Релиз Модуль наград (Awards) 3.1.2

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(PIN) Awards Management System 1.1.2

(PIN) Awards Management System
The (PIN) Awards Management System is, as the name suggests, an awards management system. It allows you, as the admin, to create and define awards categories and place awards within those categories. It gives you the power to decide who is able to view, give and take awards on a per category basis. You are also able to designate any number of groups as "Global Awards Mods", these Global Awards Mods will be able to see, give and take awards from all of your categories. On the admin side you are able to restrict admins from accessing each of the main functions of the awards mod.

Two hooks ship with this mod, one to place the mod buttons in the profile for those who have the permissions to give and remove awards and the other is the awards cabinet that is shown in the topic view which has two options when enabled in the Awards Settings.

I'm planning on the initial stream being a free version and releasing a more "feature rich" paid stream later on. If/When a paid version is released the free version will continue to be maintained for IPB but no new features will be added to the free version once the paid version is released.

You can choose how many images will be the maximum allowed to be displayed in either view and the hook will pull only the latest x number of awards that have been given to each user.

What's New in Version 1.1.2
Fixed a bug relating to display of icons in the ACP
Fixed a bug relating to the giving and taking of awards from within the ACP
Fixed a bug that caused an error to be displayed in the profile if no awards were created in the system
Fixed a bug that caused the award category permissions not to be recached when they were changed.


  • (PIN) Awards Management System 1.1.2.zip
    869,8 KB · Просмотры: 9