Monthly Archive Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016

The Monthly Archive Joomla! component provides a list of Joomla or K2 content divided into months and years.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся


Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Последнее редактирование:
Monthly Archive Pro v4.4.6
14-Mar-2019 : v4.4.6
  • # [BUG Fixed] There was a 404 error after selecting a category. This issue affects only subdomains with subdirectories and sub (over 2 levels) menu items. [Thank you, Radin Nurhafiz]
03-Mar-2019 : v4.4.5
  • # [BUG Fixed] When the date of an article is, for example, 31/Dec/2018, 23:59:59, the article isn't displaying in December's (2018) list, but in January's (2019) results. This was a bug with the timezone in Daylight Saving Time (United States) or Summertime period (Europe). [Thank you, Olaf Bieler]
  • + [Update] The UIkit framework has been updated to the latest version (UIkit 3.0.3).
  • ^ [Improvement] After each JS and CSS file, the "v" variable has been added, with the value "{version}_{datetime_of_release}". Example: "/components/com_monthlyarchive/views/archive/tmpl/default.css?v=4.4.5_20190303011554"
07-Dec-2018 : v4.4.4
  • ^ [Improvement] Search also in the author alias.
  • ^ [Language] The Danish (da-DK) language has been updated [Many thanks to Hans Uwe Petersen]
  • ^ [Improvement] The form input fields are WCAG compliant [Thank you, Richard Elwood]
12-Oct-2018 : v4.4.3
  • ! The "load UIkit" option has been removed from the component and the module parameters.
  • # Minor CSS Improvements.
05-Oct-2018 : v4.4.2
  • + [Update] The UIkit framework has been upgraded to the latest version (UIkit 3.0.0-rc.17).
  • ^ [Improvement] The UIkit prefix has been changed from ".uk-" to ".w357ui-".
  • # [BUG Fixed] The issue with error 404 when searching a string from JComments has been resolved. [Thank you, Rolf Winter]
  • ^ [Styling Improvement] Always use the black (#000) color in the modal window body, if the template background is dark.
  • # [New Parameter] New feature allowing to select the position of month in the Month-Year display format. For example in Hungary the year is used to be displayed in front of the month (e.g. 2018 October). [Thank you, Krisztina]
  • # [Bug Fixes] Some issues with the UI grid have been resolved in small devices.
  • # [Bug Fixes] Minor CSS issues have been resolved.
Последнее редактирование:
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