Плагин JCC - JS CSS Control Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1737052801312.pngWith this plugin, the loading of JS and CSS files can be easily controlled. You may suppress loading those files on pages where they are not needed. This might be important for example at the frontpage for optimizing loading times. The plugin is able to exclude those files globally or just on selected pages.For global exclusion you have to enter the concerned file (with suffix) in a field. For selective exclusion on specified pages you have to enter parameters of the specified page additionally to the file name. You may generate an output of required parameters using the Debug Mode in the frontend. See "Installation" for more details.

  • Excludes / Includes JavaScript (.js) files
  • Adds async and defer attributes to the script tags
  • Excludes / Includes CSS (.css) files
  • Global and specific deactivation of the files
  • Debug Mode (for determining of the required parameters) with detailed information
  • Removes Inline JavaScript - JCaption & Tooltip
  • Backend Execution
  • Language: English and German
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JS CSS Control Pro v3.4.1.0 (J!3x)
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
JS CSS Control Pro v4.2.0.0 (J!4x)