Компонент Carousel CK Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1734426284859.pngCarousel CK can display your images or videos into a carousel. It is compatible with mobiles, and responsive design (adaptive width). You can easily manage the slide in the module options with a Drag & Drop interface.

List of features :
  • Unlimited slides
  • Ergonomic admin interface with Drag & Drop
  • Can display images or videos
  • Multiple options to congifure the carousel
  • Mobiles compatible
  • Responsive design (adapts the image to the width of the container)
  • Multiple skins
  • You can add a link on any slide
  • Captions with HTML allowed (to put some links for example)
  • Compatible RTL direction
  • Normal or random order for images display
  • You can add params to video url (&rel=0 for example)
  • Options to set the thumbnails height and width
  • You can load any article in the caption
  • Many fields to set the caption styles
  • Possibility to set a specific time for each slide
  • Responsive caption options (font-size, hide, ...)
  • Use local or hosted videos
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Carousel CK Pro 2.1.8 (J!3x)