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Content Scroll joomla 3, joomla 4 and joomla 5 module displays custom items or joomla content, with a scrolling effect loading images and changing backgrounds.
Ol Content Scroll 4.0.14
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Make animated text for any part of your website by using Shuffle Letters Effect.
It works simply by putting the names of div or class you want to animate the text in the Div name field. If it is a div, should put it for example #container and if is a class it should be example .container...
Display content or custom items in 3d carousel. The module has three styles - normal, ring and star. As custom items can load images, youtube, vimeo, mp4 video and iframe. It comes with lightbox popup and videos is optional to play in thumbnails or lightbox.
Ol 3D Carousel 4.0.11
Services responsive module allows you show your services with icons or photos in slider or show page mode.
There is a free version available for download but some of the features are not available.
Item settings.
Type (web icons or image)
Style ( 13 different styles)
Background (grey, red...
This free responsive module displays Joomla articles and news in beautiful carousel slider. In module settings you may choose yourself the number of items to be shown on desktop, tablets and mobile. In pro version is available to add custom items, effect - reveal on scroll down and has in total...
Scroll to Change joomla module displays articles in beautiful styles during scrolling down.
It has also option lo display custom items in three elements, Bar Chart, Before After and 3d Photo scale
OL Scroll to Change 4.0.3
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Flex hover slider has effect when hovering over an image, and animated title and descriptions. It displays joomla articles from selected categories with photo, title, text info and read more button.
Ol Flex Hover Slider 4.0.9
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Content Gallery is the easiest way to turn your articles in gallery. In module are included two unique styles - gallery and isotope.
Ol Content Gallery 4.0.13
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It is frustrating to commit a large amount of time to an article, only to realize that you simply don’t have the time to read it all. It can leave the reader with a bad experience of your website, which means they have no intention of returning to finish the post.
With Read Progress bar you can...
Displays articles in nice responsive slider with ten awesome styles.
Select Category
Child Category Articles
Category Depth
Featured Articles
Article Field to Order By
Ordering Direction
Open Link
Articles custom Fields - Yes / No
Category Title - Yes / No
Item Title - Yes / No
Title Max...
Reveal on scroll down module allows you to animate anything you want in your website.
Compatible with joomla 3 and joomla 4
Reveal on scroll down is based in wow.js and animate.css
The effect Animated Masker can be used with masker styles dark light, red, blue, green, orange, brown and yellow...
Собственно, ищу плагин от olwebdesign
Или хороший аналог. Который совместим с JSpeed \ JSitemap
DEMO: https://demo3.olwebdesign.com/extensions/preloader-module.html
JED: https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/ol-preloader/
With Media Player module you can play videos from YouTube, Vimeo, locally or photos.
General settings.
Player Layout - Fit to container / Fit to Browser (full screen) / Fixed size
Fixed Size Width
Fixed Size Height
Video Ratio
Poster image
Media Player Theme - Light / Dark
Item settings...
Ol Photo gallery Responsive Joomla Module, allows to display images or videos in slider, gallery or isotope style.
Ol Photo gallery v2.0.10
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Display articles or custom items in beautiful layouts with cool features such as parallax and background change.
Ol Nice Page v4.0.13
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Liquid slider displays content or custom items, with a liquid effect changing images.
Ol Liquid slider v4.0.7
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News post Responsive Joomla Module - display articles or custom items in carousel.
Joomla 3.x and joomla 4 module
News post module with 10 awesome styles
Ol News Post v4.0.10
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Fullscreen joomla 3 and joomla 4 module displays custom items or joomla content in full screen. The module is build in two version. Default version shows images and videos (youtube or vimeo) in full screen with title and info text for each item. Full screen scroll version based on scrolling and...
Testimonials Responsive Module for joomla 4 and joomla 3.
It is designed to showcase testimonials in a slideshow. in this module are included 20 awesome styles. The free version has only one style and rating stars is not available.
Show image, title, text, author's info and rating stars...
The module allows to display articles, custom or k2 items on a popup modal. Show full article in popup window and use navigation arrows to go to next article.
Available in three modal versions: default center and popup right and popup left. The module has awesome 10 styles.
Ol Content...
News Slider module displays the joomla articles from selected categories with photo, category, date, title, text info and read more button.
OL News Slider v4.0.8
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