Javascript из PHP?


25 Апр 2008
Есть Javascript на домашнем компе (винда хп).
Я в яваскрипт полный нуб.
Нужно запустить его при помощи PHP и передать переменную в PHP.
Тыкните носом - гдя я туплю?
Или обьясните Что генерится этим скриптом? Может это и на пхп реализовать легче будет
exec("jaw.js response", $response);
Выдает Array
немогу никак добиться результата.
Сам Javascript:
 (function (){ var f=true,k=null,l=false,n,p=this,r=function(){},s=function(a){var b=typeof a;if(b=="object")if(a){if(a instanceof Array)return"array";else if(a instanceof Object)return b;var;if(c=="[object Window]")return"object";if(c=="[object Array]"||typeof a.length=="number"&&typeof a.splice!="undefined"&&typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable!="undefined"&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice"))return"array";if(c=="[object Function]"||typeof!="undefined"&&typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable!=
"undefined"&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))return"function"}else return"null";else if(b=="function"&&typeof"undefined")return"object";return b},u="closure_uid_"+Math.floor(Math.random()*2147483648).toString(36),aa=0,||function(){return+new Date},v=function(a,b){function c(){}c.prototype=b.prototype;;a.prototype=new c};var ca=function(a){this.stack=Error().stack||"";if(a)this.message=String(a)};v(ca,Error);var da=function(a){for(var b=1;b<arguments.length;b++){var c=String(arguments[b]).replace(/\$/g,"$$$$");a=a.replace(/\%s/,c)}return a},fa=function(a,b){for(var c=0,d=String(a).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,"").split("."),h=String(b).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,"").split("."),e=Math.max(d.length,h.length),g=0;c==0&&g<e;g++){var i=d[g]||"",m=h[g]||"",j=RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)","g"),t=RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)","g");do{var q=j.exec(i)||["","",""],o=t.exec(m)||["","",""];if(q[0].length==0&&o[0].length==
0)break;c=ea(q[1].length==0?0:parseInt(q[1],10),o[1].length==0?0:parseInt(o[1],10))||ea(q[2].length==0,o[2].length==0)||ea(q[2],o[2])}while(c==0)}return c},ea=function(a,b){if(a<b)return-1;else if(a>b)return 1;return 0};var ga=function(a,b){b.unshift(a);,da.apply(k,b));b.shift();this.Ta=a};v(ga,ca);var ha=function(a,b){if(!a){var,2),d="Assertion failed";if(b){d+=": "+b;var h=c}throw new ga(""+d,h||[]);}};var ia=Array.prototype,ja=ia.indexOf?function(a,b,c){ha(a.length!=k);return,b,c)}:function(a,b,c){c=c==k?0:c<0?Math.max(0,a.length+c):c;if(typeof a=="string"){if(typeof b!="string"||b.length!=1)return-1;return a.indexOf(b,c)}for(;c<a.length;c++)if(c in a&&a[c]===b)return c;return-1};var w,ka,x,la,ma=function(){return p.navigator?p.navigator.userAgent:k};la=x=ka=w=l;var z;if(z=ma()){var na=p.navigator;w=z.indexOf("Opera")==0;ka=!w&&z.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1;x=!w&&z.indexOf("WebKit")!=-1;la=!w&&!x&&na.product=="Gecko"}var A=ka,oa=la,pa=x,qa=p.navigator,ra=(qa&&qa.platform||"").indexOf("Mac")!=-1,sa;
a:{var B="",C;if(w&&p.opera){var ta=p.opera.version;B=typeof ta=="function"?ta():ta}else{if(oa)C=/rv\:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/;else if(A)C=/MSIE\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/;else if(pa)C=/WebKit\/(\S+)/;if(C){var ua=C.exec(ma());B=ua?ua[1]:""}}if(A){var va,wa=p.document;va=wa?wa.documentMode:undefined;if(va>parseFloat(B)){sa=String(va);break a}}sa=B}var xa=sa,ya={},D=function(a){ya[a]||(ya[a]=fa(xa,a)>=0)};!A||D("9");A&&D("9");var za=function(){this.Ra=ba()};new za;za.prototype.reset=function(){this.Ra=ba()};var E=k,Aa=k;var Ba=function(){this.b=[];this.r=[];this.Na=[];this.B=[];this.B[0]=128;for(var a=1;a<64;++a)this.B[a]=0;this.reset()};Ba.prototype.reset=function(){this.b[0]=1732584193;this.b[1]=4023233417;this.b[2]=2562383102;this.b[3]=271733878;this.b[4]=3285377520;this.D=this.i=0};
var F=function(a,b){for(var c=a.Na,d=0;d<64;d+=4)c[d/4]=b[d]<<24|b[d+1]<<16|b[d+2]<<8|b[d+3];for(d=16;d<80;d++)c[d]=((c[d-3]^c[d-8]^c[d-14]^c[d-16])<<1|(c[d-3]^c[d-8]^c[d-14]^c[d-16])>>>31)&4294967295;var h=a.b[0],e=a.b[1],g=a.b[2],i=a.b[3],m=a.b[4],j,t;for(d=0;d<80;d++){if(d<40)if(d<20){j=i^e&(g^i);t=1518500249}else{j=e^g^i;t=1859775393}else if(d<60){j=e&g|i&(e|g);t=2400959708}else{j=e^g^i;t=3395469782}j=((h<<5|h>>>27)&4294967295)+j+m+t+c[d]&4294967295;m=i;i=g;g=(e<<30|e>>>2)&4294967295;e=h;h=j}a.b[0]=
a.b[0]+h&4294967295;a.b[1]=a.b[1]+e&4294967295;a.b[2]=a.b[2]+g&4294967295;a.b[3]=a.b[3]+i&4294967295;a.b[4]=a.b[4]+m&4294967295};Ba.prototype.update=function(a,b){if(!b)b=a.length;var c=0;if(this.i==0)for(;c+64<b;){F(this,a.slice(c,c+64));c+=64;this.D+=64}for(;c<b;){this.r[this.i++]=a[c++];this.D++;if(this.i==64){this.i=0;for(F(this,this.r);c+64<b;){F(this,a.slice(c,c+64));c+=64;this.D+=64}}}};var Ca=new Function("a","return a");var Da;!A||D("9");A&&D("8");var G=function(){};G.prototype.V=l;G.prototype.s=function(){if(!this.V){this.V=f;this.j()}};G.prototype.j=function(){};var H=function(a,b){this.type=a;};v(H,G);H.prototype.j=function(){delete this.type;delete;delete this.currentTarget};H.prototype.M=l;H.prototype.Sa=f;var I=function(a,b){a&&this.v(a,b)};v(I,H);n=I.prototype;;n.relatedTarget=k;n.offsetX=0;n.offsetY=0;n.clientX=0;n.clientY=0;n.screenX=0;n.screenY=0;n.button=0;n.keyCode=0;n.charCode=0;n.ctrlKey=l;n.altKey=l;n.shiftKey=l;n.metaKey=l;n.Qa=l;n.W=k;
n.v=function(a,b){var c=this.type=a.type;,c);||a.srcElement;this.currentTarget=b;var d=a.relatedTarget;if(d){if(oa)try{Ca(d.nodeName)}catch(h){d=k}}else if(c=="mouseover")d=a.fromElement;else if(c=="mouseout")d=a.toElement;this.relatedTarget=d;this.offsetX=a.offsetX!==undefined?a.offsetX:a.layerX;this.offsetY=a.offsetY!==undefined?a.offsetY:a.layerY;this.clientX=a.clientX!==undefined?a.clientX:a.pageX;this.clientY=a.clientY!==undefined?a.clientY:a.pageY;this.screenX=
a.screenX||0;this.screenY=a.screenY||0;this.button=a.button;this.keyCode=a.keyCode||0;this.charCode=a.charCode||(c=="keypress"?a.keyCode:0);this.ctrlKey=a.ctrlKey;this.altKey=a.altKey;this.shiftKey=a.shiftKey;this.metaKey=a.metaKey;this.Qa=ra?a.metaKey:a.ctrlKey;this.state=a.state;this.W=a;delete this.Sa;delete this.M};n.j=function(){;};var J=function(a,b){this.Z=b;this.h=[];if(a>this.Z)throw Error("[goog.structs.SimplePool] Initial cannot be greater than max");for(var c=0;c<a;c++)this.h.push(this.d?this.d():{})};v(J,G);J.prototype.d=k;J.prototype.U=k;J.prototype.getObject=function(){if(this.h.length)return this.h.pop();return this.d?this.d():{}};var K=function(a,b){a.h.length<a.Z?a.h.push(b):Ea(a,b)},Ea=function(a,b){if(a.U)a.U(b);else{var c=s(b);if(c=="object"||c=="array"||c=="function")if(s(b.s)=="function")b.s();else for(var d in b)delete b[d]}};
J.prototype.j=function(){;for(var a=this.h;a.length;)Ea(this,a.pop());delete this.h};var Fa;var Ga=(Fa="ScriptEngine"in p&&p.ScriptEngine()=="JScript")?p.ScriptEngineMajorVersion()+"."+p.ScriptEngineMinorVersion()+"."+p.ScriptEngineBuildVersion():"0";var Ha=function(){},Ia=0;n=Ha.prototype;n.key=0;n.l=l;n.S=l;n.v=function(a,b,c,d,h,e){if(s(a)=="function")this.Y=f;else if(a&&a.handleEvent&&s(a.handleEvent)=="function")this.Y=l;else throw Error("Invalid listener argument");this.w=a;;this.src=c;this.type=d;this.capture=!!h;this.X=e;this.S=l;this.key=++Ia;this.l=l};n.handleEvent=function(a){if(this.Y)return||this.src,a);return,a)};var L,M,N,O,Ja,Ka,La,Ma,Na,Oa,Pa;
(function(){function a(){return{f:0,k:0}}function b(){return[]}function c(){var o=function(y){return,o.key,y)};return o}function d(){return new Ha}function h(){return new I}var e=Fa&&!(fa(Ga,"5.7")>=0),g;Ka=function(o){g=o};if(e){L=function(){return i.getObject()};M=function(o){K(i,o)};N=function(){return m.getObject()};O=function(o){K(m,o)};Ja=function(){return j.getObject()};La=function(){K(j,c())};Ma=function(){return t.getObject()};Na=function(o){K(t,o)};Oa=function(){return q.getObject()};
Pa=function(o){K(q,o)};var i=new J(0,600);i.d=a;var m=new J(0,600);m.d=b;var j=new J(0,600);j.d=c;var t=new J(0,600);t.d=d;var q=new J(0,600);q.d=h}else{L=a;M=r;N=b;O=r;Ja=c;La=r;Ma=d;Na=r;Oa=h;Pa=r}})();var P={},Q={},R={},Qa={},Ra=function(a,b,c,d,h){if(b)if(s(b)=="array")for(var e=0;e<b.length;e++)Ra(a,b[e],c,d,h);else{d=!!d;var g=Q;b in g||(g[b]=L());g=g[b];if(!(d in g)){g[d]=L();g.f++}g=g[d];var i=a[u]||(a[u]=++aa),m;g.k++;if(g[i]){m=g[i];for(e=0;e<m.length;e++){g=m[e];if(g.w==c&&g.X==h){if(g.l)break;return}}}else{m=g[i]=N();g.f++}e=Ja();e.src=a;g=Ma();g.v(c,e,a,b,d,h);c=g.key;e.key=c;m.push(g);P[c]=g;R[i]||(R[i]=N());R[i].push(g);if(a.addEventListener){if(a==p||!a.Pa)a.addEventListener(b,e,d)}else a.attachEvent(Sa(b),
e)}else throw Error("Invalid event type");},Ta=function(a,b,c,d){if(!d.z)if(d.$){for(var h=0,e=0;h<d.length;h++)if(d[h].l){var g=d[h].ba;g.src=k;La(g);Na(d[h])}else{if(h!=e)d[e]=d[h];e++}d.length=e;d.$=l;if(e==0){O(d);delete Q[a][b][c];Q[a][b].f--;if(Q[a][b].f==0){M(Q[a][b]);delete Q[a][b];Q[a].f--}if(Q[a].f==0){M(Q[a]);delete Q[a]}}}},Sa=function(a){if(a in Qa)return Qa[a];return Qa[a]="on"+a},Va=function(a,b,c,d,h){var e=1;b=b[u]||(b[u]=++aa);if(a[b]){a.k--;a=a[b];if(a.z)a.z++;else a.z=1;try{for(var g=
a.length,i=0;i<g;i++){var m=a[i];if(m&&!m.l)e&=Ua(m,h)!==l}}finally{a.z--;Ta(c,d,b,a)}}return Boolean(e)},Ua=function(a,b){var c=a.handleEvent(b);if(a.S){var d=a.key;if(P[d]){var h=P[d];if(!h.l){var e=h.src,g=h.type,,m=h.capture;if(e.removeEventListener){if(e==p||!e.Pa)e.removeEventListener(g,i,m)}else e.detachEvent&&e.detachEvent(Sa(g),i);e=e[u]||(e[u]=++aa);i=Q[g][m][e];if(R[e]){var j=R[e],t=ja(j,h);if(t>=0){ha(j.length!=k);,t,1)}j.length==0&&delete R[e]}h.l=f;i.$=f;Ta(g,m,
e,i);delete P[d]}}}return c};
Ka(function(a,b){if(!P[a])return f;var c=P[a],d=c.type,h=Q;if(!(d in h))return f;h=h[d];var e,g;if(Da===undefined)Da=A&&!p.addEventListener;if(Da){var i;if(!(i=b))a:{i="window.event".split(".");for(var m=p;e=i.shift();)if(m[e]!=k)m=m[e];else{i=k;break a}i=m}e=i;i=f in h;m=l in h;if(i){if(e.keyCode<0||e.returnValue!=undefined)return f;a:{var j=l;if(e.keyCode==0)try{e.keyCode=-1;break a}catch(t){j=f}if(j||e.returnValue==undefined)e.returnValue=f}}j=Oa();j.v(e,this);e=f;try{if(i){for(var q=N(),o=j.currentTarget;o;o=
o.parentNode)q.push(o);g=h[f];g.k=g.f;for(var y=q.length-1;!j.M&&y>=0&&g.k;y--){j.currentTarget=q[y];e&=Va(g,q[y],d,f,j)}if(m){g=h[l];g.k=g.f;for(y=0;!j.M&&y<q.length&&g.k;y++){j.currentTarget=q[y];e&=Va(g,q[y],d,l,j)}}}else e=Ua(c,j)}finally{if(q){q.length=0;O(q)}j.s();Pa(j)}return e}d=new I(b,this);try{e=Ua(c,d)}finally{d.s()}return e});var U=function(a){this.A={};S(this,this.c,0);S(this,this.o,0);S(this,this.m,0);S(this,this.I,"");S(this,this.n,[]);S(this,this.q,{});S(this,this.Da,typeof window=="object"?window:p);S(this,this.Ga,this);S(this,this.p,0);S(this,this.P,0);this.T=[this.Aa,,this.Ia,this.Ba,,this.Ma,this.ta,this.ea,this.ra,this.Ka,this.wa,,this.ya,this.Ja,];if(a.length%4)throw Error("Length of b64-encoded data must be zero mod four");if(!E){E={};Aa={};for(var b=0;b<65;b++){E[b]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(b);
Aa[E[b]]=b}}b=Aa;for(var c=[],d=0;d<a.length;d+=4){var h=b[a.charAt(d)],e=b[a.charAt(d+1)],g=b[a.charAt(d+2)],i=b[a.charAt(d+3)];if(h==k||e==k||g==k||i==k)throw Error();c.push(h<<2|e>>4);if(g!=64){c.push(e<<4&240|g>>2);i!=64&&c.push(g<<6&192|i)}}(this.C=c)||T(this,this.ha)};n=U.prototype;n.c=0;n.o=1;n.m=2;n.I=3;n.n=4;n.Ea=5;n.Ca=6;n.q=7;n.K=8;n.Da=9;n.Ga=10;n.p=11;n.P=12;n.xa=14;n.La=10;n.H=0;n.F=1;n.G=2;n.Fa=3;n.J=4;n.e=5;n.g=l;n.Ha=4;n.ha=1;;n.ka=5;n.fa=6;;;;n.ia=10;
n.oa=11;;n.N=13;n.ja=15;;n.Q=864E5;n.O={};var Wa=function(a,b,c){return function(){if(arguments.callee.caller==c)return b}},S=function(a,b,c){a.A[b]=Wa(a,c,a.a);b==a.o&&S(a,a.c,a.a(a.c)+1)};U.prototype.a=function(a){var b=this.A[a];if(b===undefined){T(this,|a<<8|this.a(this.c)<<16);throw this.O;}return b()};
var T=function(a,b,c){if(c!=undefined){var d=c.message.toString();if(c.stack!=undefined)d+=": "+c.stack;S(a,a.I,d)}S(a,a.m,b)},V=function(a){var b;b=a.C;var c=Number(a.a(a.c)+0),d=Number(a.a(a.o));if(c){var h=a.Ha;b=b[c]^b[c-1]^255&d>>8*(h-c%h-1)}else b=0;S(a,a.c,a.a(a.c)+1);return b},W=function(a,b){return b%a.e==a.Fa},X=function(a,b){var c=b%a.e;return b==a.o||b==a.c||b==a.K||b==a.m||b==a.p||c==a.H||c==a.F||c==a.G};U.prototype.Aa=function(){};{var a=V(this),b=V(this);if(a==this.Ea){var c=(new Date).getTime();c-=Math.floor(c/this.Q)*this.Q}else c=this.a(a);if(W(this,b))c=""+c;else if(X(this,a)){a=b%this.e;if(a==this.H)c&=255;else if(a==this.F)c&=65535;else if(a==this.G)c&=4294967295}S(this,b,c)};var Xa=function(a,b){if(b<=a.xa)return 4;var c=b%a.e;if(c==a.H)return 1;else if(c==a.F)return 2;return 4};n=U.prototype;
n.Ia=function(){var a=V(this);if(X(this,a)){for(var b=0,c=Xa(this,a),d=0;d<c;d++)b=b<<8|V(this);S(this,a,b)}else if(W(this,a)){b="";c=V(this)<<8|V(this);for(d=0;d<c;d++)b+=String.fromCharCode(V(this));S(this,a,b)}else T(this,|a<<8)};n.Ba=function(){V(this)};{var a=V(this),b=V(this),c=this.a(a);b=this.a(b);try{S(this,a,c[b])}catch(d){T(this,this.ka|this.a(this.c)<<8,d)}};
n.Ma=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this);if((a==this.q||a%this.e==this.J)&&W(this,b)||this.g){a=this.a(a);S(this,b,s(a))}else T(this,|a<<8|b<<16)};
n.ta=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this);if(W(this,a)&&(b%this.e==this.G||b==this.o)||this.g){a=this.a(a);a=a.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");for(var c=[],d=0,h=0;h<a.length;h++){var e=a.charCodeAt(h);if(e<128)c[d++]=e;else{if(e<2048)c[d++]=e>>6|192;else{c[d++]=e>>12|224;c[d++]=e>>6&63|128}c[d++]=e&63|128}}a=new Ba;a.update(c);c=[];h=a.D*8;a.i<56?a.update(a.B,56-a.i):a.update(a.B,64-(a.i-56));for(d=63;d>=56;d--){a.r[d]=h&255;h>>>=8}F(a,a.r);for(d=h=0;d<5;d++)for(e=24;e>=0;e-=8)c[h++]=a.b[d]>>e&255;S(this,b,
c[0]<<24|c[1]<<16|c[2]<<8|c[3])}else T(this,this.ia|a<<8|b<<16)};n.ea=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this),c=this.a(this.n),d=function(h,e){for(var g=h-1;g>=0;g--)c.push(e>>g*8&255)};if(W(this,a)&&W(this,b)||this.g){this.A[b]==undefined&&S(this,b,"");S(this,b,this.a(b)+this.a(a))}else if(b==this.n&&W(this,a)){a=this.a(a);d(2,a.length);for(d=0;d<a.length;d++)c.push(a.charCodeAt(d)&255)}else if(b==this.n&&X(this,a)){b=this.a(a);d(Xa(this,a),b)}else T(this,this.fa|a<<8|b<<16)};
n.ra=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this);S(this,b,eval(this.a(a)))};n.Ka=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this);!this.g&&(!X(this,a)||!X(this,b))?T(this,this.oa|a<<8|b<<16):S(this,b,this.a(b)-this.a(a))};
var Ya=function(a,b){var c={};c.u=k;c.L=k;var d=V(a);d=a.a(d);if(a.g)c.u=d;else if(!b&&(s(d)=="function"||s(d)=="object"))c.u=d;else if(b&&s(d)=="string")c.L=d;if(c.u==k&&c.L==k){T(a,|a.a(a.c)<<8);return k}c.aa=V(a);d=k;var h=[],e;do{e=V(a);var g=a.a(e&127);if(d==k)d=g;else h.push(g)}while((e&128)!=0);c.self=d;c.R=h;return c};U.prototype.wa=function(){var a=Ya(this,l);if(a!=k){var b=a.u.apply(a.self,a.R);S(this,a.aa,b)}};{var a=Ya(this,f);if(a!=k){var b=a.R,c=a.self,d=a.L;switch(b.length){case 0:b=c[d]();break;case 1:b=c[d](b[0]);break;case 2:b=c[d](b[0],b[1]);break;case 3:b=c[d](b[0],b[1],b[2]);break;default:T(this,this.ja|this.a(this.c)<<8);return}S(this,a.aa,b)}};{S(this,this.c,this.C.length)};
U.prototype.ya=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this),c=V(this);if(this.g||(a==this.q||a%this.e==this.J)&&W(this,b)&&X(this,c)){a=this.a(a);b=this.a(b);c=this.a(c);Ra(a,b,Za(this,c),l,this)}else T(this,this.N|a<<8|b<<16|c<<24)};var Za=function(a,b){return function(c){S(a,a.Ca,c);S(a,a.c,b);$a(a)}};U.prototype.Ja=function(){var a=V(this),b=V(this),c=V(this);if(this.g||a==this.q||a%this.e==this.J){a=this.a(a);b=this.a(b);c=this.a(c);a[b]=c}else T(this,this.N|a<<8|b<<16|c<<24)};
var $a=function(a){for(;a.a(a.c)<a.C.length&&a.a(a.m)==0;)try{var b=V(a);a.a(a.c);b>=a.T.length?T(a,|b<<8|a.a(a.c)<<16):a.T[b].call(a)}catch(c){if(c!=a.O){var d=a.a(a.p);if(d){S(a,d,c);S(a,a.p,0)}else T(a,|a.a(a.c)<<8,c)}}return a};
U.prototype.Oa=function(){if(this.t)return this.t;if(this.A[U.prototype.K]){var a=this.a(U.prototype.K);S(this,this.c,a);$a(this)}a=[3].concat(this.a(this.n));var b=this.a(this.m);if(b>0){a.push(0);a.push(b>>24&255);a.push(b>>16&255);a.push(b>>8&255);a.push(b>>0&255);var c=this.a(this.I);if(c!=""){a.push(c.length>>8&255);a.push(c.length&255);for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)a.push(c.charCodeAt(b)&255)}}b=this.a(this.P);c=b-a.length;c-=3;if(c>0){a.push(this.La&255);a.push(c>>8&255);for(a.push(c&255);a.length<
b;)a.push(Math.floor(Math.random()*255))}this.t="";for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){c=a[b].toString(16);if(c.length==1)c="0"+c;this.t+=c}return this.t};var ab=function(){document.da=$a(new U("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"))};try{var bb=typeof window=="object"?window:p;Ra(bb,"load",ab,l,this);Ra(bb,"unload",function(){})}catch(cb){}var db=function(a){document.da||ab();a(document.da.Oa())},Y="botguard.invoke".split("."),Z=p;!(Y[0]in Z)&&Z.execScript&&Z.execScript("var "+Y[0]);
for(var $;Y.length&&($=Y.shift());)if(!Y.length&&db!==undefined)Z[$]=db;else Z=Z[$]?Z[$]:Z[$]={}; })()
       function onSubmitHandler(ev) {
         botguard.invoke(function(response) {
           document.getElementById("bgresponse").value = response;
         return true;
На выходе Javascript должно получаться примерно такая хрень:
ДжаваСкрипт работатет на стороне пользователя а не "сервера". Его нельзя выполнить в пхп. Можно лишь разобрать алгоритм который генерируется соответствующий код на ДжаваСкрипт-е и постараться повторить его аналогичными функциями пхп.
Но такое не так то и просто сделать, т.к. это по всей видимости какая-то защита от спама, и как видно в ней сделали небольшую обфускацию что усложняет понимание кода + алгоритм генерации запутали ( эдакая криптосистема )
да и этот джаваСкрипт может даже рандомно генерироваться...

Короч нужно приводить код к норм виду и вникать ..

как альтернатива - то моожно использовать .NET Framework в частности класс WebBrowser - но это своего рода мазахизм =)

ну или некий Human Emulator

и в 1 и во 2 будет работать джаваСкрипт
Ребят, ну только не надо букварь обьяснять.
Я же написал - запустить из ПХП, а не выполнить.

Скрипт - используется как антиспамзащита у Гугля.

Скрипт при обращениях не изменяется.

Но так как я с ява знаком только на уровне редиректа на дорах,
то тяжко вдуплить - что там он делает.
Где вход? Где выход? Кто так строит?:nezn:

Надеялся, что есть здесь ява-гуру. Подскажут - че он делает.
Пойму - что он делает - сам реализую такое-же другими способами.

Ну что ж - пойду учить\ковырять этот фреймворк:(
то тяжко вдуплить - что там он делает.
Этот скрипт минимизирован, чтобы хоть что-то стало яснее смотри полную отформатированую версию.
Где вход? Где выход? Кто так строит?
Может тебе Firebug поможет?
Этот скрипт минимизирован, чтобы хоть что-то стало яснее смотри полную отформатированую версию.
А вот и она:
(function () {
    var f = true,
        k = null,
        l = false,
        n, p = this,
        r = function () {},
        s = function (a) {
            var b = typeof a;
            if (b == "object") if (a) {
                if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
                else if (a instanceof Object) return b;
                var c =;
                if (c == "[object Window]") return "object";
                if (c == "[object Array]" || typeof a.length == "number" && typeof a.splice != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
                if (c == "[object Function]" || typeof != "undefined" && typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable != "undefined" && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
            } else
            return "null";
            else if (b == "function" && typeof == "undefined") return "object";
            return b
        u = "closure_uid_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36),
        aa = 0,
        ba = ||
        function () {
            return +new Date
        v = function (a, b) {
            function c() {}
            c.prototype = b.prototype;
   = b.prototype;
            a.prototype = new c
    var ca = function (a) {
        this.stack = Error().stack || "";
        if (a) this.message = String(a)
    v(ca, Error);
    var da = function (a) {
        for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
            var c = String(arguments[b]).replace(/$/g, "$$$$");
            a = a.replace(/%s/, c)
        return a
        fa = function (a, b) {
            for (var c = 0, d = String(a).replace(/^[sxa0]+|[sxa0]+$/g, "").split("."), h = String(b).replace(/^[sxa0]+|[sxa0]+$/g, "").split("."), e = Math.max(d.length, h.length), g = 0; c == 0 && g < e; g++) {
                var i = d[g] || "",
                    m = h[g] || "",
                    j = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"),
                    t = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g");
                do {
                    var q = j.exec(i) || ["", "", ""],
                        o = t.exec(m) || ["", "", ""];
                    if (q[0].length == 0 && o[0].length == 0) break;
                    c = ea(q[1].length == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(q[1], 10), o[1].length == 0 ? 0 : parseInt(o[1], 10)) || ea(q[2].length == 0, o[2].length == 0) || ea(q[2], o[2])
                } while (c == 0)
            return c
        ea = function (a, b) {
            if (a < b) return -1;
            else if (a > b) return 1;
            return 0
    var ga = function (a, b) {
        b.unshift(a);, da.apply(k, b));
        this.Ta = a
    v(ga, ca);
    var ha = function (a, b) {
        if (!a) {
            var c =, 2),
                d = "Assertion failed";
            if (b) {
                d += ": " + b;
                var h = c
            throw new ga("" + d, h || []);
    var ia = Array.prototype,
        ja = ia.indexOf ?
        function (a, b, c) {
            ha(a.length != k);
            return, b, c)
        } : function (a, b, c) {
            c = c == k ? 0 : c < 0 ? Math.max(0, a.length + c) : c;
            if (typeof a == "string") {
                if (typeof b != "string" || b.length != 1) return -1;
                return a.indexOf(b, c)
            for (; c < a.length; c++) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
            return -1
    var w, ka, x, la, ma = function () {
        return p.navigator ? p.navigator.userAgent : k
    la = x = ka = w = l;
    var z;
    if (z = ma()) {
        var na = p.navigator;
        w = z.indexOf("Opera") == 0;
        ka = !w && z.indexOf("MSIE") != -1;
        x = !w && z.indexOf("WebKit") != -1;
        la = !w && !x && na.product == "Gecko"
    var A = ka,
        oa = la,
        pa = x,
        qa = p.navigator,
        ra = (qa && qa.platform || "").indexOf("Mac") != -1,
    a: {
        var B = "",
        if (w && p.opera) {
            var ta = p.opera.version;
            B = typeof ta == "function" ? ta() : ta
        } else {
            if (oa) C = /rv:([^);]+)()|;)/;
            else if (A) C = /MSIEs+([^);]+)()|;)/;
            else if (pa) C = /WebKit/ (S + ) / ;
            if (C) {
                var ua = C.exec(ma());
                B = ua ? ua[1] : ""
        if (A) {
            var va, wa = p.document;
            va = wa ? wa.documentMode : undefined;
            if (va > parseFloat(B)) {
                sa = String(va);
                break a
        sa = B
    var xa = sa,
        ya = {},
        D = function (a) {
            ya[a] || (ya[a] = fa(xa, a) >= 0)
        };!A || D("9");A && D("9");
    var za = function () {
        this.Ra = ba()
    };new za;za.prototype.reset = function () {
        this.Ra = ba()
    var E = k,
        Aa = k;
    var Ba = function () {
        this.b = [];
        this.r = [];
        this.Na = [];
        this.B = [];
        this.B[0] = 128;
        for (var a = 1; a < 64; ++a) this.B[a] = 0;
    };Ba.prototype.reset = function () {
        this.b[0] = 1732584193;
        this.b[1] = 4023233417;
        this.b[2] = 2562383102;
        this.b[3] = 271733878;
        this.b[4] = 3285377520;
        this.D = this.i = 0
    var F = function (a, b) {
        for (var c = a.Na, d = 0; d < 64; d += 4) c[d / 4] = b[d] << 24 | b[d + 1] << 16 | b[d + 2] << 8 | b[d + 3];
        for (d = 16; d < 80; d++) c[d] = ((c[d - 3] ^ c[d - 8] ^ c[d - 14] ^ c[d - 16]) << 1 | (c[d - 3] ^ c[d - 8] ^ c[d - 14] ^ c[d - 16]) >>> 31) & 4294967295;
        var h = a.b[0],
            e = a.b[1],
            g = a.b[2],
            i = a.b[3],
            m = a.b[4],
            j, t;
        for (d = 0; d < 80; d++) {
            if (d < 40) if (d < 20) {
                j = i ^ e & (g ^ i);
                t = 1518500249
            } else {
                j = e ^ g ^ i;
                t = 1859775393
            } else if (d < 60) {
                j = e & g | i & (e | g);
                t = 2400959708
            } else {
                j = e ^ g ^ i;
                t = 3395469782
            j = ((h << 5 | h >>> 27) & 4294967295) + j + m + t + c[d] & 4294967295;
            m = i;
            i = g;
            g = (e << 30 | e >>> 2) & 4294967295;
            e = h;
            h = j
        a.b[0] =
        a.b[0] + h & 4294967295;
        a.b[1] = a.b[1] + e & 4294967295;
        a.b[2] = a.b[2] + g & 4294967295;
        a.b[3] = a.b[3] + i & 4294967295;
        a.b[4] = a.b[4] + m & 4294967295
    };Ba.prototype.update = function (a, b) {
        if (!b) b = a.length;
        var c = 0;
        if (this.i == 0) for (; c + 64 < b;) {
            F(this, a.slice(c, c + 64));
            c += 64;
            this.D += 64
        for (; c < b;) {
            this.r[this.i++] = a[c++];
            if (this.i == 64) {
                this.i = 0;
                for (F(this, this.r); c + 64 < b;) {
                    F(this, a.slice(c, c + 64));
                    c += 64;
                    this.D += 64
    var Ca = new Function("a", "return a");
    var Da;!A || D("9");A && D("8");
    var G = function () {};G.prototype.V = l;G.prototype.s = function () {
        if (!this.V) {
            this.V = f;
    };G.prototype.j = function () {};
    var H = function (a, b) {
        this.type = a;
        this.currentTarget = = b
    };v(H, G);H.prototype.j = function () {
        delete this.type;
        delete this.currentTarget
    };H.prototype.M = l;H.prototype.Sa = f;
    var I = function (a, b) {
        a && this.v(a, b)
    };v(I, H);n = I.prototype; = k;n.relatedTarget = k;n.offsetX = 0;n.offsetY = 0;n.clientX = 0;n.clientY = 0;n.screenX = 0;n.screenY = 0;n.button = 0;n.keyCode = 0;n.charCode = 0;n.ctrlKey = l;n.altKey = l;n.shiftKey = l;n.metaKey = l;n.Qa = l;n.W = k;
    n.v = function (a, b) {
        var c = this.type = a.type;, c); = || a.srcElement;
        this.currentTarget = b;
        var d = a.relatedTarget;
        if (d) {
            if (oa) try {
            } catch (h) {
                d = k
        } else if (c == "mouseover") d = a.fromElement;
        else if (c == "mouseout") d = a.toElement;
        this.relatedTarget = d;
        this.offsetX = a.offsetX !== undefined ? a.offsetX : a.layerX;
        this.offsetY = a.offsetY !== undefined ? a.offsetY : a.layerY;
        this.clientX = a.clientX !== undefined ? a.clientX : a.pageX;
        this.clientY = a.clientY !== undefined ? a.clientY : a.pageY;
        this.screenX =
        a.screenX || 0;
        this.screenY = a.screenY || 0;
        this.button = a.button;
        this.keyCode = a.keyCode || 0;
        this.charCode = a.charCode || (c == "keypress" ? a.keyCode : 0);
        this.ctrlKey = a.ctrlKey;
        this.altKey = a.altKey;
        this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
        this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
        this.Qa = ra ? a.metaKey : a.ctrlKey;
        this.state = a.state;
        this.W = a;
        delete this.Sa;
        delete this.M
    };n.j = function () {;
        this.relatedTarget = this.currentTarget = = this.W = k
    var J = function (a, b) {
        this.Z = b;
        this.h = [];
        if (a > this.Z) throw Error("[goog.structs.SimplePool] Initial cannot be greater than max");
        for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) this.h.push(this.d ? this.d() : {})
    };v(J, G);J.prototype.d = k;J.prototype.U = k;J.prototype.getObject = function () {
        if (this.h.length) return this.h.pop();
        return this.d ? this.d() : {}
    var K = function (a, b) {
        a.h.length < a.Z ? a.h.push(b) : Ea(a, b)
        Ea = function (a, b) {
            if (a.U) a.U(b);
            else {
                var c = s(b);
                if (c == "object" || c == "array" || c == "function") if (s(b.s) == "function") b.s();
                for (var d in b) delete b[d]
    J.prototype.j = function () {;
        for (var a = this.h; a.length;) Ea(this, a.pop());
        delete this.h
    var Fa;
    var Ga = (Fa = "ScriptEngine" in p && p.ScriptEngine() == "JScript") ? p.ScriptEngineMajorVersion() + "." + p.ScriptEngineMinorVersion() + "." + p.ScriptEngineBuildVersion() : "0";
    var Ha = function () {},
        Ia = 0;n = Ha.prototype;n.key = 0;n.l = l;n.S = l;n.v = function (a, b, c, d, h, e) {
        if (s(a) == "function") this.Y = f;
        else if (a && a.handleEvent && s(a.handleEvent) == "function") this.Y = l;
        throw Error("Invalid listener argument");
        this.w = a; = b;
        this.src = c;
        this.type = d;
        this.capture = !! h;
        this.X = e;
        this.S = l;
        this.key = ++Ia;
        this.l = l
    };n.handleEvent = function (a) {
        if (this.Y) return || this.src, a);
        return, a)
    var L, M, N, O, Ja, Ka, La, Ma, Na, Oa, Pa;
    (function () {
        function a() {
            return {
                f: 0,
                k: 0
        function b() {
            return []
        function c() {
            var o = function (y) {
                return, o.key, y)
            return o
        function d() {
            return new Ha
        function h() {
            return new I
        var e = Fa && !(fa(Ga, "5.7") >= 0),
        Ka = function (o) {
            g = o
        if (e) {
            L = function () {
                return i.getObject()
            M = function (o) {
                K(i, o)
            N = function () {
                return m.getObject()
            O = function (o) {
                K(m, o)
            Ja = function () {
                return j.getObject()
            La = function () {
                K(j, c())
            Ma = function () {
                return t.getObject()
            Na = function (o) {
                K(t, o)
            Oa = function () {
                return q.getObject()
            Pa = function (o) {
                K(q, o)
            var i = new J(0, 600);
            i.d = a;
            var m = new J(0, 600);
            m.d = b;
            var j = new J(0, 600);
            j.d = c;
            var t = new J(0, 600);
            t.d = d;
            var q = new J(0, 600);
            q.d = h
        } else {
            L = a;
            M = r;
            N = b;
            O = r;
            Ja = c;
            La = r;
            Ma = d;
            Na = r;
            Oa = h;
            Pa = r
    var P = {},
        Q = {},
        R = {},
        Qa = {},
        Ra = function (a, b, c, d, h) {
            if (b) if (s(b) == "array") for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) Ra(a, b[e], c, d, h);
            else {
                d = !! d;
                var g = Q;
                b in g || (g[b] = L());
                g = g[b];
                if (!(d in g)) {
                    g[d] = L();
                g = g[d];
                var i = a[u] || (a[u] = ++aa),
                if (g[i]) {
                    m = g[i];
                    for (e = 0; e < m.length; e++) {
                        g = m[e];
                        if (g.w == c && g.X == h) {
                            if (g.l) break;
                } else {
                    m = g[i] = N();
                e = Ja();
                e.src = a;
                g = Ma();
                g.v(c, e, a, b, d, h);
                c = g.key;
                e.key = c;
                P[c] = g;
                R[i] || (R[i] = N());
                if (a.addEventListener) {
                    if (a == p || !a.Pa) a.addEventListener(b, e, d)
                } else a.attachEvent(Sa(b), e)
            } else
            throw Error("Invalid event type");
        Ta = function (a, b, c, d) {
            if (!d.z) if (d.$) {
                for (var h = 0, e = 0; h < d.length; h++) if (d[h].l) {
                    var g = d[h].ba;
                    g.src = k;
                } else {
                    if (h != e) d[e] = d[h];
                d.length = e;
                d.$ = l;
                if (e == 0) {
                    delete Q[a][b][c];
                    if (Q[a][b].f == 0) {
                        delete Q[a][b];
                    if (Q[a].f == 0) {
                        delete Q[a]
        Sa = function (a) {
            if (a in Qa) return Qa[a];
            return Qa[a] = "on" + a
        Va = function (a, b, c, d, h) {
            var e = 1;
            b = b[u] || (b[u] = ++aa);
            if (a[b]) {
                a = a[b];
                if (a.z) a.z++;
                else a.z = 1;
                try {
                    for (var g =
                    a.length, i = 0; i < g; i++) {
                        var m = a[i];
                        if (m && !m.l) e &= Ua(m, h) !== l
                } finally {
                    Ta(c, d, b, a)
            return Boolean(e)
        Ua = function (a, b) {
            var c = a.handleEvent(b);
            if (a.S) {
                var d = a.key;
                if (P[d]) {
                    var h = P[d];
                    if (!h.l) {
                        var e = h.src,
                            g = h.type,
                            i =,
                            m = h.capture;
                        if (e.removeEventListener) {
                            if (e == p || !e.Pa) e.removeEventListener(g, i, m)
                        } else e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent(Sa(g), i);
                        e = e[u] || (e[u] = ++aa);
                        i = Q[g][m][e];
                        if (R[e]) {
                            var j = R[e],
                                t = ja(j, h);
                            if (t >= 0) {
                                ha(j.length != k);
                      , t, 1)
                            j.length == 0 && delete R[e]
                        h.l = f;
                        i.$ = f;
                        Ta(g, m, e, i);
                        delete P[d]
            return c
    Ka(function (a, b) {
        if (!P[a]) return f;
        var c = P[a],
            d = c.type,
            h = Q;
        if (!(d in h)) return f;
        h = h[d];
        var e, g;
        if (Da === undefined) Da = A && !p.addEventListener;
        if (Da) {
            var i;
            if (!(i = b)) a: {
                i = "window.event".split(".");
                for (var m = p; e = i.shift();) if (m[e] != k) m = m[e];
                else {
                    i = k;
                    break a
                i = m
            e = i;i = f in h;m = l in h;
            if (i) {
                if (e.keyCode < 0 || e.returnValue != undefined) return f;
                a: {
                    var j = l;
                    if (e.keyCode == 0) try {
                        e.keyCode = -1;
                        break a
                    } catch (t) {
                        j = f
                    if (j || e.returnValue == undefined) e.returnValue = f
            j = Oa();j.v(e, this);e = f;
            try {
                if (i) {
                    for (var q = N(), o = j.currentTarget; o; o =
                    o.parentNode) q.push(o);
                    g = h[f];
                    g.k = g.f;
                    for (var y = q.length - 1; !j.M && y >= 0 && g.k; y--) {
                        j.currentTarget = q[y];
                        e &= Va(g, q[y], d, f, j)
                    if (m) {
                        g = h[l];
                        g.k = g.f;
                        for (y = 0; !j.M && y < q.length && g.k; y++) {
                            j.currentTarget = q[y];
                            e &= Va(g, q[y], d, l, j)
                } else e = Ua(c, j)
            } finally {
                if (q) {
                    q.length = 0;
            return e
        d = new I(b, this);
        try {
            e = Ua(c, d)
        } finally {
        return e
    var U = function (a) {
        this.A = {};
        S(this, this.c, 0);
        S(this, this.o, 0);
        S(this, this.m, 0);
        S(this, this.I, "");
        S(this, this.n, []);
        S(this, this.q, {});
        S(this, this.Da, typeof window == "object" ? window : p);
        S(this, this.Ga, this);
        S(this, this.p, 0);
        S(this, this.P, 0);
        this.T = [this.Aa,, this.Ia, this.Ba,, this.Ma, this.ta, this.ea, this.ra, this.Ka, this.wa,, this.ya, this.Ja,];
        if (a.length % 4) throw Error("Length of b64-encoded data must be zero mod four");
        if (!E) {
            E = {};
            Aa = {};
            for (var b = 0; b < 65; b++) {
                E[b] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(b);
                Aa[E[b]] = b
        b = Aa;
        for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d += 4) {
            var h = b[a.charAt(d)],
                e = b[a.charAt(d + 1)],
                g = b[a.charAt(d + 2)],
                i = b[a.charAt(d + 3)];
            if (h == k || e == k || g == k || i == k) throw Error();
            c.push(h << 2 | e >> 4);
            if (g != 64) {
                c.push(e << 4 & 240 | g >> 2);
                i != 64 && c.push(g << 6 & 192 | i)
        }(this.C = c) || T(this, this.ha)
    };n = U.prototype;n.c = 0;n.o = 1;n.m = 2;n.I = 3;n.n = 4;n.Ea = 5;n.Ca = 6;n.q = 7;n.K = 8;n.Da = 9;n.Ga = 10;n.p = 11;n.P = 12;n.xa = 14;n.La = 10;n.H = 0;n.F = 1;n.G = 2;n.Fa = 3;n.J = 4;n.e = 5;n.g = l;n.Ha = 4;n.ha = 1; = 4;n.ka = 5;n.fa = 6; = 7; = 8; = 9;n.ia = 10;
    n.oa = 11; = 12;n.N = 13;n.ja = 15; = 16;n.Q = 864E5;n.O = {};
    var Wa = function (a, b, c) {
        return function () {
            if (arguments.callee.caller == c) return b
        S = function (a, b, c) {
            a.A[b] = Wa(a, c, a.a);
            b == a.o && S(a, a.c, a.a(a.c) + 1)
        };U.prototype.a = function (a) {
        var b = this.A[a];
        if (b === undefined) {
            T(this, | a << 8 | this.a(this.c) << 16);
            throw this.O;
        return b()
    var T = function (a, b, c) {
        if (c != undefined) {
            var d = c.message.toString();
            if (c.stack != undefined) d += ": " + c.stack;
            S(a, a.I, d)
        S(a, a.m, b)
        V = function (a) {
            var b;
            b = a.C;
            var c = Number(a.a(a.c) + 0),
                d = Number(a.a(a.o));
            if (c) {
                var h = a.Ha;
                b = b[c] ^ b[c - 1] ^ 255 & d >> 8 * (h - c % h - 1)
            } else b = 0;
            S(a, a.c, a.a(a.c) + 1);
            return b
        W = function (a, b) {
            return b % a.e == a.Fa
        X = function (a, b) {
            var c = b % a.e;
            return b == a.o || b == a.c || b == a.K || b == a.m || b == a.p || c == a.H || c == a.F || c == a.G
        };U.prototype.Aa = function () {}; = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this);
        if (a == this.Ea) {
            var c = (new Date).getTime();
            c -= Math.floor(c / this.Q) * this.Q
        } else c = this.a(a);
        if (W(this, b)) c = "" + c;
        else if (X(this, a)) {
            a = b % this.e;
            if (a == this.H) c &= 255;
            else if (a == this.F) c &= 65535;
            else if (a == this.G) c &= 4294967295
        S(this, b, c)
    var Xa = function (a, b) {
        if (b <= a.xa) return 4;
        var c = b % a.e;
        if (c == a.H) return 1;
        else if (c == a.F) return 2;
        return 4
    };n = U.prototype;
    n.Ia = function () {
        var a = V(this);
        if (X(this, a)) {
            for (var b = 0, c = Xa(this, a), d = 0; d < c; d++) b = b << 8 | V(this);
            S(this, a, b)
        } else if (W(this, a)) {
            b = "";
            c = V(this) << 8 | V(this);
            for (d = 0; d < c; d++) b += String.fromCharCode(V(this));
            S(this, a, b)
        } else T(this, | a << 8)
    };n.Ba = function () {
    }; = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this),
            c = this.a(a);
        b = this.a(b);
        try {
            S(this, a, c[b])
        } catch (d) {
            T(this, this.ka | this.a(this.c) << 8, d)
    n.Ma = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this);
        if ((a == this.q || a % this.e == this.J) && W(this, b) || this.g) {
            a = this.a(a);
            S(this, b, s(a))
        } else T(this, | a << 8 | b << 16)
    n.ta = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this);
        if (W(this, a) && (b % this.e == this.G || b == this.o) || this.g) {
            a = this.a(a);
            a = a.replace(/rn/g, "\n");
            for (var c = [], d = 0, h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
                var e = a.charCodeAt(h);
                if (e < 128) c[d++] = e;
                else {
                    if (e < 2048) c[d++] = e >> 6 | 192;
                    else {
                        c[d++] = e >> 12 | 224;
                        c[d++] = e >> 6 & 63 | 128
                    c[d++] = e & 63 | 128
            a = new Ba;
            c = [];
            h = a.D * 8;
            a.i < 56 ? a.update(a.B, 56 - a.i) : a.update(a.B, 64 - (a.i - 56));
            for (d = 63; d >= 56; d--) {
                a.r[d] = h & 255;
                h >>>= 8
            F(a, a.r);
            for (d = h = 0; d < 5; d++) for (e = 24; e >= 0; e -= 8) c[h++] = a.b[d] >> e & 255;
            S(this, b, c[0] << 24 | c[1] << 16 | c[2] << 8 | c[3])
        } else T(this, this.ia | a << 8 | b << 16)
    };n.ea = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this),
            c = this.a(this.n),
            d = function (h, e) {
                for (var g = h - 1; g >= 0; g--) c.push(e >> g * 8 & 255)
        if (W(this, a) && W(this, b) || this.g) {
            this.A[b] == undefined && S(this, b, "");
            S(this, b, this.a(b) + this.a(a))
        } else if (b == this.n && W(this, a)) {
            a = this.a(a);
            d(2, a.length);
            for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) c.push(a.charCodeAt(d) & 255)
        } else if (b == this.n && X(this, a)) {
            b = this.a(a);
            d(Xa(this, a), b)
        } else T(this, this.fa | a << 8 | b << 16)
    n.ra = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this);
        S(this, b, eval(this.a(a)))
    };n.Ka = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this);
        !this.g && (!X(this, a) || !X(this, b)) ? T(this, this.oa | a << 8 | b << 16) : S(this, b, this.a(b) - this.a(a))
    var Ya = function (a, b) {
        var c = {};
        c.u = k;
        c.L = k;
        var d = V(a);
        d = a.a(d);
        if (a.g) c.u = d;
        else if (!b && (s(d) == "function" || s(d) == "object")) c.u = d;
        else if (b && s(d) == "string") c.L = d;
        if (c.u == k && c.L == k) {
            T(a, | a.a(a.c) << 8);
            return k
        c.aa = V(a);
        d = k;
        var h = [],
        do {
            e = V(a);
            var g = a.a(e & 127);
            if (d == k) d = g;
            else h.push(g)
        } while ((e & 128) != 0);
        c.self = d;
        c.R = h;
        return c
    };U.prototype.wa = function () {
        var a = Ya(this, l);
        if (a != k) {
            var b = a.u.apply(a.self, a.R);
            S(this, a.aa, b)
    }; = function () {
        var a = Ya(this, f);
        if (a != k) {
            var b = a.R,
                c = a.self,
                d = a.L;
            switch (b.length) {
            case 0:
                b = c[d]();
            case 1:
                b = c[d](b[0]);
            case 2:
                b = c[d](b[0], b[1]);
            case 3:
                b = c[d](b[0], b[1], b[2]);
                T(this, this.ja | this.a(this.c) << 8);
            S(this, a.aa, b)
    }; = function () {
        S(this, this.c, this.C.length)
    U.prototype.ya = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this),
            c = V(this);
        if (this.g || (a == this.q || a % this.e == this.J) && W(this, b) && X(this, c)) {
            a = this.a(a);
            b = this.a(b);
            c = this.a(c);
            Ra(a, b, Za(this, c), l, this)
        } else T(this, this.N | a << 8 | b << 16 | c << 24)
    var Za = function (a, b) {
        return function (c) {
            S(a, a.Ca, c);
            S(a, a.c, b);
    };U.prototype.Ja = function () {
        var a = V(this),
            b = V(this),
            c = V(this);
        if (this.g || a == this.q || a % this.e == this.J) {
            a = this.a(a);
            b = this.a(b);
            c = this.a(c);
            a[b] = c
        } else T(this, this.N | a << 8 | b << 16 | c << 24)
    var $a = function (a) {
        for (; a.a(a.c) < a.C.length && a.a(a.m) == 0;) try {
            var b = V(a);
            b >= a.T.length ? T(a, | b << 8 | a.a(a.c) << 16) : a.T[b].call(a)
        } catch (c) {
            if (c != a.O) {
                var d = a.a(a.p);
                if (d) {
                    S(a, d, c);
                    S(a, a.p, 0)
                } else T(a, | a.a(a.c) << 8, c)
        return a
    U.prototype.Oa = function () {
        if (this.t) return this.t;
        if (this.A[U.prototype.K]) {
            var a = this.a(U.prototype.K);
            S(this, this.c, a);
        a = [3].concat(this.a(this.n));
        var b = this.a(this.m);
        if (b > 0) {
            a.push(b >> 24 & 255);
            a.push(b >> 16 & 255);
            a.push(b >> 8 & 255);
            a.push(b >> 0 & 255);
            var c = this.a(this.I);
            if (c != "") {
                a.push(c.length >> 8 & 255);
                a.push(c.length & 255);
                for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) a.push(c.charCodeAt(b) & 255)
        b = this.a(this.P);
        c = b - a.length;
        c -= 3;
        if (c > 0) {
            a.push(this.La & 255);
            a.push(c >> 8 & 255);
            for (a.push(c & 255); a.length < b;) a.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 255))
        this.t = "";
        for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            c = a[b].toString(16);
            if (c.length == 1) c = "0" + c;
            this.t += c
        return this.t
    var ab = function () {
        document.da = $a(new U("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"))
    try {
        var bb = typeof window == "object" ? window : p;
        Ra(bb, "load", ab, l, this);
        Ra(bb, "unload", function () {})
    } catch (cb) {}
    var db = function (a) {
        document.da || ab();
        Y = "botguard.invoke".split("."),
        Z = p;!(Y[0] in Z) && Z.execScript && Z.execScript("var " + Y[0]);
    for (var $; Y.length && ($ = Y.shift());) if (!Y.length && db !== undefined) Z[$] = db;
    else Z = Z[$] ? Z[$] : Z[$] = {};

function onSubmitHandler(ev) {
    botguard.invoke(function (response) {
        document.getElementById("bgresponse").value = response;
    return true;
  • Заблокирован
  • #7
1. Запустить из php просто.
Выводишь его в html и он запускается на стороне пользователя.

2. Передать из него переменную в php тоже просто.
запускаешь новое окно с параметрами через
