ExcelExplorer Pro v.4.1

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2 Окт 2006
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What is ExcelExplorer? ExcelExplorer is a set of PHP5 classes that can read data from a MS Excel file without using COM, ODBC, etc. It can import data from binary Excel file (XLS) using only standard PHP functions. This means that Excel Explorer will work on any PHP-powered platform (Windows, Unix or other). No additional classes, modules, libraries or databases are required. No configurations needed. Just include it in your own script and use it! ExcelExplorer is not a stand-alone application. Instead of this it provides easy-to-use, multifunctional programming interface for the PHP programmers.

Using build-in caching, controlling what data to read, new features presented in PHP5 and many other techniques it's provides impressive speed, stability and optimal memory usage. Using ExcelExplorer you can retrieve data even from merged cells, formulas, date cells; get information about rows and columns (hidden, grouped, height, width), sheets (hidden, chart, Visual Basic Module), get information about cell styles (color, font, format), etc. You can read data from Excel files created on Windows or Mac platforms. If cell contains date information it will be automatically converted using 1900 (if file stored using Windows Excel) or 1904 (if file stored using Macintosh Excel) date systems.
For me such is script, but he to the old version 3.0. you can look it:
Program: PHP Excel Parser Pro
Version: 4.5
Release: Retail
Nulled by: ManHunter

In respect of version of Pro 3.0 and also Pro 2.3 am here:
Excel Explorer Pro v3.0:

Excel Explorer Pro v2.3:
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