Почему-то ни где не написано, что данная cms, требует .net 4! Задолбался устанавливать на 2й ))
Сама по себе, система очень хорошая, удобно натягиваются шаблоны, все интуитивно понятно
Все прекрасно написано, не надо народ мутить. Вот
C1 is powered by .NET 4 and support both ASP.NET Forms and MVC2
Composite C1 is a web application that require no custom installation or registrations and yopu can use "xcopy deployment" and either VS2010 or IIS to run the web application.
1.Download the Composite C1 ZIP from CodePlex.
2.Unzip it on your local machine.
If you are using Visual Studio (ASP.NET Development Server) do the following:
1.Open the solution file "Composite C1 Website.sln"
2.Open the "Property Page" for the web project
3.To rule out file permission errors, select "Start options" and make sure "NTLM Authentication" is not checked.
4.To skip waiting for website compilations:
Under "Build", "Start action" select "No build"
Under "Build", "Build solution action" uncheck "Build Website as part of solution"
For a detailed description please read "ASP.NET Hello World".
If you are using IIS 7 or newer do the following:
1.Create a new IIS site
2.Point the website to the "Website" folder
3.Make sure the website is running
4.Make sure that the Identity running the website have Read, Write and Modify permissions