Файл: engine.php
Назначение: подключение основных компонентов
die("Hacking attempt!");
if (isset ($_REQUEST['do'])) $do = $_REQUEST['do']; else $do = "";
if (isset ($_REQUEST['subaction'])) $subaction = $_REQUEST['subaction']; else $subaction = "";
if (isset ($_REQUEST['doaction'])) $doaction = $_REQUEST['doaction']; else $doaction = "";
if ($_REQUEST['act'] == "Arcade") $do = 'arcade';
if ($cstart < 0) $cstart = 0;
$allow_add_comment = FALSE;
$allow_full_story = FALSE;
$allow_active_news = FALSE;
$allow_comments = FALSE;
$allow_userinfo = FALSE;
$active = FALSE;
switch ($do) {
case "video" :
include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/video/main.php';
case "repa-stats" :
$action = "list";
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/repa.php';
case "repa-change" :
$action = "change";
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/repa.php';
case "tv-program" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/tv-program.php';
case "chat" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/chat/chat.php';
case "link" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/link.php';
case "partner" :
$partner_action = "partner-form";
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/partner.php';
case "search" :
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == "advanced") $_REQUEST['full_search'] = 1;
if ($config['full_search']) {
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/fullsearch.php';
} else {
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/search.php';
case "guestbook" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/guestbook.php';
case "comments" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/comments.php';
case "faq" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/faq.php';
case "files" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/files.php';
case "addfile" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/addfile.php';
case "fileslastcomments" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/fileslastcomments.php';
case "stats" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/stats.php';
case "banlist" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/banlist.php';
case "arcade":
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/arcade/arcade.php';
case "addnews" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/addnews.php';
case "sitemap" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/sitemap.php';
case "avatars" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/avatars.php';
case "register" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/register.php';
case "radio" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/radio.php';
case "lostpassword" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/lostpassword.php';
case "static" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/static.php';
case "portfolio" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/portfolio.php';
case "library" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/library.php';
case "favorites" :
if ($is_logged) {
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/favorites.php';
} else msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang['fav_error']);
case "feedback" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/feedback.php';
case "lastcomments" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/lastcomments.php';
case "pm" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/pm.php';
case "rate" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/rate.php';
case "googlemaps" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/googlemaps/index.php';
case "gallery" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/gallery/gallery.php';
case "horoscope" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/horoscope.php';
case "sonnik" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/sonnik.php';
case "work" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/work.php';
case "rulles" :
include ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/rulles.php';
$is_main = 0;
$active = false;
$thisdate = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", (time()+ ($config['date_adjust']*60)));
if (intval($config['no_date'])) $where_date = " AND date < '".$thisdate."'"; else $where_date = "";
$config['news_number'] = intval($config['news_number']);
$attachments = array();
if ($config['news_sort'] == "") $config['news_sort'] = "date";
if ($config['news_msort'] == "") $config['news_msort'] = "DESC";
$allow_list = explode (',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats']);
if ($allow_list[0] != "all") {
if ($config['allow_multi_category']) {
$stop_list = "category regexp '[[:<:]](".implode ('|', $allow_list).")[[:>:]]' AND ";
} else {
$stop_list = "category IN ('".implode ("','", $allow_list)."') AND ";
} else $stop_list = "";
if ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short']) $stop_list = "";
if (isset($_GET['rating']) && $_GET['rating'] != "")
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
$addsql = "ORDER BY rating DESC, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']."";
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."ratingorder";
if (isset($_GET['mostcomment']) && $_GET['mostcomment'] != "")
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
$addsql = "ORDER BY comm_num DESC, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']."";
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."commorder";
if (isset($_GET['mostread']) && $_GET['mostread'] != "")
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
$addsql = "ORDER BY news_read DESC, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']."";
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."readorder";
if(!isset($_GET['rating']) and !isset($_GET['mostcomment']) and !isset($_GET['mostread']))
$addsql = "ORDER BY fixed desc, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']."";
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND allow_main = '1'".$where_date." ".$addsql." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND allow_main = '1'".$where_date;
$sql_news = "";
// ################ Вывод отдельной категории #################
if ($do == "cat" AND $category != '' AND $subaction == '') {
if (!$category_id) $category_id = 'not detected';
if ($allow_list[0] != "all") {
if (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short'] AND !in_array ($category_id, $allow_list)) $category_id = 'not detected';
if ($config['show_sub_cats']) $get_cats = get_sub_cats ($category_id); else $get_cats = $category_id;
if ($cat_info[$category_id]['news_sort'] != "") $config['news_sort'] = $cat_info[$category_id]['news_sort'];
if ($cat_info[$category_id]['news_msort'] != "") $config['news_msort'] = $cat_info[$category_id]['news_msort'];
if ($cat_info[$category_id]['news_number']) $config['news_number'] = $cat_info[$category_id]['news_number'];
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'].get_url($category_id);
if ($config['allow_multi_category']) {
$where_category = "category regexp '[[:<:]](".$get_cats.")[[:>:]]'";
} else {
if ($config['show_sub_cats']) {
$get_cats = str_replace ("|", "','", $get_cats);
$where_category = "category IN ('".$get_cats."')";
} else {
$where_category = "category = '{$get_cats}'";
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$where_category} AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY fixed desc, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$where_category} AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
// ################ Вывод профиля пользователя #################
elseif ($subaction == 'userinfo')
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."user/".urlencode ($user);
if ($member_id['name'] == $user OR $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit'])
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, approve, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE autor = '$user' AND approve = '0' order by approve ASC, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where autor = '$user' AND approve = '0'";
$allow_active_news = true;
$allow_active_news = false;
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
// ################ Вывод всех новостей пользователя #################
elseif ($subaction == 'allnews')
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."user/".urlencode ($user). "/news";
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, approve, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}autor = '$user' AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}autor = '$user' AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
$allow_active_news = true;
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
// ################ Вывод непрочитанных новостей #################
elseif ($subaction == 'newposts')
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."newposts";
$thistime = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $_TIME);
if (isset($_SESSION['member_lasttime']))
$lasttime = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", $_SESSION['member_lasttime']);
$lasttime = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", (time()+ ($config['date_adjust']*60) - (3600*4)));
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND date between '$lasttime' and '$thistime' order by ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND date between '$lasttime' and '$thistime'";
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
// ################ Вывод по буквенному идентификатору #################
elseif ($catalog != "")
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url']."catalog/".urlencode ($catalog);
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, approve, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}symbol = '$catalog' AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}symbol = '$catalog' AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
else {
// ################ Новости на главной #################
if ($year == '' AND $month == '' AND $day == '') {
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = substr($config['http_home_url'], 0, strlen ($config['http_home_url'])-1);
if (isset($view_template) AND $view_template == "rss") {
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}approve = '1'";
if ($config['rss_mtype']) {
$sql_select .= " AND allow_main = '1'";
$sql_select .= $where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT 0,".$config['rss_number'];
} else {
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND allow_main = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY fixed desc, ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}approve = '1' AND allow_main = '1'".$where_date;
// ################ Новости за год #################
if ($year != '' AND $month == '' AND $day == '') {
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'].$year;
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}date >= '{$year}-01-01'AND date < '{$year}-01-01' + INTERVAL 1 YEAR AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}year(date) = '$year' AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
// ################ Новости за месяц #################
if ($year != '' AND $month != '' AND $day == '') {
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'].$year."/".$month;
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}date >= '{$year}-{$month}-01'AND date < '{$year}-{$month}-01' + INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}date >= '{$year}-{$month}-01'AND date < '{$year}-{$month}-01' + INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
// ################ Новости за день #################
if ($year != '' AND $month != '' AND $day != '' AND $subaction == '') {
if ($cstart){
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $config['news_number'];
$url_page = $config['http_home_url'].$year."/".$month."/".$day;
$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, SUBSTRING(full_story, 1, 15) as full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where {$stop_list}date >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' AND date < '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' + INTERVAL 24 HOUR AND approve = '1'".$where_date." ORDER BY ".$config['news_sort']." ".$config['news_msort']." LIMIT ".$cstart.",".$config['news_number'];
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE {$stop_list}date >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' AND date < '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' + INTERVAL 24 HOUR AND approve = '1'".$where_date;
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
// ################ Новость целиком #################
if ($subaction != '' OR $newsid) {
if (!$newsid)
$sql_news = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, full_story, xfields, title, category, descr, keywords, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, approve, votes, access, is_icq_razdacha, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE alt_name ='$news_name' AND date >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' AND date < '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' + INTERVAL 24 HOUR LIMIT 0,1";
$sql_news = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, full_story, xfields, title, category, descr, keywords, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_thanks, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, approve, votes, access, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where id = '$newsid'";
if ($subaction == '') $subaction = "showfull";
if(($subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "addcomment") and ((!isset($category) or $category == "")) ){
// Добавление комментария в базу данных
if($_POST['subaction'] == "addcomment") {
$allow_add_comment = TRUE;
$allow_comments = TRUE;
$ajax_adds = false;
include_once (ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/addcomments.php');
// Просмотр полной новости
if($subaction == "showfull") {
$allow_full_story = TRUE;
$allow_comments = TRUE;
include_once (ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/show.full.php');
} else{
// Просмотр профиля пользователя
if ($subaction == 'userinfo'){
$allow_userinfo = TRUE;
include_once (ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/profile.php');
} else {
$allow_active_news = TRUE;
// Просмотр кратких новостей
if ($view_template == "rss") {
$active = dle_cache("rss", $category_id, false);
} else {
if ($is_logged AND ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_edit'] AND !$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit'])) $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if ($cstart) $cache_id = ($cstart / $config['news_number']) + 1; else $cache_id = "1";
if ($cache_id < 8 AND !isset($_POST['login'])) $active = dle_cache("news", $config['skin'].$cache_id.$month.$year.$category, true); else $active = false;
if ($active) $tpl->result['content'] .= $active;
else {
include_once (ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/show.short.php');
if ($config['files_allow'] == "yes")
if ( stristr( $tpl->result['content'], "[attachment=" ) )
$tpl->result['content'] = show_attach($tpl->result['content'], $attachments);
if ($view_template == "rss" AND $news_found) {
create_cache("rss", $tpl->result['content'], $category_id, false);
} elseif ($news_found AND $cache_id < 8) create_cache("news", $tpl->result['content'], $config['skin'].$cache_id.$month.$year.$category, true);
Вывод заголовка страницы
$titl_e = '';
$nam_e ='';
$rss_url ='';
if ($do == "cat" AND $category != '' AND $subaction == '') {
$metatags['description'] = ($cat_info[$category_id]['descr'] != '') ? $cat_info[$category_id]['descr'] : $metatags['description'];
$metatags['keywords'] = ($cat_info[$category_id]['keywords'] != '') ? $cat_info[$category_id]['keywords'] : $metatags['keywords'];
$nam_e= stripslashes($cat_info[$category_id]['name']);
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") {
$rss_url = $url_page."/"."rss.xml";
} else {
$rss_url = $config['http_home_url']."engine/rss.php?do=cat&category=".$cat_info[$category_id]['alt_name'];
elseif ($subaction == 'userinfo') $nam_e = $lang['title_users'].' » '.$user;
elseif ($do == 'arcade') {
if (!empty($arcade->title)) {
$nam_e = $arcade_lng['arcade'].' » '.$arcade->title;
$metatags['description'] = $arcade->description;
$metatags['keywords'] = $arcade->title;
else $nam_e = $arcade_lng['arcade'];
elseif ($subaction == 'allnews') $nam_e = $lang['show_user_news'].' '.$user;
elseif ($subaction == 'newposts') $nam_e=$lang['title_new'];
elseif ($do == 'stats') $nam_e=$lang['title_stats'];
elseif ($do == 'addnews') $nam_e=$lang['title_addnews'];
elseif ($do == 'register') $nam_e=$lang['title_register'];
elseif ($do == 'favorites') $nam_e=$lang['title_fav'];
elseif ($do == 'pm') $nam_e=$lang['title_pm'];
elseif ($do == 'feedback') $nam_e=$lang['title_feed'];
elseif ($do == 'lastcomments') $nam_e=$lang['title_last'];
elseif ($do == 'lostpassword') $nam_e=$lang['title_lost'];
elseif ($do == 'search') $nam_e=$lang['title_search'];
elseif ($do == 'static') $titl_e=$static_descr;
elseif ($do == 'repa-stats') $titl_e='Просмотр репутации пользователя'.' » '.$us;
elseif ($do == 'repa-change') $titl_e='Изменение репутации пользователя'.' » '.$us;
elseif ($do == 'googlemaps') $nam_e="GoogleMaps";
elseif ($do == 'guestbook') $nam_e="Гостевая книга";
elseif ($do == 'files') $nam_e="Архив файлов";
elseif ($do == 'addfile') $nam_e="Добавление файла в архив файлов";
elseif ($catalog != "") $nam_e = $lang['title_catalog'].' » '.$catalog;
else {
if ($year != '' AND $month == '' AND $day == '') $nam_e=$lang['title_date'].' '.$year.' '.$lang['title_year'];
if ($year != '' AND $month != '' AND $day == '') $nam_e=$lang['title_date'].' '.$r[$month-1].' '.$year.' '.$lang['title_year1'];
if ($year != '' AND $month != '' AND $day != '' AND $subaction == '') $nam_e=$lang['title_date'].' '.$day.'.'.$month.'.'.$year;
if (($subaction != '' OR $newsid !='') AND $news_found) $titl_e = $metatags['title'];
if($nam_e) {
$metatags['title'] = $nam_e.' » '.$metatags['title'];
$rss_title = $metatags['title'];
if($titl_e) $metatags['title'] = $titl_e.' » '.$config['home_title'];
if(!$rss_url) {
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") {
$rss_url = $config['http_home_url']."rss.xml";
} else {
$rss_url = $config['http_home_url']."engine/rss.php";
$rss_title = $config['home_title'];
if ($do == 'banlist'){
$metatags['title'] = $metatags['titles'].' » '.$config['home_title'];
$nam_e = $metatags['titlet'];
$metatags = <<<HTML
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={$config['charset']}" />
<meta name="description" content="{$metatags['description']}" />
<meta name="keywords" content="{$metatags['keywords']}" />
<meta name="generator" content="Развлекательный портал HotSoft(http://www.softhot.ru)" />
<meta name="robots" content="all" />
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days" />
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="{$config['http_home_url']}engine/opensearch.php" title="{$config['home_title']}" />
if ($config['allow_rss'])
$metatags .= <<<HTML
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="{$rss_title}" href="{$rss_url}" />
if ($config['speedbar'] AND !isset($view_template)) {
$s_navigation = "<a href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}\">".$config['short_title']."</a>";
if ($category_id) $s_navigation .= " » ". get_categories ($category_id);
elseif ($nam_e) $s_navigation .= " » ". $nam_e;
if ($titl_e) $s_navigation .= " » ". $titl_e;
$tpl->set('{speedbar}', '<span id=\'dle-speedbar\'>'.stripslashes($s_navigation).'</span>');