports the gzip encoding, then the data can be returned immediately without the time consuming compression process.

The plugin supports the clearing of the cache directly in the frontend by a self-defined token. Individual pages can be specifically updated by entering the token in the URL. Thus, not all cached pages need to be purged completely.

Page Cache Extended, in combination with Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (DSC), can create device-specific cache files (mobile, tablet and desktop). For this, DSC simply has to be installed additionally. PCE automatically detects the installation and uses DSC to create device-specific static files.


  • Complete pages are cached to increase loading performance
  • Caching process can be excluded for specified menu entries, components, URLs and cookie (partly PRO)
  • Toggle selection - entered data are not excluded, but included
  • Cache files can be minified to decrease loading time
  • Individual cache time for the static files
  • Browser cache mechanism can be used
  • Static files are additionally saved in the gzip format
  • Cache of specific pages can be cleaned directly in the frontend with the help of a token
  • Individual pages can be cached device-specific (Device Specific Content plugin required)
  • Language: German and English
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Page Cache Extended Pro v3.5.9.1 (J!3x)
Page Cache Extended Pro v4.2.1.0 (J!4x)