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- #1
JIB: Bridge for IP.Board
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JIB comes in two parts: an authentication plugin (JIB.Auth) and a user plugin (JIB.User). An overview of both is available below, but for more information please see the project homepage.
This plugin seamlessly integrates your IP.Board's members with Joomla!. After a simple three step installation, which doesn't require file edits or FTP access, your IP.Board's members will be able to instantly sign in to your Joomla! CMS. Your IP.Board install can be on an entirely separate domain and server from your Joomla! installation. The plugin offers a wide variety of settings which you can use to fine-tune your installation of JIB.Auth to fit your own needs. Limit access to specific user groups, group auto-promotion, failed login attempt handling, and more.
This plugin builds upon the integration made available in JIB.Auth. With JIB.User you can enable SSO (single sign on), which will allow your members to sign into Joomla! and be automatically signed in to IP.Board. JIB.User also supports new member registrations within IP.Board should a member register on your Joomla! install. With support for duplicate accounts, email validation, and more, JIB.User adds that little extra integration between your Joomla! and IP.Board members. Don't forget the easy three step installation that doesn't require file edits or FTP access!
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ЗЫ У меня плагин работает. При логе и регистрации на сайте логится на форуме автоматом. А так же автоматом создается дубль на форуме. Но при logout на форуме на сайте лог остается.
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кто знает что там писать надо. А то я с куками вообще ни когда не сталкивался. Работает и без этого, но все-таки...
Мега вещь! Работающий мост!
как работает смотрим видео
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Просто сказка ))
JIB comes in two parts: an authentication plugin (JIB.Auth) and a user plugin (JIB.User). An overview of both is available below, but for more information please see the project homepage.
This plugin seamlessly integrates your IP.Board's members with Joomla!. After a simple three step installation, which doesn't require file edits or FTP access, your IP.Board's members will be able to instantly sign in to your Joomla! CMS. Your IP.Board install can be on an entirely separate domain and server from your Joomla! installation. The plugin offers a wide variety of settings which you can use to fine-tune your installation of JIB.Auth to fit your own needs. Limit access to specific user groups, group auto-promotion, failed login attempt handling, and more.
This plugin builds upon the integration made available in JIB.Auth. With JIB.User you can enable SSO (single sign on), which will allow your members to sign into Joomla! and be automatically signed in to IP.Board. JIB.User also supports new member registrations within IP.Board should a member register on your Joomla! install. With support for duplicate accounts, email validation, and more, JIB.User adds that little extra integration between your Joomla! and IP.Board members. Don't forget the easy three step installation that doesn't require file edits or FTP access!
А теперь качаем. Радуемся. И говорим спасибо.
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ЗЫ У меня плагин работает. При логе и регистрации на сайте логится на форуме автоматом. А так же автоматом создается дубль на форуме. Но при logout на форуме на сайте лог остается.
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кто знает что там писать надо. А то я с куками вообще ни когда не сталкивался. Работает и без этого, но все-таки...